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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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It's my day off, I feel like packing up a bowl and going outside for a walk/smoke (smoking in the apartment is not a smart idea before 5pm landlady's office is right out front) but it's cold... fuck you winter

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It was really hot like a couple days ago and then bam, fucking cold cloudy gray shitty ass days. Cause who needs gradually adjusting to a completely diferent season right


can i move there, it's fucking hot here.

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It was really hot like a couple days ago and then bam, fucking cold cloudy gray shitty ass days. Cause who needs gradually adjusting to a completely diferent season right


you wouldn't dig Sydney weather. we have probably one of the most variable climates in the world. recently there were even hot, suffocating bushfire winds happening while rain sprinkled down from big dirty clouds overhead. it's getting more and more insane every year.

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I have been working so much with my new job(s) that I have accumulated a fair bit of coin for my age the past year, bought over $4k worth in gear and studio stuffs over the past few months, and have had little to no time to use any of it. I've become so busy I haven't made music in a month or two. I finally plugged in my SH-09 after a week of it sitting in my room, only messed about with it for a bit, and had to leave. It's a total cocktease.


I have two days off this week and I plan to shut off my phone and lock the doors, but knowing my luck, that will not happen



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I have been working so much with my new job(s) that I have accumulated a fair bit of coin for my age the past year, bought over $4k worth in gear and studio stuffs over the past few months, and have had little to no time to use any of it. I've become so busy I haven't made music in a month or two. I finally plugged in my SH-09 after a week of it sitting in my room, only messed about with it for a bit, and had to leave. It's a total cocktease.


I have two days off this week and I plan to shut off my phone and lock the doors, but knowing my luck, that will not happen



yeah dude, capitalism is rough. I have a minibrute on my desk that I've barely scratched the surface of. gotta make that sweet coin tho

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Guest skytree

Getting frustrated by the news from Rosetta mission getting glitchy on Ustream after traveling 510 million km through interplanetary space. #21stcenturyproblems

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Who wants to cook dinner for me, i'm fucking flogged from a long arse day and a week of too little sleep that i haven't caught up from and kicking a caffeine habit i dived into for a few weeks, and not enough exercise.


/puts on saturday kitchen, that aught to gee me up into realising that it's easy, just do eet.

'uu terry wogan's on saturday kitchen.

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fwp: I'm jelly of audioblysk's SH-09


although I love my 101, I really dig the 70's SH's and especially the SH-09 which has that beautiful Jupiter 4 interface


fwp: I don't have a Jupiter 4


(yet...I should really just work my ass off and buy one)

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My new laptop arrived. Hooray!


It's decided that all certificates for all websites are invalid, and won't load any webpage with security protocols or any program that uses any form of website data. I suspect the only fix is a complete reboot, invalidating the last few hours of deleting pre-installed programs and installing my own softwares. Hooray...

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i've been jingle-jangling mǝ jelly shiv round ..and round th bottom of this little glass jar of bilberry preserve ..and i think i've finally used the last hidden speak of it - even the secret bit that sometimes hides beneath the rim is gone

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I eated your jam troon








not on this night, unfortunately - unless (!) ..mayb you'd ʎɹɹnɔs-hurry to the shop for me? ..o' but this ones shut, uuph :( i made loads of preserve from scratch the last year and stocked the cupboards full, but i've gone thro all that as well :(


toasties beware :)

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