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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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My job : some daily fog punctuated by lapidary directives from my boss that lead to nowhere since she appears not to live in the same reality in which my colleague and I do. Asking her about shit doesn't do much since she answers with more lapidary yet elusive shit. I don't know what to do. It's like I have to figure it all by myself. Taking initiatives and being independant, yeah sure, but I'd like a bit more of guidance pls, I'm just an intern ffs.


becuoming isnane :catnope:




Are you getting paid in your internship? If not, fuck it in the ass.

If you are getting paid for the internship, I suggest this site as a valuable tool:


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That's why I'm so glad I work in a warehouse: cardboard boxes aren't prone to speaking nonsensical bullshit. You have my sympathies.


You could try what I did with the only piece of office work I ever did and put in random quotes from television in the paragraphs. Chances are no-one ever notices.

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we hev team. group's name is WATMM (I don't think the page is active yet) and the team ID for you to put in your profile is 227914


Done ! But my previous, hard earned points won't count in the WATMM team...I guess I'll have to fold harder ! (and yeah the page don't seem to be active as of right now)

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we hev team. group's name is WATMM (I don't think the page is active yet) and the team ID for you to put in your profile is 227914


Done ! But my previous, hard earned points won't count in the WATMM team...I guess I'll have to fold harder ! (and yeah the page don't seem to be active as of right now)



we hev point.

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Someone actually listened to my intentionally shitty ae GarageBand parody track on soundcloud from 3 years ago (I'm not positive what prompted making it, I think I was going to troll one of those "positive review" sites per a watmm thread back then, but nobody else did anything) and I am so embarrassed.


I think I've left it up to motivate myself to make a real track... and I've failed to do so for 3 years.

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we hev team. group's name is WATMM (I don't think the page is active yet) and the team ID for you to put in your profile is 227914

Nice, I guess I'll join that instead of seeding torrents that are never downloaded.



My job : some daily fog punctuated by lapidary directives from my boss that lead to nowhere since she appears not to live in the same reality in which my colleague and I do. Asking her about shit doesn't do much since she answers with more lapidary yet elusive shit. I don't know what to do. It's like I have to figure it all by myself. Taking initiatives and being independant, yeah sure, but I'd like a bit more of guidance pls, I'm just an intern ffs.


becuoming isnane :catnope:




Are you getting paid in your internship? If not, fuck it in the ass.

If you are getting paid for the internship, I suggest this site as a valuable tool:




Yes I'm paid thankfully, phew!

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Gonna be broke for another week, after today. Had to cough up big chunks of money this month to cover my dental bills and renew my supply of soft contact lenses, on top of having been overly generous with holiday shopping last month.

Being broke while working full time = bullshit

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Are you getting paid in your internship? If not, fuck it in the ass.

If you are getting paid for the internship, I suggest this site as a valuable tool:




Thank you chen, this page has allowed me to dramatically leverage my client's end-to-end intellectual capital by energistically plagiarizing resource-leveling materials. Could have really used this when I was an intern.

Edited by luke viia
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My job : some daily fog punctuated by lapidary directives from my boss that lead to nowhere since she appears not to live in the same reality in which my colleague and I do. Asking her about shit doesn't do much since she answers with more lapidary yet elusive shit. I don't know what to do. It's like I have to figure it all by myself. Taking initiatives and being independant, yeah sure, but I'd like a bit more of guidance pls, I'm just an intern ffs.






  1. relating to the engraving, cutting, or polishing of stones and gems.
  1. a person who cuts, polishes, or engraves gems.




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Guest kymppinetti

My most problem is that I'm lazy. Also I don't always remeber to switch the heat up enough so it'll not be too cold in the morning.

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Me and my girlfriend broke up a few months ago but we still live together and I'm starting to date someone else. I hadn't expected this to happen so quickly after a serious relationship and I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

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Me and my girlfriend broke up a few months ago but we still live together and I'm starting to date someone else. I hadn't expected this to happen so quickly after a serious relationship and I don't know what the hell I'm doing.


Sounds awkward. Unless you had one of those ideal breakups where both of you are still friends AND mature enough to not by fazed by the sound of your ex fucking someone else in your own house

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that's deep, i'd hit the roof if someone did that to me. well out of order.


PS this actually happened with two friends of mine (the girl met a new guy) and they were not shy about it.


you could see the pain etched across his face as they canoodled in from of him in the flat they'd bought together.


i can't even begin to imagine how he felt when they were having sex just down the hall.

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I want to go jogging with the soundcloud AFX tunes, but I'm afraid I will burst into tears to 28 organ


i haven't heard this one yet. been too exhasted to do much when i get home over the past few weeks.



That's probably THE tune to listen to tho !

My FWP : broke my headphones some days ago and can't listen to the new Afx tracks while working in the library :cry:

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