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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I wonder how many great, lasting romances start with the story 'yeah we met and it was great but decided it wasn't the perfect time so we gave it up for a while then got back together and only then was it really amazing the rest is history!'


Not saying you both don't have reasons for being cautious and all Zephyr, but man, sometimes the only chance is now. Not always of course, I'm quite sure there's examples of what I was joking about there but I dunno, there's a lot to be said for trying it now rather than later. Hard to predict the future though I think, pretty sure. Go see a psychic. ;D Good luck no matter.

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lol thank you aux.  Truly.  That's definitely a thought that's weighed heavily on me, and I think on her too.  I do believe this is one of those once in a lifetime things, but one which has some leeway.  Like... I don't think it's a "make your choice now!" situations.  It's just a delicate one.


Anyway, sorry to mung up the SFWP thread with something so far out of line with it.  I was sleep deprived.


Legit SFWP: there's so much light reflecting on my screen it's a goddamn mirror.  And it's annoying that I read that as symbolism immediately after writing it.  Fuck, I need to make some music...

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edited a 28 min jam down to 14 minutes and can't decide beyond that. my dog is looking at me like i'm supposed to know what he means and i have no idea since he's had a treat, just got back from 40+ minute walk and ate his dinner. 

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GoFundMe gave me a refund for the money I donated to ChenGOD's friend's campaign. Wonder what happened.



Someone else here smacked a nut while dealing with a mosquito... possibly braintree? Anyway, just did the same thing but for no goddamn reason at all, By accident. I don't like it.

One time I was naked and in a good mood and said to my wife "damn im feeling good !" And started thrusting into the air and my balls swung up and I don't know what happened but they smacked into the inside of my leg and fuck did it hurt . My wife thought it was the funniest thing and regularly references it






What's this about then


it was usagi who valiantly hit himself in the nütt

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Damn it guys, I've fallen really hard for a girl.  There's major sparks.  It's really bad timing.  I asked her if she wanted to keep hanging out after a show, and we kept hanging out for most of a good 6 days straight.  A REALLY good 6 days straight.  Had a couple days off now to sort of metabolize this experience somewhat and give her some much needed space.  But she asked me out again this Sat night so... man I'm excited, and nervous.  It's 5:30am and I can't sleep... which is a problem.  Also have had an extremely difficult time eating pretty much since this whole thing started.  Which is extremely unusual... like I've never experience a severe loss of appetite from an emotional experience until now, at least not that I can recall.  The problem I guess is that we've both acknowledged this is a bad time to start some serious romantic relationship, and have agreed that we shouldn't... but it seems to be happening anyway.  There's just this huge uncertainty, and potential for devastation.  Eek.  But aside from that it's just the best.  Haven't dated anyone since I broke up with my last GF about 3 years ago, and we were together for more than 10 years.  So, this is pretty huge for me.  I don't think I've ever felt such a deep and immediate connection with anyone before.  It's intense, and makes me a bit nervous really.  It's mostly amazing though... but trepidation!   It's like I've found the perfect match but there's the looming risk of her going "it just can't be" for whatever reason, any time.  Haha oh god I hope I can sleep soon.  Anyway, wish me luck.



Tbh, that's kinda how my relationship with Boo started out... I had just ended a complicated and drawn out relationship, my head wasn't in a great place and I wasn't looking to be in a relationship. But, she treated me well, made me happy and I liked being around her, so we continued hanging out and just kinda took it slow... We've been together for about 8 years and happily married for 2.5 years now. The best ones seem to find you when you aren't really looking. Just take it slow.

Edited by ghOsty
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GoFundMe gave me a refund for the money I donated to ChenGOD's friend's campaign. Wonder what happened.


From the campaign site:


URGENT: We do not know why GoFundMe has returned donations. It happened unexpectedly and we are working to understand and resolve this. In the meantime, could you please email freemichaelspavor@gmail.com with the subject "Donor" so that we can contact you directly and rearrange your donation. Please do not donate again on this platform until we have a chance to better understand the issue. Thank you so very much.

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Gofundme prob closing it down so none of their employees get arbitrarily arrested overseas for being part of a platform supporting alleged spies.


Or something shady like that.


Yeah, seems shady alright. The frustrating thing is that it's probably pretty cheap to buy someone's services on the black market to run a disruption op like this. I bet it's the same 400 lb dude in his mom's basement that interfered with the 2016 election.


kill jester


Nae even close, thanks for playing tho

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Been dragged out to a top-40 bar/club for inlaw bday, partner understands the perhaps overly cerebral manner in which i process the world around me but inlaws have more difficulty understanding my aversion to this sort of setting- too loud to have a meaningful convo n music that doesn't compel me to dance... At least I remembered to bring my earplugs. Sometimes I wish I could take the edge off my brain and just enjoy this sort of setting for what it is. There's always alcohol but for me that requires near blackout lvls of drunk.

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Been dragged out to a top-40 bar/club for inlaw bday, partner understands the perhaps overly cerebral manner in which i process the world around me but inlaws have more difficulty understanding my aversion to this sort of setting- too loud to have a meaningful convo n music that doesn't compel me to dance... At least I remembered to bring my earplugs. Sometimes I wish I could take the edge off my brain and just enjoy this sort of setting for what it is. There's always alcohol but for me that requires near blackout lvls of drunk.


I feel yah. In those kinds of situations I just sit there dissociating *commence 1000 yard stare*

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Been dragged out to a top-40 bar/club for inlaw bday, partner understands the perhaps overly cerebral manner in which i process the world around me but inlaws have more difficulty understanding my aversion to this sort of setting- too loud to have a meaningful convo n music that doesn't compel me to dance... At least I remembered to bring my earplugs. Sometimes I wish I could take the edge off my brain and just enjoy this sort of setting for what it is. There's always alcohol but for me that requires near blackout lvls of drunk.

I feel yah. In those kinds of situations I just sit there dissociating *commence 1000 yard stare*

Yeah it's fuckin getting to that point. Super drunk girl wi no concept of physical boundaries just draped herself all over me and attempted an ice breaker, could barely make out what she said... Feigned inability to comprehend language and she sauntered off. The ordeal is nearly over I think.

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