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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Haha, wicked. I won't pick up 2010 probably, I can't bring myself to buy annual updates but I reckon I'll be in line to get 2011 when it's out. I'll add you on Live at some point and when I'm better at it (only got it on Saturday and I'm still a bit crap) I'll give you a few games if you like?

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Haha, wicked. I won't pick up 2010 probably, I can't bring myself to buy annual updates but I reckon I'll be in line to get 2011 when it's out. I'll add you on Live at some point and when I'm better at it (only got it on Saturday and I'm still a bit crap) I'll give you a few games if you like?



i dont have nhl09 i sold it when i got nhl10, and probally sell nhl10 when i get nhl11


but yeah add away on xbl if you want: smojphace303


apart from nhl10 im playing fifa10, bfbc2 and rdr and gta4

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Oh damn it, I thought I had already seen the thing on the PS3-shelve a couple times.


You probably saw FarCry 2 and thought it was Crysis - I made the same mistake many times.

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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.













I'm excited about the 3DS, though.

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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.













I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


You've played a 3D game?





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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.









I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


WOW , those people don't have glasses, 3D-EYE contacts?

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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.













I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


You've played a 3D game?






I was "lucky" enough to see RockBand in 3D the other day. And yeah, I know it's not exactly the best example of a 3D game but it really didn't look all that great. It certainly didn't create a whole new experience like they say 3D is supposed to.

And now Ubisoft is saying that by 2012 50% of all their titles will be in 3D. :facepalm:


But if the 3DS uses cameras to create a 3D enviroment then color me interested because that is a great idea. I like the idea of being able to control the 3D enviroment, twisting and turning it like you see in that famous Nintendo DSi 3d video, because it makes sense. I don't want gimmicky 3D FPS games where every enemy fires stuff at your face so it looks like it's coming right at you because that grows old fast.


I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft is somehow developing 3D games for Natal now...

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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.









I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


WOW , those people don't have glasses, 3D-EYE contacts?


Don't need them with a 3d tv.

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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.









I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


WOW , those people don't have glasses, 3D-EYE contacts?


Don't need them with a 3d tv.



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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.









I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


WOW , those people don't have glasses, 3D-EYE contacts?


Don't need them with a 3d tv.




Alright, maybe some 3D tv's. The shit ones.


Allow me to revise my post:


Don't need them with all 3D TV's.


Edit: Also that's a shit picture. Either that or there's a driving game with a dog-staring-out-of-the-rear-windscreen camera position.

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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.









I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


WOW , those people don't have glasses, 3D-EYE contacts?


Don't need them with a 3d tv.




Boxing Day, that's an HDTV with no 3D support which is why they're wearing 3D glasses, whereas the picture that Obel talks about is a 3D TV where no glasses are required.


EDIT: Obel beat me to it.

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That's cool i guess, the thing that bother me about 3d are the glasses , maybe i will give it a try when these become available for the lower-class in 2021.


(Gosh , i can feel the nausea already)

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3D TVs aren't as expensive as I first thought. I wouldn't want one through, 3D gaming might be kind of cool, but I hate when people say 3D is the future of cinema as if it's the next technological breakthrough like colour was. Seems to be more of a gimmick than anything, nice to watch here and there but you're not really going to see more cerebral films in 3D - which I tend to watch more of.




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lol Hellz yeah - I think watching Lost Highway 3d might send me over the edge. . . "At your house don't you remember . . . I'm there RIGHT NOW"


*Robert Blake pops up behind couch with cell phone*


I have been thinking lately that, given what that guy accomplished with a jury-rigged Wii 3d head tracking, they could do something similar with Natal. If the device really can track in realtime (which I'm totally NOT convinced it can without lag), you could use it to functionally implement the sort of 3d that's being talked about. I have no idea if this would be cool or just kind of nauseating . . . or if this could be done without a 3d tv (i ain't got no money, honey, and it'll be an age before I can afford another TV)


PS Red Dead Redemption - too early to say, but overall a resoundingly awesome experience so far. Almost all the things I hated about GTAIV are gone and replaced with things I actually find entertaining.

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The first no-glasses-required set we actually managed to spot on the show floor is made by a Chinese company called TCL. A loop of animated 3D cartoons played over a honeycomb of 3D sets. The 42-inch TD-42F is already on the market in China, says TCL 3DTV Project Marketing Manager King (no last name). It sells for about $20,000.




