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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Mirezzi

I mostly agree, but it's better to try and fail than keep pandering to tards with sequel after sequel IMO.

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What do you mean contemporary sci-fi isn't relevant?

= Most of it is irrelevant beyond basal physical response. You cough up your $10, then you give up your sweat, tears, vomit, cum, whatever. Hence, a lot of debate among WATMMers about whether films should just be for enjoyment aka. "Leave my movies alone. I'm 'batin!"


NOLD contained both - the overt and the liminal. After all, Dyer's essay wasn't written until 30 years after its release.


I see your point. Do you have a link to this essay?

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Guest Mirezzi

For anybody interested in a great read re: Night of the Living Dead, check out the link below:


Richard Dyer - White - 1988


This is the article, roughly 20 pages, that supplied the foundation for what would become a 280 page masterpiece, White (1997). {AMAZON}

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Breach - based on the story of Robert Hanssen. Ryan Philippe was mediocre, but I thought Chris Cooper was pretty damned good. Worth a look.


Being Flynn - Another film based on a true story. Nick Flynn's memoirs "Another Bullshit Night in Suck City". De Niro's best role in recent memory, and Paul Dano was excellent. De Niro did such a good job of depicting the slow decay of homeless people as they spiral into dementia. Dano was really tremendous as his son. Story is a bit slow, but the narrative is quite good.


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maria full of grace - mostly dull story of columbian drug mule trip gone wrong. characters, plot and film in general just didn't engage me to any extent... high scores/reviews on imdb and lovefilm are surprising for this one. 5/10

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Wolf Creek - 4/10


Such a nothing film.


I'm a bit of a gorehound and all but this film really did so little for me. The thing with these modern horrors is that a lot of them have


the bad guy winning, or at least the bad guy not losing


so it's not really all that suprising anymore. Otherwise the film is badly paced, tries to inject reality into it with the whole "based on a true story" shit, which just makes me watch the film and think "why are they sensationalising something like backpackers being tortured and killed?". I dunno.

One of my favourite horror films is Inside, which is one of the goriest films going. But the thing with something like Inside is that it's really tightly made. It doesn't meander around too much, it keeps very strictly to the formula of good person fighting against evil person and the tension is constantly ramping up. It's glorious film making with great lighting and music, perfect pacing... whereas Wolf Creek is just... all over the place.


Also the characters do some really dumb shit, which really fucking annoys me in movies (see: Prometheus). You can't have a "realistic" horror film, then have the characters do some B-movie slasher wank. Totally takes you out of it, tonally I mean.


Otherwise the acting isn't that terrible I guess. The psycho was pretty detestable and very well played. Just one of those films that ended and I was left thinking "well, I guess that was a movie"


So yeah. Not recommended.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


much better than the trailer made it look. bill paxton almost ruins it with some b a d acting. they made the aliens more pathetic for the sequel, little bit of gunfire and they were gone. the mech suit end fight was still great but not quite as epic as memory. i watched the theatrical release over the special edition because i just didnt know.

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James Cameron makes good B-movies... He's good at what he does but don't look too deep into his movies because you won't really find that much...

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

it suffered from the usual dumb decisions that all horror(ish) films do. but this time instead of going back for a cat she goes back for a little girl. all these alien films have some things which are in every film, the android being one example.


the ending was pretty stupid, if the sucktion could pull out a queen alien then how could ripley climb the ladder? but at least the alien wasn't just waiting to be sucked out, chilling or taking a nap.


i'm going to rewatch 3 & 4 soon

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the ending was pretty stupid, if the sucktion could pull out a queen alien then how could ripley climb the ladder? but at least the alien wasn't just waiting to be sucked out, chilling or taking a nap.

huuu, and what kind of oxygen was she breading while the hatch was open?? not my kind of oxygen i can assure you...


James Cameron makes good B-movies... He's good at what he does but don't look too deep into his movies because you won't really find that much...

thing is, they're not B-movies...


i like to turn up the video gamma (on a 720p rip or higher) so that it gets full of grain and that way it looks like a grind-house flick which turns out to work way better...

