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Microsoft owns the console market now because of their investments in Xbox Live from ways back. Just look at the monthly sale figures. Once you're inside a community and make friends etc etc you remain there. 

Ugh, lets not descend this into a console war topic especially when what you said seems rather contradictory to sales figures (penultimate paragraph)


Yeah, no console war... but, Sony has SHIPPED more consoles than MS, but that doesn't mean they've sold more. Anyway, that doesn't matter because Sony sucks lolz.

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One last post for the YTD Sales figures in the US for 2012:


[360] 5.32mm
[PS3] 3.41mm
[PSV] 1.28mm
[WII] 1.96mm
[WIU] 0.890mm
[3DS] 3.64mm


I don't know about worldwide overall sales for all the consoles life spans, but my point is that Microsoft has a very consistent record and I think that is because of their online service which is becoming more and more a necessity. It's also worth noting that Microsoft has the most game sales, which is why third party support is so great. A large userbase for Wii is too casual for many game investments.


Overall US market share:


X360: 37.98m
Wii: 40.7m (but 40.8 according to Nintendo)
PS3: 23.39m

3DS: 7.7m
PSV: 1.25m~

Edited by compson
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I had no idea that this had come out today, I know what I'll be buying when I head home -




Now THAT is what I'm talking about! I need this game in my life. I love you Pete, you know how to make me happy


+1, gonna have to pick this up!

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I knew it was gonna be something special when going up and down the 'perpetual staircase' several times (the bit on the start of that trailer) and then suddenly realising that


returning to the room that you've just left from won't necessarily mean you'll end up back in that same room again


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Guest Mirezzi

Finally finished Bioshock and it was definitely an underwhelming final hour of gameplay wrapped up by a formulaic boss encounter. Drain four bottles of adam, shoot baddy, win. Jesus. I killed the fucker on my first attempt after drinking several cocktails earlier in the evening.


The epilogue was totally hammy, too.




"You have a family!"




In a game where the story is so didactically presented to you in the form of these audio cassettes from a huge cast of characters, you'd think they would have spent more effort with the final chapter. Alas, it seemed as though Levine's team had too little time or money (or creativity) to give the story a proper ending.


If you consider the game within the context of an industry filled with Call of Duty clones, it was exceptional. All the art and clever writing aside, this is a video game and with such shitty gameplay, it's impossible to consider Bioshock a "Top Ten" all-time game.

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Guest Mirezzi

It looks like Sony's going to fire the opening salvo in the next console war by revealing the next Playstation on February 20th...


Do you still have confidence that Sony is going to be a viable gaming company? I dunno man. I feel like this industry has a giant lurking in the shadows, poised to completely take over. Apple, Google, somebody.


Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony should all feel a bit lucky that they're even relevant anymore. Most their business decisions these days are fucking abysmal or at the very least, antiquated.

Edited by The Overlook
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Guest Mirezzi

Really? You think they're great companies? Nintendo has been milking its glory years and the gimmicky Wii bullshit while making boring, derivative games.


Sony has not been nearly as innovative in electronics and their failures with the PS3 are well documented.


Microsoft, well, is Microsoft.


Zune, Windows Phone, Surface. Just one fail after another, which goes without mentioning their software.


The 360 is successful because of the number of trailer courts in the U.S.

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Really? You think they're great companies? Nintendo has been milking its glory years and the gimmicky Wii bullshit while making boring, derivative games.


Sony has not been nearly as innovative in electronics and their failures with the PS3 are well documented.


Microsoft, well, is Microsoft.


Zune, Windows Phone, Surface. Just one fail after another, which goes without mentioning their software.


The 360 is successful because of the number of trailer courts in the U.S.


I don't really care if they're "great companies". They, or MS at least, puts out stuff that I enjoy so I tend to focus on that and not on what I don't like.


But here's the thing: Sony is not just Sony. The Sony that makes the PlayStation is Sony Computer Entertainment and the Sony that makes the televisions is called... something something. I can't remember right now. And of course the same goes for Microsoft. So even though Microsoft has had a lot of failures over the last couple of years and even though Sony's television business has been shot down repeatedly and continues to get shot in the face, it's not going to hurt the gaming companies - unless one or both companies end up collapsing completely.


And of course the gaming consoles are going to be relevant lots of years from now. Just look at the sale numbers for one of this generation's biggest hits - namely Call of Duty. That shit sells like fresh baked bread.



[black Ops 2] sold a total of 11.22 million copies throughout the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. In reference to the amount of units each particular platform achieved, the Xbox 360 obtained 6.21 million units, which makes up 55% of the total sales. The PlayStation 3 version of the game achieved 4.61 million units, while the PC version obtained 400,859 copies sold during the first week.


Even though PC gaming has been gaining a massive audience over the last couple of years with the current generation's consoles' decline in stellar graphics, it would seem that people are still very attached to the console market - very much so as a matter of fact. Take the average gamer and ask him which version of the next COD he'll buy? The PS3 version? The 360 version? The PC version? The answer will most likely be, "the version that all my friends are playing".

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I got pulled into Proteus again. I adore the summer atmosphere. I stayed up the night and seeing the sun rise again and the summer day kick off feels amazing. Makes me nostalgic for childhood summers. It's also pretty damn fantastic how some of the animals like the owl or the squirrel are animated so convincingly in like what? A total of maybe 10 frames of 20 pixels? Or the water which is just lines expanding and contracting. Or the simple but oh so effective tree crown animation when you're getting close to a progression zone or when time is progressing rapidly... Aaah I love it.

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I got pulled into Proteus again. I adore the summer atmosphere. I stayed up the night and seeing the sun rise again and the summer day kick off feels amazing. Makes me nostalgic for childhood summers. It's also pretty damn fantastic how some of the animals like the owl or the squirrel are animated so convincingly in like what? A total of maybe 10 frames of 20 pixels? Or the water which is just lines expanding and contracting. Or the simple but oh so effective tree crown animation when you're getting close to a progression zone or when time is progressing rapidly... Aaah I love it.


I also like going out in the open water and just keep drifting away from the island. This is probably the first game I enjoyed getting lost in. The word "game" itself is kind of loose in this context though. