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9/11/01, ten years later.

Guest KY

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I hate to say this, but I feel the US media is milking it really badly. It was a horrible event that happened, but the media really needs to lay off a bit, in my opinion. Is that wrong to say?


god no it's not wrong to say, more people need to be expressing that opinion

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i was i n the 5th grade it was like 9 o'clock eastern time when it happened, so it was 1st period home room and we had just payed homage to united states with the daily "pledge o' allegiance". i remember the class was still standing when some kid burst through the door and announced aloud that "an airplane just flew into a building in the middle of new york city"... being in class and in the experience of it all, i yelled "Awesome!" teacher was appalled and i was like *oh shit*. don't remember much other than going home early and walking in to my mom crying in front of the TV, i remember actually trying console her, weird

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I went to the pub the evening this happened, and we watched it all going down on the big screen tv. I remember it really vividly.


I live right next to a major RAF base and there were plenty of guys in that pub drowning their sorrows knowing that shit was about to kick off big time for them.


And they were right!




Currently doing the rounds on tumblr, sorry if j8



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Guest disparaissant

honestly the amero-centrism that represents actually pisses me off. but the fact is - and maybe im way off base for thinking this way - we've avenged the deaths caused by 9/11 some 200 times over. i think it's kind of past the point where we can really justify the way we treat 9/11. it's tragic that 3,000 innocent people lost their lives, but to me it's frankly more tragic that the wars in iraq and afghanistan - wars that were a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 - have caused the deaths of some 600,000 innocent people. we've kind of lost our right to react the way we do.

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I don't know if anybody (jefferoo et al) covered it, but as much as America got weird—now megapatriotic, nationalistic, islamaphobic, and sentimental all at once—I don't give a fuck how bible belt Americans are terrified as a result of something that barely affected them. To New York, it seems like this really hit a soft spot. It makes me really curious what the city was like prior to the shit hitting the fan.

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did anybody besides me have weird/tin foil hat ( i use this phrase as a flame shield before the ad hominems start flying) thoughts on the day of 9/11 besides me? such as 'how on earth could 3 of the most famous landmarks int he US get hit by planes and nobody shot the down or intercepted them'


the day it happened i remember my girlfriend at the time crying and then saying 'now this means that America is going to attack somebody' and i remember thinking it was almost kind of offensive to me that somebody would suggest at a time of such tragedy and sorrow that the US was this big bad evil retaliatory sociopath force. Well it turns out she was entirely correct, sometimes the truth really hurts. On the day of 9/11 itself i went through a series of mental cleanses where i didn't realize how much American exceptionalism and propaganda had effected me my entire life until she actually suggested the things she did on that day. It was an intense time period for my psyche and was the beginning to what i would call my political awakening. Most of my friends and family were 100% pro invading Afghanistan, i would try to reason with them but to no avail. It wasn't until 2003 that Bush started to shift the focus to Saddam that all those same family and friends started to call bullshit and have some of that same 'anti American' sentiment my girlfriend voiced on that day.


i remember having the same thought as many other Americans that day 'who did it?' As of right now the question has not been answered for me clearly and i dont know if it ever will be.

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did anybody besides me have weird/tin foil hat ( i use this phrase as a flame shield before the ad hominems start flying) thoughts on the day of 9/11 besides me?


yeah, wasn't wearing tin foil though. Might get aluminium poisoning.


An overwhelming majority of Afghans have no idea about the September 2001 terror attacks against the US, even though it resulted in an American-led invasion of their country and a decade of occupation.




yeah, i saw that. everyone in my house said that you would expect the afgans to not want to express anything about the event. Lest their house be the next to get night raided by a special ops assassination squad.

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after 9//11 i thought maybe we would go to war against the terror group. We got something different. The different part has taken center stage. I can't blame people for pointing this out as often as they can whenever 9/11 is brought up.

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I don't know if anybody (jefferoo et al) covered it, but as much as America got weird—now megapatriotic, nationalistic, islamaphobic, and sentimental all at once—I don't give a fuck how bible belt Americans are terrified as a result of something that barely affected them. To New York, it seems like this really hit a soft spot. It makes me really curious what the city was like prior to the shit hitting the fan.


I remember it being a bit faster, harder and more debaucherous. I think it softened the city up a bit.






This was me when I first visited NYC, 2 years before moving there.

