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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I sprained my ankle last week and have slowly been regaining mobility, but have been pretty much stuck at home this past week, missing work (RIP money) and class. This morning I dropped my phone and the SIM card slot popped out and won't go back in. I tried putting the card in my old phone and now I have to deal with the carrier. When it rains it pours. 

 *sad hi-five*


I did the same. Was walking him listening to the autechre nts 1 livestream. I dunno what I did but 10hrs later I was woken up by the pain at 4am. I got into work but then went home around 9am.

Been hopping and chomping industrial strength ibuprofen ever since. Bag of frozen peas helps too.





peas life forever


I got a pair of compression socks too, which have helped mightily. When it finally started to bruise I flipped out, but it barely hurts when I have it in the boot now, which is a plus. 

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I sprained my ankle last week and have slowly been regaining mobility, but have been pretty much stuck at home this past week, missing work (RIP money) and class. This morning I dropped my phone and the SIM card slot popped out and won't go back in. I tried putting the card in my old phone and now I have to deal with the carrier. When it rains it pours. 




Any time I hear that phrase I think of this. Hope things go better for you tomorrow.


SFWP: started a song but can't for the life of me figure out where it needs to go. Tried different melodies, different tempos, different drum beats, different effects, different synth sounds, just at a loss. Spent hours yesterday beating my head against the wall with it. Maybe when I revisit it tomorrow it'll all click, but fuck is that frustrating knowing you've got something good there but can't carve it out of the block of shit it's in.



Sometimes you just need to put it down for a while. For an extended period in some cases. There have been tracks that I put down for months, forgot about them, and then magically knew what to do after returning to them.


Coming up with creative decisions sometimes means you only want the problem in your periphery rather than your undivided attention and focus.

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I sprained my ankle last week and have slowly been regaining mobility, but have been pretty much stuck at home this past week, missing work (RIP money) and class. When it rains it pours. 



my legs, knees & pelvis are mostly titanium, be grateful you ducked a tsunami ;)


try gentle non weight bearing stretching, ie clockwise & anti-clockwise rotations, when the swelling has visibly reduced, lunges on the affected side help other muscles from over-compensating too, plus CBD balms work a treat (which avoids certain pain meds)

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I sprained my ankle last week and have slowly been regaining mobility, but have been pretty much stuck at home this past week, missing work (RIP money) and class. When it rains it pours. 



my legs, knees & pelvis are mostly titanium, be grateful you ducked a tsunami ;)


try gentle non weight bearing stretching, ie clockwise & anti-clockwise rotations, when the swelling has visibly reduced, lunges on the affected side help other muscles from over-compensating too, plus CBD balms work a treat (which avoids certain pain meds)



Thanks for the tips - the number of O's I've been spelling out with my big toe has definitely been non-zero the past few days, for sure. There's still a bit of swelling but it's gone down considerably, and I got a pair of compression socks to wear during the daytime when I'm out and about. Still trying to avoid weightbearing when I'm outside the boot, but it's definitely possible at this point!

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I'm running into grab a delivery order, which takes 2 minutes tops.  The parking lot is full aside from four handicapped spots and a couple small car spots which won't fit my van.  So I park in one of the HC spots with my hazards on, knowing I'm just going to pop in and out.  Which I do.  As I'm getting into my van this dude pulls up next to me, rolls down his window and says "taking a handicapped spot while you pick up your order?  Pretty shitty bro."  Seriously?  There's 3 others available and nowhere else for me to park for my 2 minute pickup.  He goes and parks in one of the regular spots that has just opened up, so he pulled in beside me just to say that.  FFS.  It would be one thing if it were the only HC spot there... or even one that was close to the restaurant - I took the furthest one from it.  Why can't everyone just be reasonable?  Why get in someone's face over something so trivial.

