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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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I expected the Informant to be bad after hearing some things about it but i really enjoyed the fuck out of it. Matt damon did an excellent job as a compulsive liar and i loved the strange comedian ensemble cast


the Informant: 8.5/10 , probably the best Steven Soderbergh movie i've seen since Traffic

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traffic was spotty. some genuinely awesome scenes and some offensively shitty ones. the best film that ive seen by him is still 'sex lies and video tape'. the sahsa grey one was good but not as good as it was hyped to be.

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yeah Traffic is spotty, but if i was to choose his last film that i genuinely enjoyed and didn't cringe at TOO much it was Traffic. His Oceans films are kind of throw away and the Che epic was pretty boring. I did enjoy GF experience quite a bit though. Funny how most of the movie wasn't about the GF experience, but about the bank bailouts and the economy, wtf?

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the first che was awesome and the second one boring but otherwise i agree with you


also, some references to the economy in the girlfriend experience doesnt mean it was about the economy.

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i dont know i'd argue that the movie seemed to make a lot more interesting points about the economy than having anything to do with exploring this girls world or actual mindset for doing what she did.

At least that's what i took away from the movie, her coaching sessions also revolved around her making more money in the 'bad economy' it was just not what i expected.

hehe :beer:

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Spartacus - pretty melodramatic but that's to be expected for the era and genre. epicly entertaining though.



i loved Spartacus a lot more than i thought i would, after i saw it i made sure to see all of the early Kubrick films. I'm glad i did because Paths of Glory and Spartacus are damn good and both star Kirk Douglas

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Fight Club (10/10)

The film was so good that I ended up buying the original book by Paluhnuik. Anyone here read the book? I think the way the book was transferred to film was done very well. The best parts of the book were included, and some of the lines from the book were kept and maintained within the film. Fight Club stands out very well amongst most films which have a psychology-oriented storyline. The way Norton and Pitt mirror off each other in terms of acting out their characters is really enjoyable. Possibly my favourite film. Good soundtrack as well by The Dust Brothers. This film is very relevant today concerning the consumerism critique deployed by Tyler Durden.


A lot of people hate this film for seemingly no reason other than it's popular. I love Fight Club though, one of the most rewatchable films I know of and delightfully nihilistic.

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i think when i saw Fight club the first time i was reflexively very upset by it trying to appeal to young people, i thought Fincher was onto something awesome with the Game and i wanted him to do a more subtle movie as his followup. it's kind of grown on me now, it definitely stands the test of time better than a lot of other edgy movies of the 90s

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Guest Al Hounos

Spartacus - pretty melodramatic but that's to be expected for the era and genre. epicly entertaining though.



i loved Spartacus a lot more than i thought i would, after i saw it i made sure to see all of the early Kubrick films. I'm glad i did because Paths of Glory and Spartacus are damn good and both star Kirk Douglas


I really liked the eating oysters/eating snails scene, cos it was so ballsy for 1960. but i just read on wiki that part didn't make it out until the 1991 re-release.

but yeah, Paths of Glory is next... I loved The Killing. Early Kubrick is kinda underappreciated.

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I'd just like to add that I am also very gay for fight club. I think I will rewatch it soon.

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gah, fight club was just bad. Not that the idea of rites of passage or "reclaiming masculinity" are bad per se but is it anything more than a teenager flick?



speaking of bad movies, I just watched Daybreakers, which is stupendously bad in a cheerfully Aussie way. Some of the worst dialogue ever in a feature film, Willem Dafoe with hilarious accent flying through a windshield on fire, Ethan Hawke with prosthetic ears, supporting the Aussie wine industry through random use of fermentation tank in pivotal scene, completely nonsensical plot twists...this is a very special film. 1/10 rounded up to 5/10 for entertainment value.

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Daybreakers Spoiler


Yeah, I never really understood the whole cure thing? So, they set each other on fire and then put it out again and BAM you're no longer a vampire?




Yeah I guess that's it, the sunlight burns it out of them or something. The thing I found funny was Hawke gets turned back into a human and most of the vamps act totally unsurprised "oh, you're a human again", then they add the additional twist of a vampire that drinks the blood of a cured vampire also becoming human, however the police guys who kill Sam Neill's character for some reason don't become human until later when they drink the blood of Hawke's brother...pretty funny. Also if vampires explode in flames as soon as they are punctured by a wooden object, why would they use pencils? Lols all around


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The Night Of The Hunter, finally got around to watching this, cinematography is brilliant and Mitchum is a taught haunting bastard 10/10


rewatched Videdrome, excellent stuff great on each viewing 10/10

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Sherlock Holmes - 7.5/10



really? what pushed it over a 7 for you?

I give it a generous 7, it was a bit pedestrian in its story and Robert Downey jr. was not a good choice for the lead in this case. I did like that they showed the Holmes that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would have imagined though, barring the love interest (Holmes was always portrayed as almost inhuman in his lack of emotion by Doyle).


I've been trying to inflate some of my ratings because I feel like I'm always too negative. I genuinely had fun watching it though.



World's Greatest Dad - 3/10

Really really bad.




3 out of 10 is inflated.

It's so bad, you have no idea.

that's disappointing. i managed to garner some interest for that film after seeing it on john water's top ten of 2009 list. "Why, oh why, wasn’t this blackest of comedies a hit? Appallingly rude, decidedly family unfriendly, this autoerotic-suicide tale of a hateful son and his clueless father left the viewer gasping in surprise."

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Guest Fishtank

A Serious Man



I almost fell asleep, this movie is seriously dull

the synopsis should read "watch a jews' life fall apart in front of him"


I like the Coen bros. but not this

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

me, myself & irene 7/10

loved this film when it first came out. big jim carrey fan and not ashamed of it. hadn't seen it in years. quoted the "too much cheese on the taco, lady?" line many times. watched it last night with my wife who hadn' seen it usually these things go badly. she hated eddie izzard after i raved about him. me myself and irene aged pretty badly but she mainly hated it for the hank personality whispered voice. many bad choices in this film (the 3 black kids and all that white guy/black kids humour. ugh) but still some great moments. taking a shit on the neighbours lawn, post sex pissing, dickies 80's mullet, the mustaches. aged badly but still worth a 7.






i managed to miss a 5 day run of the new herzog/lynch film due to illness (tickly cough and cinema don't go together). anyone see it yet?

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