I actually lived a few blocks from the WTC for my fist year and a half in New York. I used to ride my bike around them and in a walkway through them. There was also a Borders on the ground floor that I'd hang out in and a Krispy Kreme where I ate a lot of donuts. There was also a small underground shopping mall beneath the buildings.

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the entire world gets to see how 3,000 human beings die on live TV by terrorist action on US


100,000 to 600,000 human beings die with no media coverage as casualties of the resulting state sponsored war on Iraq



the sad thing is there is coverage of it online, and elsewhere, we have all seen it. But the controlled media knows what happens when they broadcast the carnage from both sides (Vietnam War was a gigantic change in the way Americans perceived war).


We need to stop giving into apathy, and the irrational hatred of the "other party" and of ourselves.



But... if it wasn't them, then it was someone else... I can't be wrong, I'm an American :sup:


Too much American exceptionalism exists imo. Idk how it is everywhere else, but does every nation think it's the best nation/place to live/be from? That's just the general consensus in America "even if it sucks, it's still the best place to live" You have no idea how many people believe this. We can't do wrong, our nation was created under God dagnabbit, and ain't no foreigners gonna be tellin' be how to run ma country. We should just nuke'em all to the stone age if you ask me. AMERIKUH! #1 USA!!!!


I used to sympathize with this position, but I can't do it any longer in good conscience. To put it in terms like "OMG almost everyone is an idiot in America" is grossly oversimplifying it, the same way Bush pushed the wars on us, and Obama continues to justify them.


It's easier to take potshots and remain sarcastic, throwing jibes at the uneducated wistfully ignorant lessers, than to actively confront injustice on a massive level.


To sit comfortably and jest at the population's expense while doing nothing yourself, how can I take you seriously any more than I could people of those opinions?

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the entire world gets to see how 3,000 human beings die on live TV by terrorist action on US


100,000 to 600,000 human beings die with no media coverage as casualties of the resulting state sponsored war on Iraq



the bombing of bagdag was transmitted live from every TV network, i actually cried a lil that day.

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the entire world gets to see how 3,000 human beings die on live TV by terrorist action on US


100,000 to 600,000 human beings die with no media coverage as casualties of the resulting state sponsored war on Iraq



the bombing of bagdag was transmitted live from every TV network, i actually cried a lil that day.



One of the most dreadful moments of my life was watching the "countdown" to the bombing with my family. I can assure you there were no cheers when the first salvo landed.

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10 years on and the victims and their families are still suffering with loads of fucking Bullshit



If the hypothesis of controlled demolition is considered, there inevitably arises one serious obstacle to its plausibility. And that is the fact that thousands of pounds of explosives would have had to have been planted in and around the buildings' core columns and throughout its clearly restricted internal framework. So how, the skeptical questioning goes, did anyone planting these explosives have such ready access to such intimate parts of the building? As with so many of the essential questions raised by 9/11, what often appear at first to be strong arguments against any kind of 'conspiracy theory' that 9/11 was an inside job turn, suddenly, into stunning revelations about heretofore uncovered information that ultimately serve to confirm and strengthen the suspicions about 9/11 being, indeed, a well-orchestrated conspiracy theory.

Take, as an example, this question of how the explosives were planted. How could the security apparatus of the World Trade Center Complex, which was presumably highly sophisticated after the 1993 bombing, allow or not notice the laying of the explosives that supposedly felled the buildings? Well, upon investigating this security apparatus at the WTC, we quickly stumble into the fact that Marvin Bush, George W.'s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom (now Stratesec), the very company in charge of security at the WTC in 2001. Again, it is important to note that the author is not making this up. "Marvin P. Bush, the president's younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport." And not to be outdone by this fact, we also learn that "from 1999 to January of 2002 (Marvin and George W.'s cousin) Wirt Walker III was the company's CEO."

That this stunning, remarkable fact is not front-page news in every newspaper in the country is a mystery I cannot answer, nor solve. That there were well documented power outages and swaths of whole floor shutdowns and evacuations in the weeks leading up to 9/11, perfect opportunities to carry up and plant necessary explosives under the guise of 'maintenance' and/or 'retrofitting' work, only fuels well-placed suspicions. In a People magazine article, Ben Fountain, 42, a financial analyst with Fireman's Fund who worked on the 47th floor of the South Tower, confirmed these evacuations by saying, "How could they let this happen? They knew this building was a target. Over the past few weeks we'd been evacuated a number of times, which is unusual. I think they had an inkling something was going on."

