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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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stop the Super 8 hatred ya'll!


aren't carniverous psychic aliens with energy boxes that build anything still cool?


I think so.... :closedeyes:

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has anyone viddied mallick's tree of life yet?

yes and if you like heavily dogmatic films with no sense of cohesion for over two hours, and intense close ups of human faces then you will love this film.

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I saw Tsubaki Sanjuro last night... wow, just wow. Might be the best Kurosawa's i've seen. A 9/10 for me!


Oh, and i also saw "Stonehenge Apocalypse". An entertaining watch, haven't seen such a bad movie for years. Watched the last third at 1.5x speed for extra action boost. 2/10

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Kin-Dza-Dza russian







I cannot express the pure sincere high that I get from (re-)watching this genius 89' russian sf/comedy movie, but what I am almost sure of is the fact that this is going to win the most idm tournament 2012 IF enough people watch it. anything I would say would surely be a spoiler, so just watch it inb4 i start spamming it







i thought it was boring and dumb, uninteresting plot, horrible visual and sound fx... i really don't get all the hype :|


i stared at your comment for 6 full minutes and still haven't found a decent reply. maybe you are just missing the point :closedeyes:

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Kin-Dza-Dza russian







I cannot express the pure sincere high that I get from (re-)watching this genius 89' russian sf/comedy movie, but what I am almost sure of is the fact that this is going to win the most idm tournament 2012 IF enough people watch it. anything I would say would surely be a spoiler, so just watch it inb4 i start spamming it







i thought it was boring and dumb, uninteresting plot, horrible visual and sound fx... i really don't get all the hype :|


i stared at your comment for 6 full minutes and still haven't found a decent reply. maybe you are just missing the point :closedeyes:

lol, and i tried said that with other words and i couldn't find them...


i mean, the humor thing is a bit like kusturika movies but "dumber"

the main script is pretty hollywood...

i love the fx and sceneries but in the movie context they just get boring, i mean, look at that still you posted, pretty cool...


and i must say, i really went watching it with a positive attitude, i really wanted to like it! :mellow:

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Atop you've been calling the tree of life Christian and dogmatic and I can't help but wonder what the fuck you could possibly be talking about.


in fact, it occurs to me that you must be joking

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

xmen 1

nothing happened in this film. it felt so short. went back to it as i couldnt remember it and had just seen the prequel. lots of stuff didnt make sense after seeing the prequel though. didnt they try and make it make sense?

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Atop, grace is indeed not a concept confined to Christian theology. are you even trying? I literally encourage you to look up the word in a dictionary. simply, the film reflects upon the nature of things like beauty, mercy, righteousness, severity, etc in the face of chaotic, violent, and indifferent nature. basically, uh, life. it's like any other malick film this regard so don't tell me that you think all of his films are dogmatic Christian exercises going on and on about some fundamentalist concept.


and for some one with occult leanings such as yourself you may want to take a glance at the, you know, cabalistic tree of life or pillar of which is called "mercy."


come on man, it's cool if you don't like this shit but don't try to lend your opinion weight by claiming the film is offensively dogmatic Christian. it clearly is not.


and no, it might not be coherent. and yes, it has lotsa close up, but those are not characteristics of an objectively flawed film.


ffs watmm


*never enters film thread again*


*backflips into cum drops*

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Synechdoche, New York (4/4). what a downer.


Favourite film. Got nothing but love for it.




*never enters film thread again*


*backflips into cum drops*





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Atop, grace is indeed not a concept confined to Christian theology. are you even trying? I literally encourage you to look up the word in a dictionary. simply, the film reflects upon the nature of things like beauty, mercy, righteousness, severity, etc in the face of chaotic, violent, and indifferent nature. basically, uh, life. it's like any other malick film this regard so don't tell me that you think all of his films are dogmatic Christian exercises going on and on about some fundamentalist concept.

terrence malick is brilliant and i'm going to love this film.




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Watching through the first season of Breaking Bad. I don't really watch much/any TV but this stuff is pretty good I think.


First season is amazing, short but sweet. Stopped watching it half way through the second, not sure why. Guess it got a bit formulaic.

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Guest Mirezzi





Good lord, that's a LOL of a .gif.


Atop, grace is indeed not a concept confined to Christian theology. are you even trying? I literally encourage you to look up the word in a dictionary. simply, the film reflects upon the nature of things like beauty, mercy, righteousness, severity, etc in the face of chaotic, violent, and indifferent nature. basically, uh, life. it's like any other malick film this regard so don't tell me that you think all of his films are dogmatic Christian exercises going on and on about some fundamentalist concept.


and for some one with occult leanings such as yourself you may want to take a glance at the, you know, cabalistic tree of life or pillar of which is called "mercy."


come on man, it's cool if you don't like this shit but don't try to lend your opinion weight by claiming the film is offensively dogmatic Christian. it clearly is not.


and no, it might not be coherent. and yes, it has lotsa close up, but those are not characteristics of an objectively flawed film.


ffs watmm


*never enters film thread again*


*backflips into cum drops*

I doubted The New World based on the trailers and I think it's magnificent, so I'll probably do the same with Tree of Life.

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Atop, grace is indeed not a concept confined to Christian theology. are you even trying? I literally encourage you to look up the word in a dictionary. simply, the film reflects upon the nature of things like beauty, mercy, righteousness, severity, etc in the face of chaotic, violent, and indifferent nature. basically, uh, life. it's like any other malick film this regard so don't tell me that you think all of his films are dogmatic Christian exercises going on and on about some fundamentalist concept.


and for some one with occult leanings such as yourself you may want to take a glance at the, you know, cabalistic tree of life or pillar of which is called "mercy."


come on man, it's cool if you don't like this shit but don't try to lend your opinion weight by claiming the film is offensively dogmatic Christian. it clearly is not.


and no, it might not be coherent. and yes, it has lotsa close up, but those are not characteristics of an objectively flawed film.


I know plenty about the Sephirah. More than most, not as much as you perhaps. Thank you for attacking my opinion like it was a weapon against you personally. It was not. Nor was I joking. My connection to the universe involves/needs neither a separation from nature or the approval of any gods.


The film starts with a quote from the Book of Job, "Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation...while the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" Nature vs. Grace is a very Christian debate in my mind. Thinking that nature is in someway evil and needs to be overcome through the GRACE of the Malkuthian divine incarnation of Jesus Christ. Traveling from Malkuth to Tiphareth and obtaining knowledge on compassion through dialogue with the holy guardian angel is the mercy you speak of? I feel that I have traveled this path and that compassion is within myself.


So thanks for the hatred and acting like you know who I am.


My take on this film is my take, and I may enjoy it more if I decide to see it again. I was annoyed by it so this was my first reaction. I would rather watch the Holy Mountain, Inauguration into the Pleasure Dome, Lucifer Rising or Andrei Rublev for extreme depth and spiritual symbolism on film.


I apologize for not being who you think I should be.


93 93/93

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