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Beatwife - Ronaldsey [Concrete Collage]


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Spotted on discogs. Some old Beatwife archive stuff

"We are beyond thrilled to let you discover some "back in the day" tracks from one of our favorite producers, Richard Wilson aka Beatwife.

After a few Jungle orientated releases as Rognvald (with our beloved friends at Love Love Records), he gives us some of his old Braindance tracks that have never been released before.
Some are almost twenty years old, but the funky basslines and intricate grooves are still fresh.

With a perfect balance between raw synthesizer sounds and clean beats it would have been sad to leave those tunes to die on a hard drive, so here they are, available to you. "


Badcnap: https://concretecollage.bandcamp.com/releases

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This really doesn't do anything for me. I've actually gotten bored with BW/Rognvald stuff lately. Same with other late new braindance stuff, such as AF catalogue etc. , just can't get the kick out of them. Maybe only temporary phase. Dunno guys, kick me out of watmm ?

I still love the old farts like afx and kendrick though...

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Opened this thread to comment on the name. Cannibal Corpse has all kinds of fucked up song titles and I’m like “of course, breh” and then here comes some domestic violence IDM *record scratch*

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20 hours ago, Candiru said:

Opened this thread to comment on the name. Cannibal Corpse has all kinds of fucked up song titles and I’m like “of course, breh” and then here comes some domestic violence IDM *record scratch*

Better/worse yet, once you've come to know A.C., it really raises the bar to get offended by a moniker or a song name. Not for the faint hearted:

https://www.discogs.com/it/AC-It-Just-Gets-Worse/master/551561 :catsob:

Although, chuckled at these considering who we are talking here: https://www.discogs.com/it/AxCx-Picnic-Of-Love/master/279445

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Found this definition ages ago: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=beat wife

At any rate, it's no surprise that he changed his name.

On 6/13/2019 at 12:44 AM, Uros said:

This really doesn't do anything for me. I've actually gotten bored with BW/Rognvald stuff lately. Same with other late new braindance stuff, such as AF catalogue etc. , just can't get the kick out of them. Maybe only temporary phase. Dunno guys, kick me out of watmm ?

I still love the old farts like afx and kendrick though...

AF has been releasing mostly dance music for the past year and a half, though.

You should listen to the latest zvλd if you hadn't gotten around to it: https://141414.bandcamp.com/album/enantiodromia

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6 hours ago, Braintree said:

Found this definition ages ago: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=beat wife

At any rate, it's no surprise that he changed his name.

AF has been releasing mostly dance music for the past year and a half, though.

You should listen to the latest zvλd if you hadn't gotten around to it: https://141414.bandcamp.com/album/enantiodromia

Yeah zvλd is (sisfor)awesome as is 141414. Bazilleon and Baklava are huge (yup, much love for Occult Research)! And the crap tracks have some serious shit too. But still, can't really get into most of the stuff that have shaken the earth for some of my kin, such as Mause or Ruby My Dear or, shrugs, brainwaltzera. Bewwip/4th armpit or Roy of the Ravers are little so and so. There has been some other stuff though which have rocked my boat such as Acid Hologram by Useless Idea or Vytear's Kingtrips vol. 1.  Really dug watmm's very own Beathaven. And of course there was Heorge Garrison stuff which was top, so maybe I came out little bit too stark. And now I've heard rumors of this new cat, mad genius Mozex guy so maybe there's hope.

I guess what really hit me was the realization that I've gotten enough of Rognvald stuff, what is kinda sad, because the mysterious Gargattarax Llany channel mentioned above, which in turn eventually resulted into Cornbrail Acid II, was personally so huge deal to me back then. I really loved that album. And I now can't get into most of the new stuff when earlier everything from Odan to Untrkmind to Fah to Kendrick to mofo steinvord were top tier. Maybe I've become some old fart who simply just have some deep nostalgia toward the MySpace days.

Sorry, got little sidetracked. Was just something I've thought a bit when I realized I'm listening to somewhat different stuff the before. I blame mostly Adamovich and RSC.

12 hours ago, psn said:


I tell my GF this now and then, and it pisses her off every time:



As a pet lover my favorite is I Sold Your Dog To A Chinese Restaurant. Killer live footage here btw, some slick stage moves by Putnam:




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8 hours ago, Uros said:

Yeah zvλd is (sisfor)awesome as is 141414. Bazilleon and Baklava are huge (yup, much love for Occult Research)! And the crap tracks have some serious shit too. But still, can't really get into most of the stuff that have shaken the earth for some of my kin, such as Mause or Ruby My Dear or, shrugs, brainwaltzera. Bewwip/4th armpit or Roy of the Ravers are little so and so. There has been some other stuff though which have rocked my boat such as Acid Hologram by Useless Idea or Vytear's Kingtrips vol. 1.  Really dug watmm's very own Beathaven. And of course there was Heorge Garrison stuff which was top, so maybe I came out little bit too stark. And now I've heard rumors of this new cat, mad genius Mozex guy so maybe there's hope.

I guess what really hit me was the realization that I've gotten enough of Rognvald stuff, what is kinda sad, because the mysterious Gargattarax Llany channel mentioned above, which in turn eventually resulted into Cornbrail Acid II, was personally so huge deal to me back then. I really loved that album. And I now can't get into most of the new stuff when earlier everything from Odan to Untrkmind to Fah to Kendrick to mofo steinvord were top tier. Maybe I've become some old fart who simply just have some deep nostalgia toward the MySpace days.

Sorry, got little sidetracked. Was just something I've thought a bit when I realized I'm listening to somewhat different stuff the before. I blame mostly Adamovich and RSC

Going to take this time for a shameless plug, since it sounds like you might dig this: https://williamsbraintree.bandcamp.com/album/automaton-2

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Oh shit, I forgot about this, by the way. I saw him respond to a question about his name on FB ages ago. I couldn't tell if it was serious or not though.


Stumbled upon that image file while I was looking for something else just now.

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