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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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As an admitted fanboy, I can nonetheless still claim that Miller's Crossing is my favorite of their films and always has been.


1. Miller's Crossing

2. The Man Who Wasn't There

3. No Country for Old Men

4. The Big Liebowski

5. Raising Arizona

6. Barton Fink

7. Fargo

8. Blood Simple

9. Intolerable Cruelty

10. Hudsucker Proxy

11. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou

12. A Serious Man

13. Burn After Reading

14. The Ladykillers


I'm fairly firm on this list, but a few of them are sorta lumped together.


The Man Who Wasn't There is such an underrated movie.

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Guest Mirezzi

Have you seen True Grit yet?


I haven't. I live in a bumfuck town while in grad school, but I'll probably drive up to St. Louis to see it before it leaves the cinema. I have never regretted seeing the Coens in a theater. No Country for Old Men, in particular, I hold in very high regard because seeing Deakins' magic on a 50 foot screen was pure orgasm.

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agreed...everyone is fantastic in that as well.



Also, for those that saw True Grit, did anyone else LOL at the scene with the undertaker in the beginning? You'll know what I mean.

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Guest Mirezzi

The Man Who Wasn't There is such an underrated movie.

I agree and for reasons that might be lost on its detractors. Like Miller's Crossing, it's a movie that heavily relies on signature Coen brothers devices, like the use of eccentric colloquial language in lengthy, goofy monologues...and of course a beautiful (if whimsical) musical score.

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i enjoyed true grit, in the same way i enjoyed open range. there was little stylized action or violence, the things you see happen are shown pretty much as they would happen, for instance the shots, theres no ten minute panning into a villans eyes with his signature theme music and then loads of suspense before a showdown or anything, while thats cool in films of the 60's/70's sergio etc it isnt accurate. also, maybe it was just the copy but it felt like all the cowboys were fucking mumbling, especially cheney, i know its the southern drawl or whatever and that is indeed accurate but i guess its the only thing that detracted from it, ill have to learn de americansssss language

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

tron legacy i fight FOR the user/10

didnt expect much and was surprised. it held together pretty well. looked impressive (although the 3d tech is still blurry most of the time) but we left with a zillion questions and many "hey when [this happened] why didnt he just [do this]?"

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A Single Man - 2/10. It only gets two points for some decent shots and minor areas of decent acting. Otherwise I haven't seen a more self indulgent and ham-fisted script/directing job in a good while. I literally winced at some of the dialogue. The director (the famous fashion designer Tom Ford) literally had close ups on mouths when he wanted to show desire (which happened often) and literally increased color saturation on an otherwise fairly muted palette when something significant happened to the protagonist (a suicidal gay literature professor who is constantly hit on by young men. Some of the scenes of this I think were literally lifted from gay pornos, they were that obvious). The film could have been salvaged had Ford let someone else write the dialogue and if he had someone tap him on the shoulder occasionally and say, "Hey Tom, maybe we shouldn't do that so you don't get laughed at on your first fucking feature film."

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The Piano Teacher - 7/10 - what a fucked up film?!? The acting is amazing, the music is amazing, the 'Cronenberg'-like psychotic sex scenes and ideas within the film are hard to watch, yet rewarding in a roller coaster kind of way.....Haneke hates his audience and I respect him for that, need to see more of his films....

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the devil probably - turned off after 15 mins, just couldn't get into it at all

five easy pieces - 9/10 - im a big fan of one-character films and this one was almost perfect, it's an incredible spectacle of a lost man


the piano teacher had a huge impact on me when i first saw it, pure emotion, definitely one of my the most favorite. where did the 3 points go atop ?

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Guest Mirezzi

me and you and everyone we know - one of the worst movies i've ever seen

lmao, what in the fuck were you thinking?


Miranda July is, and I very much believe this, the antichrist.

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soulkitchen 7/10


head-on 6/10


kebab connection - 8/10


Jan Svankmajer's Alice 2/10


Jan Svankmajer's Luancy -6/10


La Haine 8/10


all the small animals - 7/10


catfish - 9/10


farinelli - 4/10


black swan - 5/10


to catch a theif - 9/10

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Guest Fishtank

Centurion dissapoint/10


I really like Marshall and I really wanted to like this movie but it strays too far out of the realm of belief with some of the dialog

the characters are never really fully developed

there's CGI blood mixed with traditional corn syrup blood (or whatever they use) which makes it look more fake

and the narration was pointless


I hope his next movie is better

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going back to True Grit for a second, it was actually surprising and nice for the Coen bros to have some heart tugging moments in True Grit. I honestly didn't expect anything like that after their bleak last 3 movies No Country, Burn, and A Serious Man. There are only a few other movies they've done where the ending is kind of cliche 'touching' , Raising Arizona , Millers Crossing , Ladykillers.. but i dont use the word cliche negatively, sometimes those kinds of things work in movies if done well. It worked great in True Grit


and allow me to jump on the rank your coen movies bandwagon for a second:


1. Miller's Crossing / Barton Fink

2. Fargo

3. Raising Arizona

4. Blood Simple

5. No Country for Old Men

6. The Big Lebowksi

7. A Serious Man

8. Hudsucker Proxy

9. True Grit

10. Burn After Reading

11. The Man Who Wasn't There

12. The Lady Killers

13. Intolerable Cruelty

14. O Brother Where Art Thou

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Guest Al Hounos

Memories of Murder - Beautifully shot, suspenseful and engrossing from start to finish. A really heartbreaking (true) story as well. 10/10

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Memories of Murder - Beautifully shot, suspenseful and engrossing from start to finish. A really heartbreaking (true) story as well. 10/10

i LOVE this movie, need to watch it again soon

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Memories of Murder - Beautifully shot, suspenseful and engrossing from start to finish. A really heartbreaking (true) story as well. 10/10

i LOVE this movie, need to watch it again soon


Make sure to watch The Chaser and Madeo as well

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Stone - pap

Outrage - Pretty good in places, some nice characters but overall Takeshi Kitano can do better 6.5/10

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Saw Tron 2 a few days back. Thought it was better than the internet made it out to be, considering what it was (a big budget sequel to a nearly 30 year old Disney film). Not saying it was better than the original in every way, but it got the job done. Maybe it's because I didn't go in expecting a loving recreation of blocky computer graphics & old synthesizer music. More likely it's because I'm under 20 & don't know nothin about nothin.


Pretty graphics & a few pretty good tracks/10

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