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13 minutes ago, President Squidward said:

all of the democratic nominees are scummy or cringe. bernie is the only one that gives me hope

what is dumb is how obviously bad each nominee is in comparison to Bernie to the point where Bernie should be dominating, and yet he really isn't. Then again nearly half the country likes Trump so I guess there is a continuum.

Edited by Brisbot
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7 hours ago, joshuatxuk said:

Nah, she's got way too many years ahead of her and an election coming up with a lot of ire and money being thrown behind some pawns to get her out of office. She's younger than me and many others here. 

Good question though, pre-fallout from the debate many expected him to float Warren as either a VP or major cabinet slot. He urged her to run in 2016 after all. 

i thought the "AOC!!?!?!?!? :cat: lol but really" made it clear i was joking about her.... anyway yeah Warren seems the obvious choice, but the thing is i think any of those older candidates will basically require someone a decade or two younger than them with experience be put in as VP. Warren's younger (and more vibrant, and more interesting, and more pragmatic, and smarter and way less loud and... :trollface:) than Bernie but i don't think she's younger enough, basically. 

6 hours ago, ignatius said:

yeah.. it's hard to say. they could certainly out think themselves. i think a warren sanders ticket would be good. it's kind of what people thought from the start "just join forces already and get it overwith"

a more centrist VP choice could calm some of the insane dem old schoolers but seems like pandering wouldn't be the thing to do if he gets the nomination

yeah, idk how his base would deal with a centrist pick. i'm pretty sure a large portion wouldn't care, and of course most Dem voters are gonna vote for whoever gets the nom no matter what, but i could see some portion of the young loud rabid insanely ridiculous Bernie fans getting up in arms about someone who's too centrist/moderate/middle-America-ish. they might need that outsider/socialist lean on things to keep them from worrying Bernie's shilling for the DNC. Bernie's a smart guy, i'm sure he'd pick someone qualified, but i'm worried about his campaign pushing someone on him just to appeal to that young uber-left base of Bernie bros.

3 hours ago, Candiru said:

Not beating him would be such a disaster, that it's better to just win, and then stay politically engaged with a much more cooperative environment. 

wanna know a secret? i have this little inkling (totally unfounded) that literally anyone the Dems nominate will beat Trump. i think he's done for, too much of the R side doesn't fucking care anymore, they hate him and what he's done. empirically i'm not betting on that, but i've just got this little feeling that it doesn't really matter, Trump's going down. (i also was certain there was no way Trump was gonna get elected in 2016 despite the evidence that it was very much possible so i'm not betting on my gut feelings with this stuff)

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7 hours ago, Nebraska said:


the next thing i find interesting is that most of the democrats don't know how to beat trump- mainly because they're establishment politicians. trump is not. and that's why (so far) all the establishment tactics democrats have employed (comey, impeachment, etc) have failed. 

it's still crazy to think that after 4 years of essentially the worst president in modern American history, the dems still didn't figure this out. my thought is that there are a lot of voters that would like to go back to having a "normal" president after the extremities of trump - normal being a well spoken, white, middle aged guy. not creepy uncle joe, not super old "socialist" bernie, not gay mayor pete, and not female warren. was there not a Kennedy they could have dragged out of political obscurity to prop up as a candidate? 

or maybe I'm wrong, maybe they should've gone in the other direction and tried to find someone crazier and even more of a showman than trump...like an ex-wrestler. turn the election into a full blown WWE event. 


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4 hours ago, auxien said:

wanna know a secret? i have this little inkling (totally unfounded) that literally anyone the Dems nominate will beat Trump. i think he's done for, too much of the R side doesn't fucking care anymore, they hate him and what he's done. empirically i'm not betting on that, but i've just got this little feeling that it doesn't really matter, Trump's going down. (i also was certain there was no way Trump was gonna get elected in 2016 despite the evidence that it was very much possible so i'm not betting on my gut feelings with this stuff)

here imo youre wrong.  i think he has a huge, mainly white,middle class base that may decry his racist shit in public (or not), but secretly lack empathy and dont really give a shit.  or they (at least think) his conservative policies will get them ahead economically.  or they have conservative social views and just want him to pack the courts even more.

unfortunately there are plenty of (shitty) reasons people are sticking with him, and i think the polls underreport his numbers.  because in a poll someone might disagree with some of his policies but in the private ballot booth will still pull the trigger for him

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On 2/11/2020 at 7:53 PM, goDel said:

I'm becoming a fan of this guy here. A "looks like and sounds like white trash, but got a mind of his own"-guy. He used to be a journalist covering international affairs, btw. In case you were wondering. He's no slouch. ?