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i took black and white pics of the buildings burning

i smelled the death electrical stench a week later... downtown,….fucking tanks on canal st

i saw f115's in formation over my fucking house and weird fucking UFO's hovering with what looked like metal dripping off of them-visiblity was 100% that day-NO i'm not crazy.

from the whole foods parking lot -which i was not alone in seeing.

i saw TV reporters crying and cursing on air

then there is this

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then i think about the players involved and what happened afterwards


marvin bush-security for the towers

george bush-and bush sr-ex head of the CIA,ex president in the prior Iraq war

cheney-haliburton/evil inc

armetige-where to begin with this bastard

wofwitz/pearle-project for a new america

rumsfeld-could anyone be a bigger more massive murderous lying right wing career hawk scumbag than dick cheney?

and on and on




the patriot act

homeland security

the shredding of your privacy and the constitution

the end of easy and cheap air travel



Black ops




war and more fucking war


it stinks to high fucking hell

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did anybody besides me have weird/tin foil hat ( i use this phrase as a flame shield before the ad hominems start flying) thoughts on the day of 9/11 besides me? such as 'how on earth could 3 of the most famous landmarks int he US get hit by planes and nobody shot the down or intercepted them'


From the tapes released about the calls made that day between the different authorities it's pretty clear that they had no idea what was happening and could not really fathom it or react properly. The communication also broke down pretty quickly and the powers that be pretty much scrambled. Also it took some time before they ordered a grounding of all the planes, including those that were currently in the air and that was pretty much the only way to identify which planes that were hijacked. As far as they knew at the time it could have been many more planes involved than it eventually were. Got to keep in mind that hindsight is always 20/20 and America has been pretty isolated and perhaps a false sense of security creeped in, so an event like this was bound to cause some havoc and shellshock. Even if you believe there was some foreknowledge in certain circles, it was strictly limited to the upper echelon's and not the air traffic controllers, radar operators, fighter pilots or their commanders and the so called "regular joe's" who were just expecting a regular day at the office, so it isn't that surprising that there was a lack of swift action.

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oh and by the way let's not forget about building #7 -still officially unexplained,sequestered and denied….-a gaping hole in ANY "conspiracy theory" rebuttal/rebuke


Building 7’s Mystifying Implosion

Baffling as the Towers’ “collapses” were, even

more perplexing was the destruction of World Trade

Center Building 7.

“Unprecedented,” says

Rice. “Unexplainable,” says

Huebner. “No plane hit this

building,” points out

Graham Inman, a chartered

engineer in London.

Few Americans have

given any thought to the third World Trade Center

high-rise destroyed on September 11th, since it was not

repeatedly televised. Kamal

Obeid, S.E., ponders it. “A

localized failure in a steel-framed

building like WTC 7 cannot cause

a catastrophic collapse like a

house of cards without a

simultaneous and patterned loss of

several of its columns at key

locations within the building.”

Videos show “simultaneous failure of all

columns,” wrote Inman, “rather than [the expected]

phased approach,” in which undamaged columns

would show resistance sequentially.

Though the building housed “offices of the CIA,

the Secret Service, and the Department of Defense,

among others,” Rice notes, the 9/11 Commission left

WTC 7’s collapse out of its report. FEMA’s 2002

inquiry blamed WTC 7’s collapse on fires, though it

admits that its “best hypothesis has only a low

probability of occurrence.” Rice notes that the media

have “basically kept the collapse of WTC Building #7

hidden from public view.”

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i took black and white pics of the buildings burning

i smelled the death electrical stench a week later... downtown,….fucking tanks on canal st

i saw f115's in formation over my fucking house and weird fucking UFO's hovering with what looked like metal dripping off of them-visiblity was 100% that day-NO i'm not crazy.

from the whole foods parking lot -which i was not alone in seeing.

i saw TV reporters crying and cursing on air

then there is this




I think dis was criticising the fact that "the Jews" may have been behind it...not to mention the quick intersplicing of the Menorah and Wolfowitz..that's pretty ridiculous.



There certainly was a conspiracy, I am sure of it. But how, who, why, etc. is still not clear to me.


How can anyone say that the fact our leaders testified to the 9/11 Commission without taking oath or being recorded in anything released to the public isn't fucking evidence that something shady was going on? That alone should be enough.


I'm not saying Bush blew up the towers. What I am saying is that it was an awfully convenient excuse to ram through so much destructive shit that was pretty much fucked America and a lot of the world over royally.

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