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Help me save my girlfriend's cat


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I saved up some money and spent a total about ~1000€



that's a lot of money for pussy :(


i can't help you, but i hope it gets out of quarantine lockdown soon :((

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if you know how to contact Fred McGriff, you can claim my bacon essay contest winnings that i never claimed because i couldn't be bothered to remember/find out my paypal password.


it's a tidy sum of 47 kronorz

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Guest Drahken

This would probably bank you a lot on Reddit, especially if you include a picture of your girl and her pussy(cat).

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impakt, ive known you online for many years and there's a cat involved, im helping. :music:


I just sent you 1,000.00 NOK, i hope that helps brother.

fuckin hell, what a guy


sent you 50 euros


StephenG comes through!

and this guy!

what a heartwarming watmm moment

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impakt, ive known you online for many years and there's a cat involved, im helping. :music:


I just sent you 1,000.00 NOK, i hope that helps brother.

fuckin hell, what a guy


sent you 50 euros


StephenG comes through!

and this guy!

what a heartwarming watmm moment


I'm not always a cunt =)



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i never thought you were a cunt


actually thats i lie i vaguely remember thinking that


anyway, internet etc. donating 50 squid to save a cat is good shit.


ive got 4 days to find 50 quid or the police are threatening to destroy my soundsystem :(


not quite as a devastating as a pet, but still. fuck the man.

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At the moment we are looking at 21 day quarantine with treatment for a new passport and the fee keeps running :S


I think collectively WATMM is probably more powerful than the romanian government.


We should just overthrow it and then you can get kitty for free =)

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im a constantly partying idiot and i play stomping techno way too much.


i wasnt even slightly asking for money btw. a stranded cat deserves it, an expensive soundsystem ive been using to blast dangerous amounts of bass out for over a year does not.

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well, i dont know about crusty, but ive pretty much had an organised system of 50+ hours of mental partying in my flat every weekend for over a year.


its an incredible flat, massive tenemant thick oldschool walls, voices and treble dont travel through, but i just took the piss with the bass one times too many

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Aw man, by the time the cat gets to you he will aldready be dead or compeltely fucked up. I had my dog travel on a plain once, and after some hours on a cage he was never the same again.

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my dog used to come back whimpering with fear from a spell in a luxury kennel when we went on holiday. he was abused for the first 6 weeks of his life before we adopted him though, he grew into an incredible personality with love and attention, but he definetely went through some awful abuse as a puppy. anytime my family had to leave him anywhere he refused to eat, curled up into a ball and whimpered with pain and despair till we came back.

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Even those spam emails about bank accounts in Africa seem more credible than this thread.

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