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I'm running into grab a delivery order, which takes 2 minutes tops.  The parking lot is full aside from four handicapped spots and a couple small car spots which won't fit my van.  So I park in one of the HC spots with my hazards on, knowing I'm just going to pop in and out.  Which I do.  As I'm getting into my van this dude pulls up next to me, rolls down his window and says "taking a handicapped spot while you pick up your order?  Pretty shitty bro."  Seriously?  There's 3 others available and nowhere else for me to park for my 2 minute pickup.  He goes and parks in one of the regular spots that has just opened up, so he pulled in beside me just to say that.  FFS.  It would be one thing if it were the only HC spot there... or even one that was close to the restaurant - I took the furthest one from it.  Why can't everyone just be reasonable?  Why get in someone's face over something so trivial.


because cunts tbqh


(also don't forget that obesity can get you one of those HC cards in Canada). 

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Why get in someone's face over something so trivial.


because cunts tbqh


(also don't forget that obesity can get you one of those HC cards in Canada). 


Curse this stupid high metabolism!  I eat practically nothing but fried foods, pasta, bread and cheese am still borderline anorexic.  Wait... would anorexia give me an HC card?  I could feasibly pull that one off.

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my roomie is going absolute nuts with some cheap deodorant spray. what is WRONG WITH HIM urrrrrkkkkkk!!

it's the same guy who listened to Burial from his laptop speakers.

it's smelling like this bad cheap deo everywhere, like when a 15 year old tries to cover up the cummmies or something.



He probably has bad body odor. Therefore he needs to use deodorant to cover this up (thank him for this) but it is so bad that he needs to use a lot of deodorant...hence he has to purchase the cheap stuff that he can quickly and easily apply. He's just trying to be a good roommate, he can't help it that he was born as stinky trash that has naturally gravitated towards the music of such folks. ;)

daium this has gone nuts.


not so much the scents, but things have gone bad between us... basically he is deeply unhappy about my lack of tidiness (which, to be fair, I am not a very tidy person), at least he claims this is a real problem for him, but I think there’s something else..


he’s reacting extremely sensitive if I ask any little thing from him, such as, can I use the washing machine (after he’s been blocking it for a full week) like as if it’s a ridiculous question and then tells me off as being childish.. it’s his standard reaction to anything I ask him, blocking off aggressively. Also, he’s one of those guys who will cut you off mid sentence, making any conversation quite difficult, and any discussion futile.


So yeah this morning I asked him for the washing machine and he told me off, but I kinda had enough.. so I kept pushing until he FLIPPED (didn’t take much, I asked for the clothes dryer as well), smashing doors and yelling in Italian while being late to work...


so for me that’s that, I don’t want to live with the guy, but it’s also not easy throwing someone out... dunno wat do

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my roomie is going absolute nuts with some cheap deodorant spray. what is WRONG WITH HIM urrrrrkkkkkk!!

it's the same guy who listened to Burial from his laptop speakers.

it's smelling like this bad cheap deo everywhere, like when a 15 year old tries to cover up the cummmies or something.



He probably has bad body odor. Therefore he needs to use deodorant to cover this up (thank him for this) but it is so bad that he needs to use a lot of deodorant...hence he has to purchase the cheap stuff that he can quickly and easily apply. He's just trying to be a good roommate, he can't help it that he was born as stinky trash that has naturally gravitated towards the music of such folks. ;)

dunno wat do


Throw him out.


From what you've said the guy is a bit nuts. You aren't (as far as I know) lovers, so why the lovers' quarrel?


Time for a new roomie bud. 

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lol oh phling you're gonna need to start filming him for our amusement. He sounds fun. (good fucking luck dude)


Also Zephyr I'm sorry, but you did park in a handicapped spot. I'm not saying he wasn't being a bit of a douche for making it a big thing, but you were in the wrong in the first place, so, yeah. Your own fault man. I'm being an ass for pointing it out, of course, but I know I am and am okay with it. :)


SFWP: I can't just shut my mouth when I should.  :watmm: 

Edited by auxien
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phling: is it his washing machine/dryer? Like what does "blocking it for a full week" mean?

If it's not his, and he's leaving clothes in it or something to stop you from using it, take out his clothes, put them in a laundry basket (don't just dump them on the floor) and use the washing machine.


Otherwise, kick out the Italian with the stinky cummies (but not before recording him for potential sample material).

