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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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er. What doesnt mater? In discourse about controllers over mouse it does a bit.


yeah why do you think all first person shooters have auto aim by default these days? it's a fuckin console handicap because controllers suck ass

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er. What doesnt mater? In discourse about controllers over mouse it does a bit.


yeah why do you think all first person shooters have auto aim by default these days? it's a fuckin console handicap because controllers suck ass



LOL way to miss the point, champs.



if the guy likes a controller, beating him with a mouse and keyboard will more than likely not have an effect on his choice.

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Bought BC2 today the single player (so far) is fantastic, the multi player is a beast too, but needs some getting used to (shame there is no prone setting, when your a sniper tho)


anyone wanna have a rinse on BC2 on the xbox360 later?


add me - Smojphace303

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Guest AcrossCanyons

Not talking graphically. Graphics don't matter much to me (however, better graphics are always a great bonus ofcourse), just never liked using a keyboard/mouse. I prefer something I can hold and move around with. (console controllers)


I reckon, you using a controller and me using a keyboard and mouse, I could beat you at any FPS.


A) FPS aren't the only types of games in the world. B) So?


if the guy likes a controller, beating him with a mouse and keyboard will more than likely not have an effect on his choice.



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i got mass effect 2 but stopped half way through because i got bioshock 2 and heavy rain and played those for a bit but then i got bad company 2 which i've been playing online for days now but today i got god of war 3 so i guess i'll be playing that for a while



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didn't realize how easy games are now than a few years back.



Got the GOW collection, quit about 30minutes into the first level....I kept falling off a goddamn pole trying to get some treasure AGH

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Guest bitroast



this was just released on wii virtual console in its original form. i was excited about playing castlevania:rebirth but was really disapointed with it. this game on the other hand is an instant classic.


i also recently (last month or so) got a ds. been playing a whole lot of castlevania dawn of sorrow, n+, mario kart, etc. plus the nes emulator is AMAZING :D

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Traded in some unwanted games (Band Hero, Skate, GTAIV) and picked up GoW3. Can't wait to play it. Gonna finish up with The GoW Collection first though. I've beaten them both already when they first came out on PS2, but I a) want to get the story fresh in mind and b)want the trophies. I've got the platinum for GoW1 and will soon have it for GoW2 as well as I'm about half way done the game. But boy am I itching to just pop in GoW3 and play it.


Still have FFXIII to beat too.

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Smojphace you deleted me from your list, wat up wit dat? I'm on BC2 all the time bitch! :)




What are you playing? Conquest? Rush? And please tell me you're playing on Hardcore

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It's a long shot and I apologise for disrupting the thread but this post should be easy enough to ignore. I just didn't really feel like it warranted a new thread.


Basically I was wondering if any UK WATMM'ers knew of a decent place to buy a laptop for around £500, I don't fancy getting shafted by PC World or ripped off by Dell again.



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It's a long shot and I apologise for disrupting the thread but this post should be easy enough to ignore. I just didn't really feel like it warranted a new thread.


Basically I was wondering if any UK WATMM'ers knew of a decent place to buy a laptop for around £500, I don't fancy getting shafted by PC World or ripped off by Dell again.




i'm sure you'd get many more answers (maybe better ones too) if you just posted a thread.

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It's a long shot and I apologise for disrupting the thread but this post should be easy enough to ignore. I just didn't really feel like it warranted a new thread.


Basically I was wondering if any UK WATMM'ers knew of a decent place to buy a laptop for around £500, I don't fancy getting shafted by PC World or ripped off by Dell again.




if you want a machine for gaming and want to limit the amount you spend, i recommend building a desktop instead.

it can cost you a lot less if you're willing to do the work. you can pick up a 775 motherboard, case, a mid-range socket 775 processor, a fan, a cheap PSU, RAM and a semi-decent GPU for less than 500 bucks i reckon. maybe an LCD too if you find a bundle. provided you are willing/able to recycle a few components, possibly...

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alright, im putting GOW collection on hold for now and gonna try to get through Silent Hill Homecoming....someone here told me it wasnt all that bad...and i loves me some silent hill (4 excepted god i hated that game)

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this was just released on wii virtual console in its original form. i was excited about playing castlevania:rebirth but was really disapointed with it. this game on the other hand is an instant classic.


i also recently (last month or so) got a ds. been playing a whole lot of castlevania dawn of sorrow, n+, mario kart, etc. plus the nes emulator is AMAZING :D


That mutherfucker is HARD. I have it on PSP and had to resist throwing the damn thing across the bus while playing sometimes.



