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Guest brianellis

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Pretty much finished cabling everything together and ready to start making music again after buying a lot of new gear a few months back.  I still some Y cables for the individual Vermona outputs but other than that it's done.





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Red Panda Particle.  Fucking ace little pedal, still can't control it well enough for beats but on pads and reverbs it's great.


Oh cool.  I have their old pitch tracking bit crusher for the Line 6 Tonecore pedals and it's great but I haven't really paid attention to their newer stuff.

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I found the candle holder in the hall way of my building, can't believe someone threw it out! The Vermona is brilliant. Needs a little extra but with the filter and verb it comes alive, versatile as fuck. Getting kicks off the snare channel is very satisfying



The best thing so far is the behringer rack mixer so I can sum multiple sources into the same effect, generates a lot of craziness.

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I looked up that K1m and there's some good sounds possible in it for sure, programming it looks like it could get old quickly, but for the right price it could be a good buy. They're going for way more than I'd pay on eBay though ($200 average it seemed), and I'm not looking into buying anything for the time being anyway. Maybe in a few months once I get really comfortable or done with the stuff I'm working on now. 

0e1a0835475cd1c5f23599a8fbacac5f.jpg My current set up.




If you want to know what this setup sounds like, I put together an album full of live jams made here (and the previous set up/studio). Zero overdubs and only the slightest of edits on a couple tracks. https://tsrono.bandcamp.com/album/erythric-limnes



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If you want to know what this setup sounds like, I put together an album full of live jams made here (and the previous set up/studio). Zero overdubs and only the slightest of edits on a couple tracks. https://tsrono.bandcamp.com/album/erythric-limnes





damn, this is great stuff! incredible sense of texture & detail in your music. really well recorded & mastered. some of the most 'tactile' sounding tracks i've heard, if that makes sense. :music:

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Thank you digit!  :blush: 


They're all pretty 'raw' recordings, especially for me, everything you hear is hardware (mostly analog) with some digital routing and manipulation...I think that contributes a lot to the texture and tactile feel you mention. I'm glad it's coming across that way to people and isn't too harsh :) 

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My flatmate got a new job recently and moved across the water; this means my rent's doubled but on the plus side, I've been able to turn the attic room into a studio/chill chamber. Pretty much all of the gear is low-budget eBay stuff but there's enough there to keep me busy for the forseeable future; not suffering any GAS at the mo, just keen to spend more time up in here:








Yamaha PSS-570 on top; the more time I spend with this the more I like this little thing. I find if a track's missing something or maybe needs a little sparkling lead line, this is the one: for whatever reason it cuts through a mix really nicely. It's super simple and immediate and can do some lovely FM weirdness.


Old (pre-MIDI) Casiotone on the bottom; gripped this because it has lovely analogue drums that sounds very similar to stuff off old Cluster albums, which I love (there's a really good example of what I mean on this):



It's an old beast but is actually capable of really interesting stuff; haven't had as much time to play with it as I would like, as of yet, though.




Got a few new bits of kit on the desk that don't really show in the photo: a Kawai XS-1 and a Korg DDD-5 drummo. Looking forward to getting down and dirty with them.


The comfy white chair is for sitting with headphones and doing deep listens.




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Not my studio, but this guy has posted lots of techno clips all in his constantly changing studio, tons of hardware on display (not always with modular stuff), lots of lesser-known and obscure machines on display right alongside whatever else. Always a good sound too of course, thought you studio-lovers might enjoy seeing  :)

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When'd you sell it? I got the XS-1 May or June-ish this year, I'd say

yeah sold it before that...think about July 2016 maybe. was a cool little box though! made a few tracks using it alone.

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Yamaha PSS-570 on top; the more time I spend with this the more I like this little thing. I find if a track's missing something or maybe needs a little sparkling lead line, this is the one: for whatever reason it cuts through a mix really nicely. It's super simple and immediate and can do some lovely FM weirdness.


A friend of mine has a PSS-570, it's a great little keyboard.  Closest I've got is the PSS-140 I got for Christmas as a kid.  Still sees some use.

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