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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Yeah, it's valley talk and it has a longer history than I realized? i thought it's a recent fad, but apparently this goes back to the 70/80s? so, like, I was reading into it? And some linguist or psychologists or what? are saying that:


By turning a declaration into a question, it invites the listener to listen actively, to nod or confirm, much like adding “you know?” or “right?” to a sentence. It also serves a more basic function of “floor-holding,” preventing interruption by indicating there’s more to come; it turns a period into a semicolon. Research has confirmed as much: As Douglas noted, a handful of studies have demonstrated that uptalkers rely on the inflection to keep their conversation partner engaged and attentive. To skeptics, uptalking may seem like it’s turning every statement into a question, but really, it’s turning them into demands: I’m not done speaking yet, so keep listening.

So, like, when I was reading this? i realized that what bothers me? is exactly that obnoxious, self-entitled style? that really has no substance to it? but is there just to keep the attention.

Basically same as innit, innit? You know what I'm sayin?
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Something that bothers me is when people slow down towards the end . of .. the ... sentence. On . every .. single ... sentence.


Particularly done by some . people .. on ... TV.

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Australians, at least to my ears, seem to carry the uplift inflection quite a bit, at least tonally w/out certain slang


few exceptions were the str8/flat "bowling Warney, bowling" by various Oz wicket-keepers during Ashes series, but that's uber cricket nerd-ism


edit - fwp = no real problems today, yet, some Saxon wannabe-Levellers busker cunts tried to charm me into parting with a few shekels earlier, but other than that it's all good

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I wonder if this is done in other languages besides english. I will certainly try to introduce it into my native tongue, perhaps a worldwide trend can be sparked and people will listen more carefully, globally.


Lots of other languages already have tonality as part of the language, especially the various Chinese dialects, but also others like Burmese, Thai, Lao, and many of the languages spoken across South Asia. Don't know about other areas of the world, but I'd guess lots of them have tonal languages.

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Basically same as innit, innit? You know what I'm sayin?


Well I dunno. innit, to me at least (I'm no linguist or whatever), is kind of on point if there is an emphasis or highlight in your spoken message at which you request your listener's response. Sure, it could be abused as a filler, but it's not as common I guess - more a personal thing. Whereas uptalk is a generational/peer thing and basically all millenials do it, from club goers, Apple store employees to students speaking between each other and on the telly and seems like the only punctuation they know...

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maybe time for a frame of snooker or 2 & a couple of pints? best of 5? split the lights fee with you or loser pays all?


fwp - missing the cigarette smoke that used to hang under snooker table lights, zero fresh air ever circulated, just the aroma of microwaved pasties & a "no junkies" sign decorating the bog door

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maybe time for a frame of snooker or 2 & a couple of pints? best of 5? split the lights fee with you or loser pays all?



Are you trying to say I'm being nerdy and not fun at parties? Yea, happens sometimes :)

I'm always up for a snooker or two...

I'll leave you to talk about other FWPs, sorry for being off topic.

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@Aust     ribbing you, snooker on mongolian plains sounds cosmic enough


that field of phonetic linguistics (plus accents/dialects generally) or the term for the scope of those subjects is fascinating, their performance mechanisms, Bourdieu would be all up in that practice-ass, you could add Judith Butler too, but she doesnt like the cock, soooooo.......


agree with you on the generational front, case studies have been a conveyor belt of presentations where this pestilence has crept in, sitting through them is/was torture, if it gets really bad the possible sequences of violent scenarios start to seem morally liminal or in off the red at the very least

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The oven & hob stopped working just before I finished cooking this evening and the landlady hasn't got back to me with any sort of answer yet, usually she's straight away. Tried reseting any breakers I could find to no avail. I'm doing good at eating tasty healthy meals but that's not going to continue with just a microwave, toaster and kettle in the flat to warm anything up.

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There's this celeb musician who keeps jumping onto political debates in my fb feed any time someone posts something he disagrees with.  For some reason he's fb friends with a significant chunk of my musician friends...  anyway, so I got curious what sort of shit ____ posts on his own fb feed.  Unsurprisingly, more political posts + the expected musical ventures he's getting up to.  On the most recent post, there's a comment from another more-obscure-but-still-celeb musician who a lot of people have compared my own music to in the past.  Every time it gets brought up I mention hearing that comparison a fair bit, but have not gotten around to hearing their music yet.  Anyway, my SFWP is that I'm creeping on the fb page of an artist I keep getting compared to.  Though more accurately I just got sucked into some right vs left debate at the top of his page where things are very heated.  Anyway, I feel dirty.

