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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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I'm downloading toy story 3 for some reason. i never watch animated movies like this. i've never seen wall-e but apparently it's really good. i didn't like finding nemo. apparently there is a movie called up.


i remember liking toy story as a child and this one is getting rave reviews so here goes. plus i am a sucker for tim allen and tom hanks.

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get wall-e and ratatouille, both awesome, 'specially ratatouille. up and the whole toy story trilogy is way overrated imo.


actually i think im gonna watch wall-e right now.

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I've seen ratatouille and i didn't mind it. not exactly one of the greatest (i don't totally remember it) but what i do remember was being entertained. maybe i'll give it another try. also cars was another one that i really didn't get the desire to care about. the trailer turned me off. i'll give wall-e a go though, thanks!

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last night i watched the jerk with steve martin (pretty funny. quite a bit of humor i didn't expect) and princess mononoke (always a good choice if you like anime)

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anyone familiar with john boorman films? http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000958/


I watched Point Blank, Deliverance, and Zardoz. I enjoyed all 3, brilliant. I tried watching hell in the pacific and I got about half way through and got bored.


point blank and deliverance are masterpieces. i think after those he lost the plot.. zardoz if funny but it has no teeth..

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Super 8


I can see why people were disappointed because they last act became unconvincing and relied on too many things that hadn't been established properly. But fuck me the first hour was almost perfect, fun, well-acted, clear without being at all condescending, and just really exciting to watch. In terms of pacing out a big visual cinematic event with characters you can understand and relate to I wish more people would take a leaf out of Spielberg's book. If Abrams was trying to follow the rule of keeping the sci-fi connected to the characters it sort of fell apart when the action really kicked off and not enough importance was given to the amazing sci fi shit going on. Characters barely seemed to give a fuck about this amazing stuff happening by the end. And why didn't that's kid's braces come flying out of his mouth!??!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Downloaded Empire Strikes Back and Alien in 1080p, it's been a long while.. Can't wait to flip my inner nerd switch watching these on my beautiful dirt cheap 400 dollar 52 inch Plasma. :)

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i wasn't even able to get through 40 minutes of Tron Legacy, extremely bland on all levels.






saw the new harry potter in 3d today. 1st 3d movie actually. i was very impressed on all levels


You thought TRON legacy was bland but Harry Potter was impressive?






Maybe if it would have been in 3d when i saw it, i would have liked tron 2 more, but on the nice hd tv i saw it on, it looked so fake and ugly. laughable. cgi in 2011 is better than that. I was a fan of the 1st tron so maybe I am biased. Harry potter was fucking good, and I'm not even a huge fan. Shit the last one i saw before deathly hollows 2 was part 4.


Tale your fake nostalgia and fuck off. What were, you, two years old when the first tron came out? The first tron's story sucked just as much ass.


Harry Potter's storyline is the most formulaic bullshit ever, ATOP you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Guest analogue wings

word. people who say the original Tron is some kind of wondrous star wars type pop culture milestone are in lala land


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1982_in_film#Top_grossing_films_.28U.S..29 <-- look at the other mainstream films that came out the same year. Add to that Blade Runner, Dark Crystal, The Thing, and there's just no excuse for a generic POS as poorly written and acted as Tron. It really only has the score and the visuals going for it. The sequel follows up that lame story and ditches the unique score and visuals. Yep, real recipe for success there.

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that new soderbergh flick about the disease - 7/10


i always feel with this guys films that he could have gone further and deeper but wussed out do to financial concerns. a talented filmmaker but he plays it safe too often. jesus christ take a gamble, it might pay off


the film held my attention tho. i wouldnt call it bad.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch


interesting. Not a thrillrr like I expected.

would have been better as a documentary on sars or whatever

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Tale your fake nostalgia and fuck off. What were, you, two years old when the first tron came out? The first tron's story sucked just as much ass.

Harry Potter's storyline is the most formulaic bullshit ever, ATOP you should be ashamed of yourself.

word. people who say the original Tron is some kind of wondrous star wars type pop culture milestone are in lala land

http://en.wikipedia....ilms_.28U.S..29 <-- look at the other mainstream films that came out the same year. Add to that Blade Runner, Dark Crystal, The Thing, and there's just no excuse for a generic POS as poorly written and acted as Tron.