I gave this channel a genuine try and am not disappointed, guy got some refreshing perspectives

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14 hours ago, Salvatorin said:

okay i just have to say that facepalm reacting is a pussy ass bitch move. fuck all of you who do it. you know who you are.

It's politics, people have strong opinions and sometimes like to express them without telling you why.

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Man, seeing that photo of Zucc and Mayo Pete in the car together elicits a deep cringe that I cannot begin to describe, strictly in the context of future political ramifications.

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18 minutes ago, ambergonk said:

Man, seeing that photo of Zucc and Mayo Pete in the car together elicits a deep cringe that I cannot begin to describe, strictly in the context of future political ramifications.

The photo will age both poorly, and incredibly well. Especially knowing Zuckerberg wants to run for office someday. Will be even funnier if "Peat Bog Pete" and Zuckerberg run against each other.

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11 hours ago, markedone said:

here imo youre wrong.  i think he has a huge, mainly white,middle class base that may decry his racist shit in public (or not), but secretly lack empathy and dont really give a shit.  or they (at least think) his conservative policies will get them ahead economically.  or they have conservative social views and just want him to pack the courts even more.

unfortunately there are plenty of (shitty) reasons people are sticking with him, and i think the polls underreport his numbers.  because in a poll someone might disagree with some of his policies but in the private ballot booth will still pull the trigger for him

probably wrong about it yeah, it's definitely not backed up by any facts like i said. there's definitely those who will vote for him basically no matter what he does because of the reasons you stated.... and i agree that the polls seem to underreport some of the numbers when it comes to him. not debating the facts which those all are for sure.

just got this sorta undercurrent of Trump pissing off so many and just being so brash and insane constantly that even some of his supporters are turning tide, at least vocally so for the time being... (speaking from a little reporting i've seen online as well as personal anecdotal stuff) ...but when it comes down to it they may vote for Trump like many Dems voted for Hilary in '16, holding their nose voting for what it'll get them not because they like or respect the person (some Trump voters did exactly that already in '16 but i'm curious how many would do it twice after what they've seen of 4 years with this orange idiot). but it's that gap between his base and the rest of the Republican party that makes me have this gut feeling, i think. to vastly oversimplify things with no basis in fact: there were two camps of R voters that turned out in '16: 1) the die-hard always republican, fiscally and morally and religious right types, and 2) the Trump loons who probably would've voted for any Republican but likely hardly ever actually cared about politics really or voted rarely if at all, but man did they love how Trump riled everyone up. i'm not sure either camp will turn up this time in the amount of numbers they did then because some small portion of both camps don't like Trump now, and a larger portion of them (the 2 camp) aren't as fired up about getting out, they're complacent because Trump's already in there. following this line of thinking (again, no real basis in fact here), i'd posit that the only thing that would really rile everyone up again would be another Hilary-type boogieman that everyone on the R side hates. most obvious candidate for this right now might be Bernie because of the socialism spook-factor (Trump's basically begging for him to be the nominee for this and for other reasons). but there's arguments against that as well of course....

okay sorry for all the rambling there. 

1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

It's politics, people have strong opinions and sometimes like to express them without telling you why.

i'm always glad to tell people why i think a thing they said is facepalm-worthy (i'm that kind of obnoxious bastard in case anyone hasn't noticed) but i just don't have that much time (please ignore the massive block of text above that contradicts this statement) to explain it constantly and every single time it happens

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23 minutes ago, auxien said:

i'm always glad to tell people why i think a thing they said is facepalm-worthy (i'm that kind of obnoxious bastard in case anyone hasn't noticed) but i just don't have that much time (please ignore the massive block of text above that contradicts this statement) to explain it constantly and every single time it happens

lol, I'm just teasing. My whole family is conservative except me so it's facepalm central here. We haven't seen each other in years because we're constantly in a facepalmed state.

