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bands that are mega hyped


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But Tool is pretty fucking unique, they pwn Metallica when it comes to being a timeless band.





I love Tool but they certainly don't pwn early Metallica. In fact nothing else heavy does *ducks*. I really lost a lot for tool on 10,000 days b/c of Adam Jones' guitar playing. No he's never claimed or tried to be spectacular, and you don't have to be to contribute guitar to a band. However, the same ol stuff on top of a very different, more matured, and forward thinking rest of the band, just made me think that Tool should get a new guitarist and just keep Jones on the visual stuff. Buzz is one that comes to mind, but there's a lot of others. Tool with Buckethead would be cool, if he could keep the leads and solo's minimal. I'd really like to see Tool with Jeordie White (twiggy) on guitar. Despite him being a part of Manson, he's a brilliant musician.


Regardless, Maynard and Danny are Tool.




i like adam jones playing in tool. it just works, i don't want any wanky guitar solos, only solos if they work with the whole piece. also i'd like to point out that justin chancellor is an awesome bassplayer and is easily overlooked. they are more than the sum of their parts and are skilled musicians on their own as well.



as for the topic at hand. i'll probably echo a few already mentioned, but whatever.

U2 - i just don't get the appeal. also bono is a huge douche

Burial - first album was alright, but was quite repetetive, untrue sealed the deal.

Venetian Snares - maybe he has more loud fanboys than usual, but his shit simply don't fly with me and lacks character

all these justice-like "electro" acts. big meh.

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justice is much overhyped

they are nice and stuff but they are not "the best in the last 10 years"

most of the better songs become boring after 3 listens


new depeche mode is totally overhyped the new album really sucks


boc is kind of a let down recently I was soo much into them and now there is just some better stuff out there but I am totally sure this will change with the new album


disagree with flying lotus being overhyped

1. he is not that much hyped and 2. its good music

(sure what he does is not completely new but its nice)

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REM is a mainstream rock/pop act. I don't really feel they're overhyped...popular, but I wouldn't say there's huge hype surrounding them. They have their fair share of haters. I like about half of their stuff, maybe closer to 1/3. The good stuff is very solid though.


I agree with Pixies...good but overhyped.


They were my favorite band before I was in high school and WAY before I discovered electronic music and underground stuff in general.


The last album was meh, the one before it absolute shit. Automatic for the People was a masterpiece in 1994 and since then they've been irrelevant but not bad. Like a mellow U2 I guess in terms of popularity. Fans tend to love the IRS years (start to 1988). I can see people disliking Green and especially understand the hate for Out of Time (i.e. "losing my religion" "shiney happy people") because looking back I know my liking of those LPS is mostly nostaligic.



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REM started off life as a college/indie band, and in the 90s Peter Stipe was hailed as the second coming.

True (regarding Michael Stipe anyway :biggrin: ), but I was thinking more about current hype, or lack of. As joshuatxuk stated, they've been pretty irrelevant for a while now.

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Guest JohnTqs

since i started listening to indie rock i have noticed my borders have expanded a lot...there isn't that much i don't like. i really cannot get into metal though and i think that's because it's actually just a shit genre of music.

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I just thought of one:




It's such a cheap style of music... I'm sure I've heard stuff like that a million times before although admittedly I can't really remember where.


Yeah it's "nice" and good background music but to call his debut the best album of any time period whatsoever is rediculous. Again, all the songs sound EXACTLY THE SAME!!!


Why is it that the all the most critically acclaimed albums are so samey?


Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion

That Field album (can't remember the name)

Burial - Untrue

Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrrsing



I'm sure there's more that I can't think of right now.

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since i started listening to indie rock i have noticed my borders have expanded a lot...there isn't that much i don't like. i really cannot get into metal though and i think that's because it's actually just a shit genre of music.



No it's because you have a shit taste in music.

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since i started listening to indie rock i have noticed my borders have expanded a lot...there isn't that much i don't like. i really cannot get into metal though and i think that's because it's actually just a shit genre of music.


i think metal is great... there's a lot of variety... i don't like some metal... black metal for one, except ulver or wolves in the throne room

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I just thought of one:




It's such a cheap style of music... I'm sure I've heard stuff like that a million times before although admittedly I can't really remember where.


