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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Guest Radioactive Mind

sucks how developing artistic ability actually takes concentration and effort, I'm generally hard pressed to spare either one. derp derp depr

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got really high with friends/staff at a bar and said something that was received strangely by one of the newer girls. maybe it's just cos I'm still high and paranoid but I think she thinks I said something creepy when it was just an ambiguous sentence. what the fuck. her reaction was like I said something rapey. now I'm all weirded out.

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got really high with friends/staff at a bar and said something that was received strangely by one of the newer girls. maybe it's just cos I'm still high and paranoid but I think she thinks I said something creepy when it was just an ambiguous sentence. what the fuck. her reaction was like I said something rapey. now I'm all weirded out.

Did you utter: "I'm going to forcibly jam my erect penis into your un-lubricated asshole."...? Yeah, cuz that sounds rapey.


Don't say that.

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Anyone in the food service industry that preps a lot probably has a callus on the inside of their index finger somewhere from years of prep work(slicing produce, protein, or breads in a repeated fashion to produce large quantities of consistent product).


Well, I have been steadily procuring my callus for around 25 years now and it's a very durable hide like quality that I admire to myself. That is until last week, I helped a friend prep for a 2,000 person catering event where one of my jobs was to cook & dice 45 pounds of bacon. The next day it felt like there was a blister underneath my precious finger wallet, but there was no visual difference. Until today, my sacred callus had popped while I slept, and the new skin hiding beneath the leather blanket was already healed and ready to see the sunshine.


This is just a quiet ode to my callus, it has been a good couple decades my friend, and I will now only look forward to the future and beyond. My knife skills must not falter. A newer, sleeker, and more modernized callus must arise from the ashes of this misfortune.

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The skin should be tougher in that zone now. After over 20 years of playing guitar i don't have calluses on my left fingertips anymore, nothing visible at any least. But the thickness of the skin is more than enough to protect that zone for hours of playing, without taking away some of the subtleness. It was strange years ago when it transitioned to this, but there you go. Lets hope that is what happens to you.

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I don't normally get paranoid on mj, unless I feel the atmosphere is negative.


anyway, what I said was... ugh, long story.


we were next door for a bit hanging out in the kitchen of a restaurant after hours, and there were a lot of guys and only a few girls. we came back to the bar and this new girl who's just started working there remarked that it was creeping her out about all the guys. said that she knew it when she started rolling a cig and three other guys started doing the same, presumably as a pretense for going outside to smoke with her. I said yeah, that's gross. then I leaned in a little and said "did you do that on purpose to gauge the reaction?" meaning did she start rolling to see who else would, to judge the creep factor. she didn't respond and kind of shrank away, then eventually got up and went behind the bar.


wat :shrug:

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i don't think that there's anything to worry about. You were just too deep for her tiny little mind. Either that or she freaked out because you'd figured out her plan. Either way, she missed out. Maybe cause she was new she just felt uncomfortable and the pot din help.

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I don't normally get paranoid on mj, unless I feel the atmosphere is negative.


anyway, what I said was... ugh, long story.


we were next door for a bit hanging out in the kitchen of a restaurant after hours, and there were a lot of guys and only a few girls. we came back to the bar and this new girl who's just started working there remarked that it was creeping her out about all the guys. said that she knew it when she started rolling a cig and three other guys started doing the same, presumably as a pretense for going outside to smoke with her. I said yeah, that's gross. then I leaned in a little and said "did you do that on purpose to gauge the reaction?" meaning did she start rolling to see who else would, to judge the creep factor. she didn't respond and kind of shrank away, then eventually got up and went behind the bar.


wat :shrug:

If she's that sensitive then is it even worth the effort?!

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I don't know, the whole thing is retarded. but it seemed like everyone else was acting like I said something wrong so I was like, wtf. maybe it came across like I was suggesting she was trying to get attention? #rapeculture


I think she's lesbanian btw.

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The skin should be tougher in that zone now. After over 20 years of playing guitar i don't have calluses on my left fingertips anymore, nothing visible at any least. But the thickness of the skin is more than enough to protect that zone for hours of playing, without taking away some of the subtleness. It was strange years ago when it transitioned to this, but there you go. Lets hope that is what happens to you.


You're right. It's wild to me, but the new skin underneath the blister is as hard as the old callus, but yet supple and flush against the rest of my finger.

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I don't know, the whole thing is retarded. but it seemed like everyone else was acting like I said something wrong so I was like, wtf. maybe it came across like I was suggesting she was trying to get attention? #rapeculture


I think she's lesbanian btw.


I don't think you were to blame there.


In America 'lesbanian' means 'challenge' to most men. Interesting fact.

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I feel overweight and it's causing my clothes to feel tight, and might be a factor in my lower back pain. It's also making me too self-conscious to talk to cute chicks.
When I was about to wrap up my grocery shopping on the way home, a cute chick working at the unoccupied checkout was looking at me expectantly, but I still had one more thing to grab, so I felt like I inadvertently ditched her. Oh well.

I've lost a bunch of weight before in my teens. I already know how to do it. It's motivation to start again that's the greatest obstacle.

Blah blah boring boring, I know.

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yeah, being porky sucks, can confirm. especially when you know that it's your fault. all you have to do is not eat anything very much besides veges and exercise all the time. heh. something something about not enough species of gut bacteria and having too long/efficient a digestive tract compared to thin people that would starve if only there was a famine.

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