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Is Vince Vaughn really supposed to be a believable bad guy?

Edited by Npoess
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The Level of Blunt Talk is getting meta. My co-worker has season tickets next to Patrick Stewart's favorite club box seats, next to him and his wife. She asked me if I want them, but fuck me I won't be in town til next month. So crazy for an American who has admired Patrick since Dune, LOL. Small world. Do Limeys just brush off meeting celebrities? bc it seems like I bump into them all the time, haha LOL.

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Last Man on Earth - really good season 2 premiere. more Jason Sudeikis, driving around in a stealth bomber, the Tucson crew has disappeared, Phil left his wife at a gas station LOL


Supergirl - absolute crap. not connected to Man of Steel or the CW DC shows, huh? props for including Helen Slater and Dean Cain in cameos.


Fear the Walking Dead - the army is about to bug out, and nuke LA (like it fucking deserves)


Limitless - decent pilot, with a Bradley Cooper appearance as expected (he is the producer after all)


Blunt Talk - unusually downbeat and unfunny


Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy the Animated Series - not bad, keeps the vibe of the movie

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Gotham has really upped the ante on the violence, and the insanity. it's better than last season so far.


Jerome (The Joker) has completely flown off the handle, murdered his mother, and is running a crew of Arkham inmates

Edward (The Riddler) now has a split personality he converses with, murdered a cop, for the love of a woman

Barbara (Gordon's ex-wife) murdered her parents and is now with the psycho gang

Lucious Fox has been introduced

Harvey Bullock quit the police force, but has recently returned after a massacre at Gotham Police HQ

Bruce Wayne discovered a secret cave in the basement of his mansion belonging to his dead father, and a computer system, who's contents have yet to be revealed

Will Smith's wife is dead thankfully, she was the worst

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limitless is actually not bad at all, it's fun, very similar to the film visually and pacing-wise and its basic mechanic, so to say, is still pretty interesting. it's not anywhere deep or even logical most of the time but it's a neat thing to watch once in a week.

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