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Cloud Atlas - New Movie by The Wachowskis


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It'll most likely be up on YouTube in matter of minutes (I could only find a German one a couple of seconds ago, though) so here's a Quicktime link for the massive ass trailer.



This will either be a complete failure or a massive success. Some of the scenes in the trailer look beautiful (the sci-fi stuff) and some of the other stuff looks less good. I have not read the book so I have no idea what to expect but it looks like a longer version of The Fountain.

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Omg i shit threw my pants.Cloud Atlas was the best book i´ve ever read and the trailer looks perfect.

The book/movie takes plays in 5 different periods ! I wont say more :w00t:

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I like that they're taking a chance - it looks like a big movie. The korean actress is cute.

Hugo Weaving and a Keanu lookalike?

I'm more than likely gonna be excited enough about this to go and see it in the theaters :)

Also, (seeing as I just took a course which spent a great deal of time talking about him) one might be interested in checking out Tezuka's "Phoenix" manga

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I like that they're taking a chance - it looks like a big movie. The korean actress is cute.

Hugo Weaving and a Keanu lookalike?

I'm more than likely gonna be excited enough about this to go and see it in the theaters :)

Also, (seeing as I just took a course which spent a great deal of time talking about him) one might be interested in checking out Tezuka's "Phoenix" manga


That Phoenix manga sounds really interesting!

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wow I didn't recognize "Lana" at all.


btw - the Phoenix anime isn't too shabby either.

I've never had the opportunity to see the anime - will check it out!

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I too like that they're taking a chance on a sprawling epic. It's a really well-done trailer. I hope the movie's half as good. I'll see it, though.

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Guest Mirezzi

Time Machine + Benjamin Button + Speed Racer + Cutthroat Island all wrapped up into one beautiful shitstorm of a parade.

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lol, couldn't sit through that trailer.. that directors' comment thingie put the lid on it for me. /piss


There is a trailer without the commentary.

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Yeah, this doesn't look exactly like a sprawling epic to me, more like a solipsistic indulgence disguised as one like Inception or What Dreams May Come. A lot of it is visually pretty, though.


I don't know how you can accuse it of indulging in solipsism when one of the basic premises of the movie is that you keep meeting the same people in different guises.

With a running time of nearly 3 hours, and 6 generations of story lines, that seems like it at least the potential to be epic.


I like your approach though - don't expect anything good and then be pleasantly surprised if it is good. Then if it sucks, you can always sit back and say "I told you so". Ah cynicism - it's like having your cake and eating it too.

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I like your approach though - don't expect anything good and then be pleasantly surprised if it is good. Then if it sucks, you can always sit back and say "I told you so". Ah cynicism - it's like having your cake and eating it too.

lol :emotawesomepm9:


Seriously, though,

Yeah, this doesn't look exactly like a sprawling epic to me, more like a solipsistic indulgence disguised as one like Inception or What Dreams May Come. A lot of it is visually pretty, though.


I don't know how you can accuse it of indulging in solipsism when one of the basic premises of the movie is that you keep meeting the same people in different guises.


What I mean by solipsism is that it looks like an exploration of a specific emotion or abstract idea, like how Inception was apparently one big metaphor for film-making. And "meeting the same people in different guises" sounds like solipsism to me, like those aren't really people but heavy-handed symbols. That said, I don't know much about the story/book and I'm just guessing here.


With a running time of nearly 3 hours, and 6 generations of story lines, that seems like it at least the potential to be epic.

That's just another argument for why it's bound to suck. Are all 6 of those generations going to resonate with me over the course of those 3 hours? It just sounds like a mess. Can you actually quantify, with numbers, why a movie is going to be epic? I don't think so... I'd rather experience the trajectory of one or two characters along the path of a sincere story than this kind of thing that tends to rely on heavy-handed metaphor transmitted via CGI in saturated colors.


I guess the apparent time travel type of aspect to it makes me suspicious. The level of suspension of disbelief is asks too much of me as a viewer. It just feels like cheating in the service of a story that probably won't deliver, because, well, why would the author need to rely on this kind of cheating? Not saying that time travel necessarily makes a story bad, it just needs to be done with restraint and I see anything but restraint in this trailer.


I don't think I'm explaining this well, and of course it's a matter of taste, and I guess it's also sort of apples and oranges as far as types of movies go. So... maybe this one just isn't for me, and I should leave it at that.

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