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my roomie is going absolute nuts with some cheap deodorant spray. what is WRONG WITH HIM urrrrrkkkkkk!!

it's the same guy who listened to Burial from his laptop speakers.

it's smelling like this bad cheap deo everywhere, like when a 15 year old tries to cover up the cummmies or something.




He probably has bad body odor. Therefore he needs to use deodorant to cover this up (thank him for this) but it is so bad that he needs to use a lot of deodorant...hence he has to purchase the cheap stuff that he can quickly and easily apply. He's just trying to be a good roommate, he can't help it that he was born as stinky trash that has naturally gravitated towards the music of such folks. ;)



He may have hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) if so tell him to use Driclor, that'll help.

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A colleague walked out of the cubicle in the changing room after taking a shit, he was naked from the waist down. He was showing off new tattoos on his arsecheeks, a "W" on each cheek. I said what the fuck is that and he said that when he spreads his anus out like goatse it spells out WOW....before giving a demonstration

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I'm running into grab a delivery order, which takes 2 minutes tops.  The parking lot is full aside from four handicapped spots and a couple small car spots which won't fit my van.  So I park in one of the HC spots with my hazards on, knowing I'm just going to pop in and out.  Which I do.  As I'm getting into my van this dude pulls up next to me, rolls down his window and says "taking a handicapped spot while you pick up your order?  Pretty shitty bro."  Seriously?  There's 3 others available and nowhere else for me to park for my 2 minute pickup.  He goes and parks in one of the regular spots that has just opened up, so he pulled in beside me just to say that.  FFS.  It would be one thing if it were the only HC spot there... or even one that was close to the restaurant - I took the furthest one from it.  Why can't everyone just be reasonable?  Why get in someone's face over something so trivial.


Was it Larry David?


I guess the only sensible thing is to use your van to block 3 cars in, right? What an asshole.


A colleague walked out of the cubicle in the changing room after taking a shit, he was naked from the waist down. He was showing off new tattoos on his arsecheeks, a "W" on each cheek. I said what the fuck is that and he said that when he spreads his anus out like goatse it spells out WOW....before giving a demonstration




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I'm running into grab a delivery order, which takes 2 minutes tops.  The parking lot is full aside from four handicapped spots and a couple small car spots which won't fit my van.  So I park in one of the HC spots with my hazards on, knowing I'm just going to pop in and out.  Which I do.  As I'm getting into my van this dude pulls up next to me, rolls down his window and says "taking a handicapped spot while you pick up your order?  Pretty shitty bro."  Seriously?  There's 3 others available and nowhere else for me to park for my 2 minute pickup.  He goes and parks in one of the regular spots that has just opened up, so he pulled in beside me just to say that.  FFS.  It would be one thing if it were the only HC spot there... or even one that was close to the restaurant - I took the furthest one from it.  Why can't everyone just be reasonable?  Why get in someone's face over something so trivial.


Was it Larry David?


If only!  That would have made my year.  If he had been anything like Larry David in his demeanor I would have been charmed.  He was more what I'd consider to be the archetypal dude-bro, with an extremely high T-count.  I was pretty intimidated... like "is this guy gonna beat me up now or what?"  Then as I lay in a crippled knot on the ground he'd say "now you can use the handicapped spots" and drive away.

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A colleague walked out of the cubicle in the changing room after taking a shit, he was naked from the waist down. He was showing off new tattoos on his arsecheeks, a "W" on each cheek. I said what the fuck is that and he said that when he spreads his anus out like goatse it spells out WOW....before giving a demonstration


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Placed my grocery order online. 


I specifically put that I wanted 2+ kg of ground beef. 


They gave me 1kg. 


Asked for 2 packs poblano peppers, they put in 1 pack Anaheim instead. Everything else was right though.



Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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A colleague walked out of the cubicle in the changing room after taking a shit, he was naked from the waist down. He was showing off new tattoos on his arsecheeks, a "W" on each cheek. I said what the fuck is that and he said that when he spreads his anus out like goatse it spells out WOW....before giving a demonstration


What if he does a handstand, and is upside down?


It spells mom? =/

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