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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Mirezzi

Half Nelson - 9/10


Yep, that was before I hated Gosling. You should check out Sugar. It is also excellent.

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Guest ex-voto

Just watched Hugo with a friend of mine. Enjoyable really, definitely a 7/10. Very easy although the fact that war destroys the love for things always smashes me in the face...


I think I really liked it, but it was the first movie I ever saw in 3D and I hated the effect. It made it feel like a viewfinder, as though everything was made out of cheap plastic, including the actors. Apparently, Hugo's 3D was really good? I hope to never watch another film in 3D then.


I just watched Hugo too, no 3D. I didn't like it, though I'd give it a 6/10 since the content succeeds despite the direction. Can I just say I dislike (even loathe) Scorcese? There, I said it. That felt good. I hate everything about the way he directs, from his cheesy lighting, to inappropriate camera movement and close-ups, to aimless pacing and editing, to obsession with DiCaprio...he's the most-hack-seeming of the most famous "auteurs" imo. Though I do like Goodfellas (but not, necessarily, due to the direction). I also don't like Ben Kingsley. Sure, he's been good in some films (like that mob film where he barks insults like a rabid dog), but he just can't communicate warmth, ever. He's got these twinkly little ferret eyes that just telegraph "humorless twat." I think that's why he doesn't get cast more often, despite his reputation as a great actor.



You can definitely say you dislike Scorsese. I do too actually. The fist movie from him I saw was Gangs of New York, and since then I haven't liked him I guess. This got confirmed by The Departed which tried to be Miller's Crossing or something. Just really can't get into his movies. This being said I thought Hugo had something interesting with all the old footage in it (although it felt a bit random at times, especially in the film academy). In the beginning it reminded me a little bit of City of Lost Children, but it really doesn't even come close to it.

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red state - semi entertaining shit. god knows why tarrantino put his name on this? 5/10


i thought second part was hilarious. maybe he did too. first 30 minutes or so drag like a MF, though.


yeah it definately got better when shit started to hit the fan.

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I also don't like Ben Kingsley. Sure, he's been good in some films (like that mob film where he barks insults like a rabid dog), but he just can't communicate warmth, ever. He's got these twinkly little ferret eyes that just telegraph "humorless twat." I think that's why he doesn't get cast more often, despite his reputation as a great actor.


Well, from what I read he is a right twat and a shit to work with.

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Guest ex-voto

Just watched Hugo with a friend of mine. Enjoyable really, definitely a 7/10. Very easy although the fact that war destroys the love for things always smashes me in the face...


I think I really liked it, but it was the first movie I ever saw in 3D and I hated the effect. It made it feel like a viewfinder, as though everything was made out of cheap plastic, including the actors. Apparently, Hugo's 3D was really good? I hope to never watch another film in 3D then.


I just watched Hugo too, no 3D. I didn't like it, though I'd give it a 6/10 since the content succeeds despite the direction. Can I just say I dislike (even loathe) Scorcese? There, I said it. That felt good. I hate everything about the way he directs, from his cheesy lighting, to inappropriate camera movement and close-ups, to aimless pacing and editing, to obsession with DiCaprio...he's the most-hack-seeming of the most famous "auteurs" imo. Though I do like Goodfellas (but not, necessarily, due to the direction). I also don't like Ben Kingsley. Sure, he's been good in some films (like that mob film where he barks insults like a rabid dog), but he just can't communicate warmth, ever. He's got these twinkly little ferret eyes that just telegraph "humorless twat." I think that's why he doesn't get cast more often, despite his reputation as a great actor.



You can definitely say you dislike Scorsese. I do too actually. The fist movie from him I saw was Gangs of New York, and since then I haven't liked him I guess. This got confirmed by The Departed which tried to be Miller's Crossing or something. Just really can't get into his movies. This being said I thought Hugo had something interesting with all the old footage in it (although it felt a bit random at times, especially in the film academy). In the beginning it reminded me a little bit of City of Lost Children, but it really doesn't even come close to it.


I'll have to adjust my opinion a little bit. I forgot Taxi Driver and Raging Bull are his as well. Should really watch them both again because I remember Taxi Driver being a masterpiece although I still have the feeling that De Niro carried most of it. I'd have to watch them again to underline this.

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Just watched Hugo with a friend of mine. Enjoyable really, definitely a 7/10. Very easy although the fact that war destroys the love for things always smashes me in the face...


I think I really liked it, but it was the first movie I ever saw in 3D and I hated the effect. It made it feel like a viewfinder, as though everything was made out of cheap plastic, including the actors. Apparently, Hugo's 3D was really good? I hope to never watch another film in 3D then.


I just watched Hugo too, no 3D. I didn't like it, though I'd give it a 6/10 since the content succeeds despite the direction. Can I just say I dislike (even loathe) Scorcese? There, I said it. That felt good. I hate everything about the way he directs, from his cheesy lighting, to inappropriate camera movement and close-ups, to aimless pacing and editing, to obsession with DiCaprio...he's the most-hack-seeming of the most famous "auteurs" imo. Though I do like Goodfellas (but not, necessarily, due to the direction). I also don't like Ben Kingsley. Sure, he's been good in some films (like that mob film where he barks insults like a rabid dog), but he just can't communicate warmth, ever. He's got these twinkly little ferret eyes that just telegraph "humorless twat." I think that's why he doesn't get cast more often, despite his reputation as a great actor.



