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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Gave blood yesterday and have very low energy today. I kind of hate being this lethargic.

Eat sausage. Lots, and I mean LOTS, of sausage. And chanterelles if you have these, it's mushroom season at least in this latitude

iron etc

Edited by darreichungsform
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Gave blood yesterday and have very low energy today. I kind of hate being this lethargic.

Eat sausage. Lots, and I mean LOTS, of sausage. And chanterelles if you have these, it's mushroom season at least in this latitude

iron etc




I don't eat meat, but it looks like my diet is already pretty high in iron. I eat a lot of beans and spinach. Just need to wait it out, I guess.

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I went to give blood once, with the tourniquet already around my arm I remembered I'd done some coke a couple months earlier which meant you weren't allowed to donate. Told the doctor beforehand that I was a regular amphetamine user and that was no problem, but because of possibly getting herpes from sharing a coke straw (told the doc speed users share as much straws as coke users do...) you had to wait at least 12 months after snorting any coke before donating.

Anyway, I alerted the nurse and felt super embarrassed and had to buy my own cookies.

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I went to give blood once, with the tourniquet already around my arm I remembered I'd done some coke a couple months earlier which meant you weren't allowed to donate. Told the doctor beforehand that I was a regular amphetamine user and that was no problem, but because of possibly getting herpes from sharing a coke straw (told the doc speed users share as much straws as coke users do...) you had to wait at least 12 months after snorting any coke before donating.

Anyway, I alerted the nurse and felt super embarrassed and had to buy my own cookies.

why did you tell them? makes no sense at all

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My e-ink reader's screen died. I have no idea what happened. One evening I put it down like I always do, the next day I want to use it, but the screen is now an abstract painting. I was kind of attached to that apparatus. Everything is falling apart these days...

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I went to give blood once, with the tourniquet already around my arm I remembered I'd done some coke a couple months earlier which meant you weren't allowed to donate. Told the doctor beforehand that I was a regular amphetamine user and that was no problem, but because of possibly getting herpes from sharing a coke straw (told the doc speed users share as much straws as coke users do...) you had to wait at least 12 months after snorting any coke before donating.

Anyway, I alerted the nurse and felt super embarrassed and had to buy my own cookies.

why did you tell them? makes no sense at all



Because I don't want to potentially put the person receiving my blood at any risk. Lying to medical staff makes no sense to me. 

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Haha, ok you got me. I guess I'm virtue signalling :( I've done many immoral things and still do quite a few.

But I'm also super neurotic and giving blood without full disclosure to the bloodletting place is one of those things that would worry me even years later and keep me up at night and not being ever able to find out if something maybe went wrong would drive me nuts.  

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They do a full analysis of your blood. I think they field you with those questions so you don't waste their resources and time. Testing can be quite expensive.

(And you should definitely tell them if you think something is wrong with your blood)

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i've been sick for almost two weeks, have seemingly infected multiple coworkers, and have found out that others who have been cursed before me are still dealing with this illness after six weeks. brutal.

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The new gmail is trying to make me even lazier by coming up with replies for me.

lol I noticed that earlier today. I tried it out and it actually worked fairly nicely. I was writing to a decorator/designer and gmail filled in a lot of what I was going to say =/

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Yeah, most of the options fit perfectly. Just funny how cold and impersonal it is. Won't take long for people to start getting offended by all the stock replies their friends and family are sending.

LinkedIn has had a similar functionality for a while. Makes it so much easier to answer the messages from recruiters (which already are mostly copy-paste anyway).
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Accidentally got into a company-wide email dispute over some recently adopted and quite blatant copyright infringement & misleading online marketing. I look like the nitpicky douchebag, but I'm legally (and imo ethically) correct. I also don't care enough to defend my position.

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Yeah, most of the options fit perfectly. Just funny how cold and impersonal it is. Won't take long for people to start getting offended by all the stock replies their friends and family are sending.

LinkedIn has had a similar functionality for a while. Makes it so much easier to answer the messages from recruiters (which already are mostly copy-paste anyway).


Yeah, i fucked up on LinkedIn where the first time i saw those, was in conversation for a professor that had gone out of his way to procure a list of readings on a topic, and without realizing it until it was too late, I must have hit the button to respond with just "Thanks." At least queue it into a text box so i can add to it ffs.

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Yeah, it's valley talk and it has a longer history than I realized? i thought it's a recent fad, but apparently this goes back to the 70/80s? so, like, I was reading into it? And some linguist or psychologists or what? are saying that:



By turning a declaration into a question, it invites the listener to listen actively, to nod or confirm, much like adding “you know?” or “right?” to a sentence. It also serves a more basic function of “floor-holding,” preventing interruption by indicating there’s more to come; it turns a period into a semicolon. Research has confirmed as much: As Douglas noted, a handful of studies have demonstrated that uptalkers rely on the inflection to keep their conversation partner engaged and attentive. To skeptics, uptalking may seem like it’s turning every statement into a question, but really, it’s turning them into demands: I’m not done speaking yet, so keep listening.


So, like, when I was reading this? i realized that what bothers me? is exactly that obnoxious, self-entitled style? that really has no substance to it? but is there just to keep the attention.

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I wonder if this is done in other languages besides english. I will certainly try to introduce it into my native tongue, perhaps a worldwide trend can be sparked and people will listen more carefully, globally.

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