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WTF is with the new layout? (read thread before posting)


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Guest Tamas

Lol this thing makes my (somewhat shitty but still the only one I have for the internet) computer choppy. It's interesting how a simple site seems to use as much processing power as a 480p video, as a web designer it seems pretty backwards imo.


Would be nice if people could revert to the old layout, I'm curious, does this new layout save/use more bandwidth?

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lulz, this is fun. I baleeted my signature cause it was too big and upfront with this upgrade. Also, the forum navigation scroll menu box thingy that lets you jump with ease from one forum to another (aka between ltm and rephlex forums) is gone or moved!


those are the only two things i really noticed. no big deal though and i reckon someone already mentioned em. keep on fighting the good fight.

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Guest Tamas

I just realized that if you block scripts on WATMM with something like NoScript (firefox addon) the site becomes considerably faster/usable on shitty computers, so if you're having trouble with lag that'll help!

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Wow.. Very slick. New forum logo plz?


Sorry... WATMM already has a logo (and it's not the one in the masthead). I personally don't care for that design, tbh (wow, finally I get to whinge about something!)

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i find it a tad shortsighted that they just changed the live board interface with the attitude that the bugs could be sorted out later. why not do it on a private testbed copy first, to fix the obvious problems, and make a much better first impression?


I guess I need to smack you down like I did Rhombix...


First off, this is not our skin - this is the default skin that comes with the latest release of this forum software. Any 'bugs' are not our fault, and while you can complain about some of them and we can fix some of them, there's others that will just need to be sorted out by developing our own skin, or in the case of genuine code bugs, the developers will resolve or a Addon developer will come up with a solution/workaround for.


Second, I develop software and web applications for a living (so does Chaosmachine) - don't sit here and lecture about how we should have done a "private testbed copy" or any of that other bullshit you're pretending to know something about. I gave up my lunch break to upgrade the forum as I really don't have the free time otherwise, and don't feel like staying up until 1AM doing it at home. I was considering doing a test forum, etc. but honestly - it's a fucking messageboard. This is not "mission critical" by any stretch of the imagination.


Lastly, even if we had done things "the right way", you and the rest of the trolls would have bitched or complained about something anyways, so why go through all that effort AND put up with the gnashing of teeth, etc. What's ironic is once a new version of the forum software comes out that changes things again, you'll all fall into the same routine as before where you complain for the sake of it. If you don't like it, then GTFO and run your own forum if you think you can do better.


Thanks to everyone who has brought up legitimate concerns and pointed out issues that are relevant and make sense, versus idiot trolls who love nothing more than to shit on the very plate they likewise love to eat off of.


*pats Banhammer™* Soon, my pet, soooon.


i will say i'm not a huge fan of the circle/star thing but maybe it's just because i am not used to it.

i seriously can't find circle/star




Yeah, that's a really bad design decision on their part - we'll try to address that on any custom skins.



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Wow.. Very slick. New forum logo plz?


Sorry... WATMM already has a logo (and it's not the one in the masthead). I personally don't care for that design, tbh (wow, finally I get to whinge about something!)



If watmm has a logo already, it should, respectfully, be used in something visible! Branding, JR, branding!

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I like how when you're viewing this thread, the title of the thread is prominent as is the avatar of the threadmaker, and thus Condescending Photorealistic Dr. Zoidberg is associated with this particular thread, fixing his sneer upon Joyrex in perpetuum.




Edit: I honestly do like where this is going; JR and Chaos, your work is appreciated.

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Wow.. Very slick. New forum logo plz?


Sorry... WATMM already has a logo (and it's not the one in the masthead). I personally don't care for that design, tbh (wow, finally I get to whinge about something!)



If watmm has a logo already, it should, respectfully, be used in something visible! Branding, JR, branding!


i agree. i just did that really fast for fun, but i would like to see a more consistent and mature watmm branding

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Why are people acting like multiquote is a new thing? Am I the only watmmer who always had that option?

Also, thanks for posting that screenshot of super oldschool watmm. I totally get that "last post" meme now.

I don't have any actual complaints --it's already been well covered by now.

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Why are people acting like multiquote is a new thing? Am I the only watmmer who always had that option?

Also, thanks for posting that screenshot of super oldschool watmm. I totally get that "last post" meme now.

I don't have any actual complaints --it's already been well covered by now.


Yeah, but now there's an indicator.

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I liked the old layout blah blah blah. I'm sure I'll get used to the custom skin that's added eventually.


What was the layout like when I joined? Someone must have a screen shot. I know avatars had to be square and that our front page was very different.

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Ok this is starting to suck less. Good job joyrex and chaosmachine!


Still waiting on topic subtext! Tags are totally not the same thing.

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As long as the fix the "tab, enter" for posting, ill be happy.

It certainly does on my browser (Firefox 5.0), even though I've never posted that way before (apart from for this test).

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Ok this is starting to suck less. Good job joyrex and chaosmachine!


Still waiting on topic subtext! Tags are totally not the same thing.


That might be something we can't do anything about - apparently IBP in their infinite wisdom decided it would be better to 'tag' things and offer an admittedly interesting way to find related items (more on this in a minute) than to provide a subtext for each thread.


Speaking of tags, the default is an "open" system, where people can create tags at will - the opposite is a "closed" system, where we specify groups who have the ability to create tags, which then the users can select when creating their posts.


I'm thinking perhaps a set of tags controlled by the staff, with suggestions from the community, of course - it would make finding related content much easier, I think.


What does everyone else think? I know it's a new feature, so perhaps some time to see how it works is warranted first.

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