You can definitely say you dislike Scorsese. I do too actually. The fist movie from him I saw was Gangs of New York, and since then I haven't liked him I guess. This got confirmed by The Departed which tried to be Miller's Crossing or something. Just really can't get into his movies. This being said I thought Hugo had something interesting with all the old footage in it (although it felt a bit random at times, especially in the film academy). In the beginning it reminded me a little bit of City of Lost Children, but it really doesn't even come close to it.


I'll have to adjust my opinion a little bit. I forgot Taxi Driver and Raging Bull are his as well. Should really watch them both again because I remember Taxi Driver being a masterpiece although I still have the feeling that De Niro carried most of it. I'd have to watch them again to underline this.


wow i'm surprised. forget about dicraprio. hopefully you've seen alice doesn't live here anymore, taxi driver, raging bull, goodfellas, mean streets, king of comedy, after hours and casino before saying you don't like scorsese.

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wow i'm surprised. forget about dicraprio. hopefully you've seen alice doesn't live here anymore, taxi driver, raging bull, goodfellas, mean streets, king of comedy, after hours and casino before saying you don't like scorsese.

I saw taxi driver recently for the first time, it's overrated imo, because scorcese pulls punches in the climax. I remember raging bull being fairly good but boring when I was an undergrad. I will concede though that his best films by a country mile are the ones that seem based on more direct personal experience, NY street life.


I just hate how stage-y and schmaltz-y he's become.

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Guest ansgaria

'The Virgin Suicides'.


I liked it, not as much as I had anticipated though. I mean, I adore Coppola. But it was good none the less. Supreme soundtrack as well, it hardly ever gets old.

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Casino is my favorite Scorcese. I can't say I love it or Goodfellas but they're both endlessly watchable. His early movies are very good as well, and his later movies mostly all are either bad (Gangs of New York), decent (Aviator), or good (Departed, Shutter Island). That's my take on the guy.

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Guest Mirezzi

He's made some shit decisions


Anyone else seen this?

Jesus wept...


...or Fracture...or Crazy, Stupid Love...or Lars and the Real Girl...or Drive (yeah, I know, it was awesome except it wasn't)

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Guest Mirezzi

I liked The Aviator a lot (probably more for DiCraprio's performance though) but everything else he's made in the last 10 years is either lame of totally forgettable.

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Guest Mirezzi

hugo was complete shite


Okay, I'm starting to think maybe it had nothing to do with my hatred of 3D after all, and I have to very much agree with Lumpy about Ben Kingsley, too. Duller than dogshit and the same in every movie.

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Gangs of New York still holds up for me despite Cameron Diaz. But the rest of the supporting cast is so good that it doesn't bother me much. Also, I remember liking Bringing Out the Dead but I haven't rewatched it lately. It was made during a time when Nicholas Cage was still straddling the line between taking his roles seriously and just being batshit crazy.

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Guest zaphod

I liked The Aviator a lot (probably more for DiCraprio's performance though) but everything else he's made in the last 10 years is either lame of totally forgettable.


DIsagree. I loved Shutter Island for what it was, and I love Gangs of New York in spite of itself. I like everything Scorsese has done in the past two decades, with the exception of Hugo, which just bored me to tears. Silence sounds intriguing.


As far as Gosling is concerned, I think the guy is a talented actor who keeps taking shit roles. Drive sucked, but it was due to tone deaf direction and a retarded hyper stylized 80's fetishism that I didn't connect with at all. I haven't seen a lot of the stuff he's been in since Lars and the Real Girl, but I don't think those movies are ever bad due to his acting. Although Blue Valentine sucked balls and I found him extremely annoying and unlikeable in that.

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Guest Mirezzi

Thanks for the warning, I can now skip Blue Valentine and play video games on the night my wife insists on it. She thinks Gosling's quite awesome, quite awesome indeed. :mellow:

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Guest ansgaria

'The Virgin Suicides'.


. I mean, I adore Coppola.

So do I. The talented one.


Who, Roman?




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I liked The Aviator a lot (probably more for DiCraprio's performance though) but everything else he's made in the last 10 years is either lame of totally forgettable.


DIsagree. I loved Shutter Island for what it was, and I love Gangs of New York in spite of itself. I like everything Scorsese has done in the past two decades, with the exception of Hugo, which just bored me to tears. Silence sounds intriguing.


As far as Gosling is concerned, I think the guy is a talented actor who keeps taking shit roles. Drive sucked, but it was due to tone deaf direction and a retarded hyper stylized 80's fetishism that I didn't connect with at all. I haven't seen a lot of the stuff he's been in since Lars and the Real Girl, but I don't think those movies are ever bad due to his acting. Although Blue Valentine sucked balls and I found him extremely annoying and unlikeable in that.


Gosling definitely has his moments. I thought he was solid in Ides of March.

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still think Gangs of New York has he best Daniel Day Lewis performance. Even though he's made to look silly throughout the film i think he's one of the most terrifying villains ever brought to screen.

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