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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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I've been spending extended periods of time on Final Fantasy XIII lately. What a letdown... Where are the sidequests and the adventurous explorations that made Final Fantasy such a marvelous series? Nevertheless, I quite enjoy the battle system, it makes boss battles more interesting. And I would have sex with all the female characters.


I share exactly the same feeling about this game, but nevertheless am compelled to keep playing it.


A friend of mine said that the game actually gets better once you finish the main storyline, so I'm hoping that's when the sidequests and shit kick in

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

Has anyone had a chance to try Limbo yet? I'm dying to try it, but it ain't out on PS3 yet.


its coming to PSN?

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Guest ansgaria

Has anyone had a chance to try Limbo yet? I'm dying to try it, but it ain't out on PS3 yet.


its coming to PSN?


I was pretty confident about it, even though I did hear something about it being announced for the PS3 and PC was merely a mistake, but I didn't really believe that. A few minutes of research after and it's true. Fuck.

I hope my mate with an Xbox gets it then.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

played way too much pixeljunk eden on saturday. the music on subsequent levels gets more annoying repetitive.



played pixeljunk monsters and was throughly unimpressed. only good thing is its 2 player co-op.

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Guest happycase

I got Final Fantasy 6 on ROM and it's one of the most touching, hilarious, and worthwhile games I"ve ever played.

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played way too much pixeljunk eden on saturday. the music on subsequent levels gets more annoying repetitive.



played pixeljunk monsters and was throughly unimpressed. only good thing is its 2 player co-op.


I'm shocked - I loved Monsters (still need to go back one day and get the uber-hard trophies for it). Eden, on the other hand, seemed like a chore in the later levels, so I set it aside for a bit.


They should have had Autechre score Eden - fits right in with the visual aesthetic.


Currently on a Super Street Fighter IV binge, with occasional Dead Space runs (trying to beat it on Impossible, and well, it lives up to it's name if you don't have the ammo/health in good supply as most enemies from Chapter 4 onwards are one-hit kills unless you've upgraded the suit to 4 or higher by that point.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

played way too much pixeljunk eden on saturday. the music on subsequent levels gets more annoying repetitive.



played pixeljunk monsters and was throughly unimpressed. only good thing is its 2 player co-op.


I'm shocked - I loved Monsters (still need to go back one day and get the uber-hard trophies for it). Eden, on the other hand, seemed like a chore in the later levels, so I set it aside for a bit.


They should have had Autechre score Eden - fits right in with the visual aesthetic.



the music for monsters makes it even worse.


my criticism of the eden music is only because of how much i love the first level music

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Guest cardan

FALLOUT 3 . . . woah


the first time i played through it i was a good guy, never taking advantage, doin the good thing, etc.. and that was real cool, but now on the second go-around i'm pillaging and killing everything, and it changes everything so much, you can easily spend a non-stop week on this game foreal

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Guest Gary C

Definitely trading in Red Dead Redemption.


Seriously considering Limbo. I just don't have the time for big expansive sandbox-type games anymore and although Limbo may be short I want a pretty, simple game that I can dip in and out of.

Maybe I'll get Alan Wake too, because I want to be emotionally affected by a game, and cheap frights is the best way a game can do that.


Perhaps Dead Space on the cheap. Mhmm. Recommend me some Xbox games, WATMM.

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^^^^^^ seconded... i rented Alan Wake thinking yeah, its gonna be a cheap thrill thing.. So I spent like 4 hours on it. and i cant play it again, coz im scared*. i never thought i'd feel so safe in light. i might have a go right now. its such a great story, i wanna know how it ends.


my avatar w/ alan's agent's jacket :emotawesomepm9:




i'd reccomend, applejack on xbla, battle field bad compnay 2 if you dont have it, the bigs 2 (baseball) is great too, arcade style so you wont get bored. rainbow 6 1 & 2 are worth buying still great games to this day. GTA4 Add ons are better then the actual Game, TBOGT is very nice, straight into the action, great characters too. Orange box DEFINATLY. it's a must have. Battlefield 1943 on XBLA is good too, small, but good. Fallout 3 is great too, i sold it to my brother coz i started to get bored with the game mechanics but not the way it looks, its brethtakingly awesome. i still get fallout3 feelings, walking along atomic wastelands with the lovely music playing.















* i was playing it with headphones on quite loud and in pitch black darkness.

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I just beat Bioshock 2. I must say it was a great game. very much recommended. I beat the career in ModNation Racers yesterday too. Pretty fun stuff. Now it's time to focus my gaming attention elsewhere for a while.

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Guest Fishtank



WOW, this game is bad ass! totally refueled my love of RPGs.


It plays like Pokemon but much harder, you can collect demons and fuse them to make bigger, better demons.

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WOW, this game is bad ass! totally refueled my love of RPGs.


It plays like Pokemon but much harder, you can collect demons and fuse them to make bigger, better demons.


There's demons in broken images?

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Guest Gary C

Just completed Limbo. It was a bit short, but really enjoyable. Taxing and surprising. It definitely has replay value as it doesn't look impossible to get all the available achievements.


Still playing Alan Wake but I'm slowing down on it a little. It's probably the most aesthetically pleasing game I've ever played, just beautiful. The driving sucked, I hope there's no more of that. But yeah, it hasn't been scary yet, just eerie with a few jump-moments.


I forgot about Braid... Getting on that shit.

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last chapter in alan wake,



still playing nhl10


still playing battlefield bc2.. cant wait for the vietnam add-on.


started to replay rainbow 6, on a level which took me 1000 tries to get past.

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i borrowed batman: arkham asylum from a friend but haven't been bothered to try it out yet, mostly since i don't really like batman much, but i thought i'd try it out since it's supposed to be awesome. is it?

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Guest Gary C

Yeah, Arkham Asylum is probably one of the best games I've ever played. I leant it to a friend a couple of months ago, I think, and it's beginning to get to me.

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