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to oOOoo


Yeah wtf. lol. Aliens is 5/10? Like fuck.


Its hard to rate really. Alien 2 features these Police Academy alike soldiers that pull down the great performance by Weaver and the great set props. In Alien 3 it gets worse when inmates start praying every 5 minutes + incredibly bad performance by cannon fodder characters. The artwork and scenery is epic but the bad acting by side characters is hard to ignore.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

yeah the marines are terrible. was just waiting for them to get picked off and it happened a bit too slowly (especially paxton)


paul reiser(?) looks so out of place in the film, most likely because of what else i've seen him in (police academy right?) or maybe he is supposed to as he is the corporate man

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Wolf Creek - 4/10


Such a nothing film.


I'm a bit of a gorehound and all but this film really did so little for me. The thing with these modern horrors is that a lot of them have


the bad guy winning, or at least the bad guy not losing


so it's not really all that suprising anymore. Otherwise the film is badly paced, tries to inject reality into it with the whole "based on a true story" shit, which just makes me watch the film and think "why are they sensationalising something like backpackers being tortured and killed?". I dunno.

One of my favourite horror films is Inside, which is one of the goriest films going. But the thing with something like Inside is that it's really tightly made. It doesn't meander around too much, it keeps very strictly to the formula of good person fighting against evil person and the tension is constantly ramping up. It's glorious film making with great lighting and music, perfect pacing... whereas Wolf Creek is just... all over the place.


Also the characters do some really dumb shit, which really fucking annoys me in movies (see: Prometheus). You can't have a "realistic" horror film, then have the characters do some B-movie slasher wank. Totally takes you out of it, tonally I mean.


Otherwise the acting isn't that terrible I guess. The psycho was pretty detestable and very well played. Just one of those films that ended and I was left thinking "well, I guess that was a movie"


So yeah. Not recommended.


I agree with all of this, what other horror films are you into?

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I watched some of Dead Alive by Peter Jackson yesterday, mid-day. I found it to be rather boring story wise, but a lot of very nice sequences. At least it had an interesting kind of urgency to it that was nice for awhile. But eventually I got bored of it and the gore started to lose its shock appeal and the whole thing became kind of like visual merzbow diarrhea. So I turned it off. Later that night after I got home from the Indian Clearwater Casino with some friends, a bit drunk, I resumed the film while we were listening to some music. I can't remember specifically the artists I was playing, I had a few too many white russians; but it was definitely of the techno style. Oh I definitely played some Dopplereffekt and Drexciya now that I think about it, as well as some British Murder Boys. Anyway these tracks were glorious in contrast to the urgency and chaos of the climax of the Dead Alive film. So although the story and acting was very uninteresting to me, I definitely will re-visit parts of this one again when I'm in the mood for a bloodbath with some hard style techno.

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Guest Shit Attack

the on;ly other thing i can remember paul reiser from is this (my sister watched it I SWEAR)



as for night of the living dead never thought it was all that good or deep (didnt the rednecks probably think the black guy was a zombie?) but dawn of the dead's depiction of people who shop in malls as basically being braindead zombies is still such a great idea and is probably more true today than it was at the time. cant go into one of those big shopping malls without mentally hearing this tune + seeing some real life zombies


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dead alive is the best romantic comedy ever. and it's hilarious. my favourite peter jackson film hands down. just because there's blood and zombies people treat it like it's some throwaway 80s shock movie. but it;s not. it's lovely. my first date with my wife in spe was at the creening of this and she fell in love with me instantly for being such a fucking weirdo, and still loves me 5 years later. now isn;t that just CUTE. that's a story i'll tell my kids every christmas too.

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Guest Shit Attack

dead alive is what americans call braindead right ? havent seen it for years remember it being pretty good tho


the on;ly other thing i can remember paul reiser from is this (my sister watched it I SWEAR)





lol he looks so similar to the way he did in alien. this is really confusing the fuck out of me right now



ha yeah when i was a kid and first saw aliens i was totally shocked that the guy out of my 2 dads was playing the bad guy, like id personally been betrayed or something haha

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