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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Realised the window had blown open near her litter tray (it's a skylight window set into slanted roof and goes down to floor level) so there was whooping wind and hissing traffic noise right next to it.

I guess she was scared and needed a piss and went to her safe place, her and her sister both used to piss on the bed when kittens.

Hopefully that was a one-off.

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My shower broke so I take baths now instead until it's fixed and baths are nice but showers are quicker. Also I'm so sure my neighbours can hear me blowing bubbles in the water, it's making me self-conscious.

Edited by Bechuga
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CenturyLink's customer service is the absolute fucking worst, the incompetence is ridiculous! I have to get this rant off my chest  :catrage: 

I was trying to switch my billing over to the pricing promised in the new CenturyLink/DirectTV bundle I signed up for through AT&T that's partnered with CenturyLink that's a much better deal then I was paying as an already existing CenturyLink customer. I attempted to make the switch myself, twice...

The first time I called I got a hispanic guy that I swear barely spoke English, he transferred me to DirectTV which has no control over the CenturyLink billing. The Second time I got a really bitchy lady who proceeded to tell me that, that promotion must not exist (it does) and they they aren't partnered with AT&T (they are) because they are a competitor (no they aren't)... "Excuse me, but YES you ARE partnered with them and have been for at LEAST a few years now, and NO they are NOT a competitor with your company." I had her grab me a supervisor, who then told me that in order to get new billing there'd be a $200 cancellation fee... No there isn't, because I'm not on a contract and never have been, also I'm not cancelling anything I'm switching to a bundle...This went a little further and I should have gotten the guy's name because he was an absolute dick on the phone. I ended up hanging up on him.

My wife and I then had to go down to the AT&T store and have the representative who signed us up call CenturyLink herself and I had to verify info when needed. That call took her almost 45 minutes! I assume the duration where she was in the back off the sales floor she was having to shuffle through people and argue herself... Finally managed to get switched over and billed correctly, but HOLY FUCK was that a hassle.

The AT&T people were really great with their service and truly helpful, CenturyLink however can go to hell.


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The girls at work freaked out over a tiny god damn spider. They requested I kill it, so I reluctantly agreed...using my finger.

I still feel guilty about it, because it was obviously harmless and its base body was pinhead-sized. I just don't understand how women seem to be such natural arachnophobes.

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Men too. I worked (demolition) with a dude that screamed like a babby girl when he ran across any decent sized spiders. Needless to say he hated his job. I usually set em free or put a nail on their back to tire them out.

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i used to catch spiders to scare kids when i was young.. i'd let them crawl all over me but nowadays i'm not so keen to do that. i always feel bad killing them too, some times ya gotta though.

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Arachnophobia does seem to be a thing with almost every girl I know for whatever reason.  I don't get it. I haven't really noticed any of my male friends freaking out about spiders though.  I wonder why it would be more of a thing among females and not males.  Obviously some guys have that fear too, but it seems way less common.


i find bugs that resemble long sticks far creepier.  not sure why that is though.  If a stick-like insect hops on me I will shriek.

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My GF absolutely has arachnophobia. She won't enter a room after a spider has been in it (and killed) for a few hours. I used to be freaked out by them until I realized how fragile and dumb they are. I like them in my gardens and encourage garden and cellar spiders, but not the fuckers that bite if they have to. They've been around he house lately (some are fucking huge) and she's been a handful with them lol. 


Funny enough the whole "I'm being a good person by letting a spider out" thing is total bullshit, at least in my neck of the woods. The reason a great deal of alpha-ass big spiders such as the hobo, euro giant house spider and a few others come indoors is because they are likely going to die outside. Changing of season, rain/snow, lack of food and destruction of dwellings sends spiders into your cozy home in search of possible food and safety. They are found a lot in bathroom fixtures because they crawl into them and then cannot get out, so that's usually where you see them aside from the occasional brazen scurry across the floor or after you move something.


So yeah, if you want to subject the spider to a long, drawn-out death in the elements, put that fucker outside during any season besides late spring or summer. I prefer the ol' painless of sicking a cat on them or killing them very quickly. 

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i dated a girl who was so afraid of spiders she was also afraid of "spider crickets". i don't know what these things are actually called, they're crickets with pronounced hind legs so they kind of look like spiders. she once was walking up to my apartment and i heard through the door "ewewewewohhhewewaaaaaaahhh" and came outside and saw her running away from this cricket that was just flipping wildly on the sidewalk.  i picked it up and placed it in the grass then broke up with her.

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Arachnophobia does seem to be a thing with almost every girl I know for whatever reason.  I don't get it. I haven't really noticed any of my male friends freaking out about spiders though.  I wonder why it would be more of a thing among females and not males.  Obviously some guys have that fear too, but it seems way less common.




Spiders freak me out because of their legs. Those long nasty legs. The way they bend. The way they move.

But in general I just hate bugs. A couple of weeks ago I had to leave my living room because a huge butterfly flew in through my terrace door. My girlfriend caught it and let it out. And last weekend I was sitting in my studio when a small crane fly flew right at me. I panicked so hard, my arms were bashing in all directions, and I ended up taking my shirt off because I was worried it had somehow gotten under my collar.


Also, when I was a kid I fell down a flight of stairs because I saw a spider.

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For me it depends on the species. Small but highly venomous spiders like hobos, black widows, and especially brown recluses are the ones to give a wide berth. Larger ones appear more intimidating but are less of a threat to humans. And daddy longlegs are like the retards of the spider order. I saw one leave a brown drop once. Wasn't sure if it was poop or not.

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I always thought daddy longlegs were harvesters (still arachnids but not spiders).


They look like spiders though so that's enough for me. I'm a huge wuss when it comes to spiders. Anna kills em for me if they're in the house. :facepalm:


Little teensy spiders we leave alone, but the ones that build webs in areas we use (smoking area on the deck, anywhere we sit/relax in general) we tend to get rid of.

Edited by StephenG
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ugh. longlegs are the worst. once thought i had a hair that was just brushing in front of my face and kept swatting it away. eventually pulled what i thought were two "hairs" before realizing they were actually longlegs. i think i killed the poor fella out of his misery because i felt bad for ripping two of his legs off. one of the single most disgusting things i've experienced. 

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gotta love the lil spider gawds, well at least the indigenous British varieties that dont drop you with a single eight-eyed stare


they harvest the things that'll really nibble yer face while you're asleep and every home should have its own spider alter


today's First World problem is indigestion following a superb & satisfying meal, fish rarely gets this good & it was my own shoddy fruit crumble that over-did the stomach acids

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