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7 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

lol, I'm just teasing. My whole family is conservative except me so it's facepalm central here. We haven't seen each other in years because we're constantly in a facepalmed state.

i was just really stating what i said there not directing it towards you or anything if that wasn't clear ? can sympathize, there's plenty of conservatives around me as well...i guess there's plenty around us all to facepalm internally, externally, eternally. facepalm the universe. :beer:

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3 hours ago, Nebraska said:

i cannot imagine who in the biden campaign thought this was a good idea

he makes me cringe even when he's not making a gaf.  also, the women of the view just love the guy and apparently have been singing his praises since he announced. he's "their guy" or whatever. 

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23 minutes ago, ignatius said:

he makes me cringe even when he's not making a gaf.  also, the women of the view just love the guy and apparently have been singing his praises since he announced. he's "their guy" or whatever. 

curious what y'all see in there that is so cringe-worthy or a bad idea. he wasn't making any revelations or even having anything new or particularly helpful to say. waste of 8 minutes even half-paying attention

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23 minutes ago, auxien said:

curious what y'all see in there that is so cringe-worthy or a bad idea. 

  • bringing up rush limbaugh then "almost" going too far with the insult only to stop himself and illicit awkward laughs from the panel
  • his unconvincing stance that he believes he's the one that can bring trump 
  • claiming that his poll numbers are because 98% of minorities have not voted 
  • the lack of instilling any confidence in his audience/voters and instead sounding like someone preparing himself for defeat with "this is my last dance" 
  • he was boring. i don't expect him to be fun, but he could at least be engaging 

to me: he comes across as incredibly arrogant and aloof that he's beyond reasoning with and you can only watch him sink himself in reckless hubris

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yeah.. agreed.. biden seems like he's going through the motions and is just talking the talk when really he just wants to go retire and take a nap. he seems muddled and not up to it.  

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9 hours ago, Nebraska said:
  • bringing up rush limbaugh then "almost" going too far with the insult only to stop himself and illicit awkward laughs from the panel
  • his unconvincing stance that he believes he's the one that can bring trump 
  • claiming that his poll numbers are because 98% of minorities have not voted 
  • the lack of instilling any confidence in his audience/voters and instead sounding like someone preparing himself for defeat with "this is my last dance" 
  • he was boring. i don't expect him to be fun, but he could at least be engaging 

to me: he comes across as incredibly arrogant and aloof that he's beyond reasoning with and you can only watch him sink himself in reckless hubris

  • well the Limbaugh thing was a little cringe but not all too bad
  • yeah, that's 100% normal and expected spin from any nominee
  • there's likely a lot of truth in that. he's almost certain to do much better in the next couple weeks, as his polls do have him rather high both in individual states and nationally...but it seems his polls are overestimating him somewhat, i think he does have the most minority support in any currently quantifiable way. all that matters is who gets the caucus/primary votes tho obv.
  • agreed. he knows he shouldn't have run.
  • yeah, he's occasionally engaging for a moment or two in the debates, but they all seem to be rehearsed bits. engaging at every TV appearance isn't necessary of course but it would certainly be helpful, yeah.

right, agreed on the arrogant and aloof thing too. i'm just not seeing why this appearance was worth pointing out as anything in particular i guess, those are all things you'd expect from Biden and/or anyone running for office, except it was surprisingly gaffe-less if anything. he was middling and bumbling and 100% everything that he's been in every appearance i've seen since he started running.

i guess in my head he's already on the way out, even if he does better over the next few states. he's just muddying up the waters for the rest, fucker looks like he's using his last ounce of energy before death in literally every appearance i've seen him in, he's just not got it in him to be the president until 2025. don't know what his friends and family were thinking allowing/encouraging him on this.

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