Traded in some unwanted games (Band Hero, Skate, GTAIV) and picked up GoW3. Can't wait to play it. Gonna finish up with The GoW Collection first though. I've beaten them both already when they first came out on PS2, but I a) want to get the story fresh in mind and b)want the trophies. I've got the platinum for GoW1 and will soon have it for GoW2 as well as I'm about half way done the game. But boy am I itching to just pop in GoW3 and play it.


Still have FFXIII to beat too.


Finally got unstuck on GoW 1, beat the Minotaur, found the other Muse key, and making my way along the Cliffs of Madness, looking for Aphrodite's necklace, but I'm stuck in the room with the spikes where you have to push the box over in time to get up the ledge. Will probably play some more tonight.


Holding off on GoW III and FF XIII until I beat GoW Collection and have those platinums.

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Traded in some unwanted games (Band Hero, Skate, GTAIV) and picked up GoW3. Can't wait to play it. Gonna finish up with The GoW Collection first though. I've beaten them both already when they first came out on PS2, but I a) want to get the story fresh in mind and b)want the trophies. I've got the platinum for GoW1 and will soon have it for GoW2 as well as I'm about half way done the game. But boy am I itching to just pop in GoW3 and play it.


Still have FFXIII to beat too.


Finally got unstuck on GoW 1, beat the Minotaur, found the other Muse key, and making my way along the Cliffs of Madness, looking for Aphrodite's necklace, but I'm stuck in the room with the spikes where you have to push the box over in time to get up the ledge. Will probably play some more tonight.


Holding off on GoW III and FF XIII until I beat GoW Collection and have those platinums.



Ya, that room with the spikes in the ground was tough, you have to do it perfectly as your given just the right amount of time to do it in.


A tip to get the platinum for GoW1 is to do the challenge of the gods before your second play through. This will give you all of the costumes. Then for your second play through, use the cow costume which gives you infinite magic. Spam your enemies with Posiedon's Rage and you can easily beat the game in under 5 hours. Only kill enemies that you have to in order to continue, just run past the others and you'll have plenty of time to spare.

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been booting all sorts of shit out of BBC2 and loving it.


oh and borderlands (still)


i have no interest in GoW III (nor did i have any in MW2) - if the official playstation magazine tells me it's a 'must buy' then i start to smell 'bribe' and tend to avoid the hype.


might try FF XIII at some point but liberty city and gay tony are out soon (as is red dead...) so that will take up the shit


oh and FIFA World Cup 2010 might be nice

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Downloaded The Tester episodes from PSN. And behold, Richard D James' twin is in the first episode




That guy was a fucking tool - my kids and I have been loving the shit out of The Tester. Funny stuff.


been booting all sorts of shit out of BBC2 and loving it.


oh and borderlands (still)


i have no interest in GoW III (nor did i have any in MW2) - if the official playstation magazine tells me it's a 'must buy' then i start to smell 'bribe' and tend to avoid the hype.


might try FF XIII at some point but liberty city and gay tony are out soon (as is red dead...) so that will take up the shit


oh and FIFA World Cup 2010 might be nice


FIFA WC isn't worth it unless you're really big on the teams. Same graphics engine, same everything as FIFA 10 from what I've heard.


Traded in some unwanted games (Band Hero, Skate, GTAIV) and picked up GoW3. Can't wait to play it. Gonna finish up with The GoW Collection first though. I've beaten them both already when they first came out on PS2, but I a) want to get the story fresh in mind and b)want the trophies. I've got the platinum for GoW1 and will soon have it for GoW2 as well as I'm about half way done the game. But boy am I itching to just pop in GoW3 and play it.


Still have FFXIII to beat too.


Finally got unstuck on GoW 1, beat the Minotaur, found the other Muse key, and making my way along the Cliffs of Madness, looking for Aphrodite's necklace, but I'm stuck in the room with the spikes where you have to push the box over in time to get up the ledge. Will probably play some more tonight.


Holding off on GoW III and FF XIII until I beat GoW Collection and have those platinums.



Ya, that room with the spikes in the ground was tough, you have to do it perfectly as your given just the right amount of time to do it in.


A tip to get the platinum for GoW1 is to do the challenge of the gods before your second play through. This will give you all of the costumes. Then for your second play through, use the cow costume which gives you infinite magic. Spam your enemies with Posiedon's Rage and you can easily beat the game in under 5 hours. Only kill enemies that you have to in order to continue, just run past the others and you'll have plenty of time to spare.


Cool, thanks for the info. Cow Costume? WTF

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Godfinger - iPod. A bit basic, but I like the style and I'm really enjoying it, need a constant internet conetion to play though.




Compny founded by some old Lionhead Studios members who worked on Black and White, Fable etc.



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