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There's this celeb musician who keeps jumping onto political debates in my fb feed any time someone posts something he disagrees with.  For some reason he's fb friends with a significant chunk of my musician friends...  anyway, so I got curious what sort of shit ____ posts on his own fb feed.  Unsurprisingly, more political posts + the expected musical ventures he's getting up to.  On the most recent post, there's a comment from another more-obscure-but-still-celeb musician who a lot of people have compared my own music to in the past.  Every time it gets brought up I mention hearing that comparison a fair bit, but have not gotten around to hearing their music yet.  Anyway, my SFWP is that I'm creeping on the fb page of an artist I keep getting compared to.  Though more accurately I just got sucked into some right vs left debate at the top of his page where things are very heated.  Anyway, I feel dirty.

Filthy ; )


Go ahead and PM the names of these musicians... just to get it off your chest.


More seriously, quitting FB about 2 years ago is a decision I have largely not regretted. Politically, it's all just echo chambers. And this was before all the latest questionable shite.

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There's this celeb musician who keeps jumping onto political debates in my fb feed any time someone posts something he disagrees with.  For some reason he's fb friends with a significant chunk of my musician friends...  anyway, so I got curious what sort of shit ____ posts on his own fb feed.  Unsurprisingly, more political posts + the expected musical ventures he's getting up to.  On the most recent post, there's a comment from another more-obscure-but-still-celeb musician who a lot of people have compared my own music to in the past.  Every time it gets brought up I mention hearing that comparison a fair bit, but have not gotten around to hearing their music yet.  Anyway, my SFWP is that I'm creeping on the fb page of an artist I keep getting compared to.  Though more accurately I just got sucked into some right vs left debate at the top of his page where things are very heated.  Anyway, I feel dirty.

Filthy ; )


Go ahead and PM the names of these musicians... just to get it off your chest.


I'll tell you who it isn't:

hello spiral, on 11 Oct 2018 - 02:05 AM, said:

It’s aphex and flashbulb isnt it



Just kidding, it is them.




Stop being so right wing


I consider myself more of an alright wing.

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...On the most recent post, there's a comment from another more-obscure-but-still-celeb musician who a lot of people have compared my own music to in the past.  Every time it gets brought up I mention hearing that comparison a fair bit, but have not gotten around to hearing their music yet.  Anyway, my SFWP is that I'm creeping on the fb page of an artist I keep getting compared to.  Though more accurately I just got sucked into some right vs left debate at the top of his page where things are very heated.  Anyway, I feel dirty.


I was listening to one of my favourite metal bands in my van today, and decided to peruse the CD liner notes.  The very first name mentioned in the thanks section is the dude whose facebook I was creeping on.  I also added said metal band to my instagram a couple days ago, and one of the featured pics was the 2 of them hanging out... so it's definitely the same guy.  Weeeeeeird/Synchronalicious.  Not sure what I'm supposed to do with this.  I guess maybe I'll check out one of his albums or something.  

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Do it, you'll turn into a rootin tootin alpha male in no time.


Fwp: system at work down for update, so I ended up spamming watmm.

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I keep getting woken up by this fucking artisanal baker ringing the bell he's got on his cart trying to lure people out of their apartments to buy his overpriced wheatturds. It's not that he does one session of bell ringing, he'll ring it for about a minute or so (which mightn't seem that long but it is) then 5 minutes of silence while he's eagerly waiting, wringing his hands, hoping people will come down and then he'll start ringing it again, repeat 3-4 times. 


...On the most recent post, there's a comment from another more-obscure-but-still-celeb musician who a lot of people have compared my own music to in the past.  Every time it gets brought up I mention hearing that comparison a fair bit, but have not gotten around to hearing their music yet.  Anyway, my SFWP is that I'm creeping on the fb page of an artist I keep getting compared to.  Though more accurately I just got sucked into some right vs left debate at the top of his page where things are very heated.  Anyway, I feel dirty.


I was listening to one of my favourite metal bands in my van today, and decided to peruse the CD liner notes.  The very first name mentioned in the thanks section is the dude whose facebook I was creeping on.  I also added said metal band to my instagram a couple days ago, and one of the featured pics was the 2 of them hanging out... so it's definitely the same guy.  Weeeeeeird/Synchronalicious.  Not sure what I'm supposed to do with this.  I guess maybe I'll check out one of his albums or something.  



I love synchronicities like that.

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I'm lying in a hammock and there's a monkey above me in the three eating stuff and dropping the leftovers on me. Fucking monkeys.

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just happened to run into my dad at the grocery store near my place. he lives in another city but was around here looking after his ex's dogs. akh! so now i'm seeing him in a couple days, it's been awhile but he always seems to say shit that bothers me when i'm with him

you'd think i'd have learnt by now

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My female companion has started binging Keeping up with the Kardashians, so many seasons to go. I want to die.

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