LOL, furreal

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I watched Tron1 for the first time about a year ago. It didn't really seem like an amazing artistic movie, or even a particularly good scifi flick - just something that strongly embodied a particular aesthetic of that era that people nowadays dig. It'd be the same thing if a BoC fan came across a big box of 1960s Mexican space movie soundtrack cassettes.

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i wasn't even able to get through 40 minutes of Tron Legacy, extremely bland on all levels.






saw the new harry potter in 3d today. 1st 3d movie actually. i was very impressed on all levels


You thought TRON legacy was bland but Harry Potter was impressive?






Maybe if it would have been in 3d when i saw it, i would have liked tron 2 more, but on the nice hd tv i saw it on, it looked so fake and ugly. laughable. cgi in 2011 is better than that. I was a fan of the 1st tron so maybe I am biased. Harry potter was fucking good, and I'm not even a huge fan. Shit the last one i saw before deathly hollows 2 was part 4.


Tale your fake nostalgia and fuck off. What were, you, two years old when the first tron came out? The first tron's story sucked just as much ass.


Harry Potter's storyline is the most formulaic bullshit ever, ATOP you should be ashamed of yourself.


hey, guess what? I'm getting a little weirded out by you being so unnecessarily harsh toward me for no reason lately. Maybe you yourself should fuck off no?

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i wasn't even able to get through 40 minutes of Tron Legacy, extremely bland on all levels.






saw the new harry potter in 3d today. 1st 3d movie actually. i was very impressed on all levels


You thought TRON legacy was bland but Harry Potter was impressive?






Maybe if it would have been in 3d when i saw it, i would have liked tron 2 more, but on the nice hd tv i saw it on, it looked so fake and ugly. laughable. cgi in 2011 is better than that. I was a fan of the 1st tron so maybe I am biased. Harry potter was fucking good, and I'm not even a huge fan. Shit the last one i saw before deathly hollows 2 was part 4.


Tale your fake nostalgia and fuck off. What were, you, two years old when the first tron came out? The first tron's story sucked just as much ass.


Harry Potter's storyline is the most formulaic bullshit ever, ATOP you should be ashamed of yourself.


Potter is better than tron 2, seriously tron 2 had NO story. Was an utter content vacuum.

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hey, guess what? I'm getting a little weirded out by you being so unnecessarily harsh toward me for no reason lately. Maybe you yourself should fuck off no?

err what? I think this is the first post I've ever replied to you directly. Plus I wasn't serious - if I were being serious I would have lectured you rather than appealed to emotion. Plus I was drunk.

Soo...fuck uuuuuuuu.



Potter is better than tron 2, seriously tron 2 had NO story. Was an utter content vacuum.

Which I never disputed - but I don't think they even attempted to have one. It was just a piece of aesthetic beauty. Potter tried to have a story, failed miserably and should be banished. I only let my kid watch it because she wants to be able to talk with other kids at school. She really likes Miyazaki Hayao though, so I'm not too fussed - she's got the quality control down pat.

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Guest disparaissant

had to watch the 1940 John Ford film adaptation of The Grapes of Wrath and analyse it as a primary source historical document. hadn't seen it before, was rather disappointed at how watered down the "red" sentiment in it was. while the novel was this massive condemnation of capitalism, the film was like "capitalism sucks sometimes, sure, but it's a lot better than bein' a dirty red!"


i dunno. it was pretty good, though! stands up, in a sense, to modern films, as it manages to avoid a lot of the cliches that make me not so fond of "classic" films, you know the talking-really-fast-and-nasal kind of thing... i'd give it a good i dunno, 8/10 or so.


next film i gotta analyse like that is The Negro Soldier, a piece of World War 2 propaganda by Frank Capra. already snagged it from KG and it looks booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring. go figure.

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Guest viscosity

just watched Hardware. my new favorite movie ever. those who like Tarkovsky's STALKER will definitely find it ammusing


fuckin great film, probably gonn check out Dust Devil next, another one from the same director



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