Yeah it's "nice" and good background music but to call his debut the best album of any time period whatsoever is rediculous. Again, all the songs sound EXACTLY THE SAME!!!


Why is it that the all the most critically acclaimed albums are so samey?


Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion

That Field album (can't remember the name)

Burial - Untrue

Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrrsing



I'm sure there's more that I can't think of right now.

Hear hear, definitely agree on the painful samey-ness of Burial and the Field. I don't get that Field album at all, sounds like he made it in 10 minutes:

- Take a quarter/8th/16th note snip of something ambient/washy/droney

- repeat 500x

- lay over minimal techno thump


I'm sure much more went into it than that, it just doesn't sound like it

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but lyrically, Tool are a thousand times better than King Crimson.

Confusion will be your epitaph.


I fear tomorrow you'll be crying.


Epitaph is better lyrically than any Tool song I've ever heard, but these are two very different lyrical styles.

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Yeah The Field is very simple and overrated. The sampling of huge hit singles (like Lionel Richie) in short, glitchy, but melodic snippets was kinda novel, especially to music reviewers apparently, but big deal...it's just a dude using looping software. Burial is predicable too, but his songs are at least more layered and thought out...and he's purposely sampled artists he has emotional attachment too.

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Aphex Twin, there's some good stuff there but I just can't get on with his stuff, it's just not my thing I guess.


I think at least half of what Richard D James makes is a complete waste of time, and the rest is some of the best music ever made. I very rarely listen to I Care Because You Do but Richard D James album is faaaaantastic!

I basically feel the same.


I think the reason so many people 'LOVE' Aphex Twin is because he was their gateway into IDM and/or experimental electronic music (I'm including myself in that statement). And he was an inspiration to so many other musicians I enjoy, so I guess I'll always consider him a favorite. But you can't deny some of his stuff is weak.


Yeah, I can admit ICBYD never interested me that much, save Alberto Balslam, but the RDJ would be one of my desert island discs.

since i started listening to indie rock i have noticed my borders have expanded a lot...there isn't that much i don't like. i really cannot get into metal though and i think that's because it's actually just a shit genre of music.


i also hate all metal


im sure theres a decent metal song out there somewhere but i have yet to find it.


It's like every other major genre electronic, hip,-hop, indie rock: there's plenty of excellent stuff to be found in a sea of predictable shit. But as diverse and interesting Metal is, some people just can't get into because the whole point of it is to be heavy, loud, abrasive, and in one way or another, over-the-top and excessive in sound.

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REM started off life as a college/indie band, and in the 90s Peter Stipe was hailed as the second coming.

True (regarding Michael Stipe anyway :biggrin: ), but I was thinking more about current hype, or lack of. As joshuatxuk stated, they've been pretty irrelevant for a while now.


Fair enough. They have been pretty irrelevant for a while.


Current bands that haven't been mentioned yet..fuck I dunno, I'm so out of touch.

AC for sure though. And I actually like the person pitch LP (not enough to actually buy it yet but...lol)

Oh Devandra Banhart. So much commotion over a folk singer?

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i cant hate REM....i love a good bit of their output



The Field, I agree with wholeheartedly....though its strange...I absolutely love his Kappsta tracks on the Pop Ambient series, so I got the full length expecting something similar and....well, it was a huge letdown.



as for aphex, i agree hes overrated in some respects, but hes still the grand daddy in others...


The analord series, if made by anyone else, would have been seen as mediocre. Im sorry, but its the truth....I enjoy listening to them, but by no means are they on constant rotation.

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The analord series, if made by anyone else, would have been seen as mediocre. Im sorry, but its the truth....I enjoy listening to them, but by no means are they on constant rotation.

Nor are they that consistent.


Yeah, I can admit ICBYD never interested me that much, save Alberto Balslam, but the RDJ would be one of my desert island discs.

Agreed...RDJ Album is one of my top albums of all time, being the first one I heard from him.

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The analord series, if made by anyone else, would have been seen as mediocre. Im sorry, but its the truth....I enjoy listening to them, but by no means are they on constant rotation.


yes, a thousand times yes.


AFX also gets too much hype. some of his stuff is pretty mediocre and not nearly as good as they are made out to be. granted, he's done some nice stuff too, but he's far from infallible.

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