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Warning points


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1 for being a major dickhead and flame-trolling.

edit: oops - looks like 0 points but a 7 day ban...

  • Given 0 points
  • Banned - 7 days


(what have been up to meng? seems like you haven't been on for a long ass time!)

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2 minutes ago, StephenG said:

1 for being a major dickhead and flame-trolling.


(what have been up to meng? seems like you haven't been on for a long ass time!)

Not much, just living. Haven't really been very IDM the last years.

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perunamuussi's Warnings


  1. 1

    NSFW Content

    C'mon, that picture of that poor cat... plus, there is a no gore rule on here. Please don't post stuff like that again.
    • Warned by Joyrex, July 18, 2016
  2. 1

    Topic Bumping

    Pornography and Mature Content
    • Warned by mcbpete, July 9, 2014
  3. 1


    That was really shitty of you to piggyback onto Yikes Record Crate sale and undercut him by 5 cents - I know you were probably trying to be 'funny' or something, but still - poor taste.
    • Warned by Joyrex, August 9, 2012
  4. 1


    Horse penis photos - NSFW
    • Warned by Joyrex, April 2, 2012
  5. 1


    The comments you made towards Masonic Boom are bordering on ban-worthy - you don't have any right to make such graphic comments regarding any member of this forum. Do not do this again...
    • Warned by Joyrex, November 23, 2011
  6. 1


    Gets you a warning. Be more careful in future, please.
    • Warned by Joyrex, September 12, 2011
  7. 1


    • Warned by delet..., July 7, 2011
  8. 1


    Nice painting though.
    • Warned by Joyrex, November 10, 2009
  9. 1


    You can't go editing old posts and making it so nobody knows it's NSFW...
    • Warned by Joyrex, July 15, 2009
  10. 1


    Telling weed to kill herself (especially when she's emotionally vulnerable, if she's not playing the attention game again) is really out of line.
    • Warned by Joyrex, March 10, 2009
  11. 1


    • Warned by Guest, November 11, 2008
  12. 1


    Your image was a LOL, but you didn't tag it...
    • Warned by Joyrex, July 31, 2008
  13. 1


    You know better, man!
    • Warned by Joyrex, December 10, 2007
  14. 1


    • Warned by mdg, April 23, 2007
  15. 1


    • Warned by Guest, December 9, 2006
  16. 1


    Yeah, the topic title is pretty self-explanatory, but I had no idea there was an image inside... shame.
    • Warned by Joyrex, October 24, 2006
  17. 1


    • Warned by easterlingman, October 20, 2006
  18. 1


    • Warned by chenGOD, August 28, 2006
  19. 1


    • Warned by Guest, August 13, 2006
  20. 1


    You know better...
    • Warned by Joyrex, April 28, 2006
  21. 1


    • Warned by mdg, April 3, 2006
  22. 1


    • Warned by easterlingman, March 23, 2006
  23. 1


    • Warned by chenGOD, March 11, 2006
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11 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

Who was this and why do people mention him so much

A guy full of angst, misunderstood and misrepresented, too honest from what I gather (watmm regarded him as the lowest-tier IDM nerd, so he got bullied often) ...

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1 NSFW Content


Warning issued by Joyrex

May 22, 2012


  • Given 1 points

Note for member

You know NSFW is not allowed, even in a spoiler tag.


1 Warning


Warning issued by Joyrex

November 8, 2011


  • Given 1 points

Note for member

1. Behave yourself and accept that it's my forum, my rules, and you will operate within those parameters

2. Request to have your account suspended permanently and do not return.


1 Warning


Warning issued by Joyrex

January 3, 2011


  • Given 1 points

Note for member

PM me or a Mod if something happens you're not happy with - no need to create a rude thread and then proceed to continue to be rude even after you were told WHY your signature was changed.


1 Warning


Warning issued by Squee

June 3, 2010


  • Given 1 points

Note for member

Hey man,

I've removed the post you posted in the BFH (Big FUcking Hole) topic since it was NSFW and according to the boards rules I have to give you a 10% warning. But hey, everyone gets that at one point or another :)

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23 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

A guy full of angst, misunderstood and misrepresented, too honest from what I gather (watmm regarded him as the lowest-tier IDM nerd, so he got bullied often) ...

what's really interesting about watmm is the negativity and in-fighting.  it should be happy for diversity but instead it enforces a hive mind of posting style.  i have no negative memories about troon and I remember seeing lots of his posts, but apparently people hate him?

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0 points babby

23 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

A guy full of angst, misunderstood and misrepresented, too honest from what I gather (watmm regarded him as the lowest-tier IDM nerd, so he got bullied often) ...

I dunno dude, this sounds more like a dramatization IMO, from what who member he was a serial shitposter and defiantly on some spectrum or another.  There was a period of several months (years?) where he'd start 10-15 new releases threads a day with no commentary, opinion or insight whatsoever - anything beyond a hyperlink was excess.  Diluted the shit out of the subforum.  And just when you assume its a cheap viral marketing bot he becomes a mod (again wtf) and the new releases scatology persists.  After that there was the troon 1.5 that started deep/derp thoughts threads in genban, also insufferable.  gotta agree with the pez dispenser on dis one.

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0 points, good boys and girls club for me.

Also since we seem to be voting, I agree with bobdobalina's troon-alysis (on the annoying side).  I vaguely remember a thread debating if troon and sup were the same poster.  There was also a theory that troon = rdj.. maybe more plausible.

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9 minutes ago, markedone said:

0 points, good boys and girls club for me.

Also since we seem to be voting, I agree with bobdobalina's troon-alysis (on the annoying side).  I vaguely remember a thread debating if troon and sup were the same poster.  There was also a theory that troon = rdj.. maybe more plausible.

sup and maximus mischief were definitely the same poster


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51 minutes ago, markedone said:

troon = rdj

Yeah. I took this one as quite obvious actually. But apparently most didn't. Good thing he changed his name, nowadays. ? 

Didn't rdj mention in an interview one time he was being bitched at an online forum? And it kinda makes sense, doesn't it. Vsnares, cylob. There's prolly more artists that have been pissed on around here. It goes with the territory, I guess. Dickheads being dickheads. It's only toxic when people start to band together, for one reason or another.

3 warning points for me, btw. Close to 10 years old.

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