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New Tool record end of year?


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ok you have a bet. the winner gets to pick or make the losers avatar for 1 month.


*shakes hands*


azatoth you can join forces with me mate.

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azatoth, i offer you the same bet.


let's remember to bump this when the new boc comes out this summer...


LoL. You best remember it mate, because if BoC release anything this summer I will be dizzy seeing stars!!

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i flip flop with lateralus and aenima being the best. very hard for me to do.


it is a tough question. i prefer the mood and finer details aenima more, yet lateralus seems tighter,more cohesive, and asskicking in the right moments.


on 4 days out of 5, i'd probably say aenima, but that may just be nostalgia making that call. aenima was a breakthrough album in my music listening career.

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The alternate tracks-ordered Lateralus is probably my fav. Tool album. Anyone else tried that?


1. Parabol

2. Parabola

3. Schism

4. Ticks and Leeches

5. Mantra

6. Lateralus

7. Faaip De Oiad

8. The Grudge

9. Triad

10. Eon Blue Apocalypse

11. Reflection

12. The Patient

13. Disposition.


That gives the album a different' more cohesive feel. Also interesting how some tracks seem like they were made to flow into each other.

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Guest theSun

i feel like lateralus is the apex of their work. Ænema is a close second. it's angry and it's more out there, but lateralus is just more tasteful and dynamic. one time i listened to lateralus (the song) in high school for like 4 or 5 days straight hiding the earbuds in my huge red hair. the rest of the album is great, but the song lateralus is a fitting example of the scope of the whole album.

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Guest Ron Manager

aenima hands down for me too. I only really listen to that and Salival these days. And I suppose the Disposition-Reflection-Triad... triad.

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Guest theSun

disposition/reflection/triad live was soooo epic. they took their intermission between reflection and triad and came on and slowly built up triad for a loooooong time. would love to see/hear that again.

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Guest Ron Manager

Yeah, I saw them on that tour too, that was a killer performance. For me, Lateralus, bar those three, just hasn't stood the test of time. I never go back to any of the other songs on there.

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It's a toss up between Aenima and Lateralus. Perhaps the slight edge going to Lateralus as it's more polished and slick. But on the other hand Aenima has some real gems, such as the Aenema, Forty-six & 2, Eulogy, Hooker with a Penis, Third Eye. Honorable mention to the live version of Pushit on Salival, what epicness.

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Third Eye


i would go so far as to say that this is tool's best song, this alone would make me choose aenima if it came down to an either/or.


seeing it live was truly one of my greatest concert experiences

Edited by benc812
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