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Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.









I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


WOW , those people don't have glasses, 3D-EYE contacts?


parallax screen tech - no glasses or eyewear needed.


Can I just say something real quick?



Fuck 3d!

Get that shit out of my face.













I'm excited about the 3DS, though.


You've played a 3D game?






I was "lucky" enough to see RockBand in 3D the other day. And yeah, I know it's not exactly the best example of a 3D game but it really didn't look all that great. It certainly didn't create a whole new experience like they say 3D is supposed to.

And now Ubisoft is saying that by 2012 50% of all their titles will be in 3D. :facepalm:


But if the 3DS uses cameras to create a 3D enviroment then color me interested because that is a great idea. I like the idea of being able to control the 3D enviroment, twisting and turning it like you see in that famous Nintendo DSi 3d video, because it makes sense. I don't want gimmicky 3D FPS games where every enemy fires stuff at your face so it looks like it's coming right at you because that grows old fast.


I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft is somehow developing 3D games for Natal now...


Rockband in 3D? on PC? I haven't heard anything about it on the consoles, so I'm guessing what you saw was 3D, and yes, most PC 3D gaming setups are pretty lame - I personally haven't seen the console implementations in person, but I have a feeling the experience (much like the difference between PC gaming and console gaming) will be much smoother on consoles, and easier to set up/get into.


Yes, Microsoft is 'exploring' 3D - I'm not convinced 3D is the next big thing for games until they can consistently deliver 60fps in 3D. So far, the only game I know that does that is SuperStardust HD on the PS3, which gets a free 3D update on June 10th in Japan only, other territories later.


I think the best 3D games will be games made around the 3D, rather than just adding the effect to existing genres.

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I don't any sources to back me up about this but I think 3D gaming will be the new EyeToy for this generation. The EyeToy was one of the first motion controllers for gaming but it wasn't until this generation of consoles that motion controllers got interesting and then turned into a huge success (at least for the Wii). The same thing will happen with 3D. It won't be until the next generation (2012-2013?) that 3D gaming will be worth talking about as a gameplay feature. Fow now it'll just be another, 'wow, it's like the things are coming right at me'- :emotawesomepm9:-feature.

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I don't any sources to back me up about this but I think 3D gaming will be the new EyeToy for this generation. The EyeToy was one of the first motion controllers for gaming but it wasn't until this generation of consoles that motion controllers got interesting and then turned into a huge success (at least for the Wii). The same thing will happen with 3D. It won't be until the next generation (2012-2013?) that 3D gaming will be worth talking about as a gameplay feature. Fow now it'll just be another, 'wow, it's like the things are coming right at me'- :emotawesomepm9:-feature.


Except 3D gaming has been around since 1987 (The Sega Master System or SG-1000 as it's known elsewhere in the world), using the exact same tech the current 3D uses (shutter-frame LCDs).


And before the EyeToy, we had the Sega Activator for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, which was a motion controller.

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I don't any sources to back me up about this but I think 3D gaming will be the new EyeToy for this generation. The EyeToy was one of the first motion controllers for gaming but it wasn't until this generation of consoles that motion controllers got interesting and then turned into a huge success (at least for the Wii). The same thing will happen with 3D. It won't be until the next generation (2012-2013?) that 3D gaming will be worth talking about as a gameplay feature. Fow now it'll just be another, 'wow, it's like the things are coming right at me'- :emotawesomepm9:-feature.


Except 3D gaming has been around since 1987 (The Sega Master System or SG-1000 as it's known elsewhere in the world), using the exact same tech the current 3D uses (shutter-frame LCDs).


And before the EyeToy, we had the Sega Activator for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, which was a motion controller.


The same thing goes for 3D movies. But for some reason 3d peaks right around now.


Oh, and don't forget the The Virtual Boy :emotawesomepm9:

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I own an nvidia 3d vision kit and i like it but i definitely feel it was a waste of money. There's a possibility that 3d may someday be interesting but as of right now its just a fad/gimmick.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

It's criminal, I know, but I've had HL2 for years and not bothered playing it. Just went on it for about 20 minutes and something about it makes me feel like blowing chunks. I'm fine with other games, TF2 included.

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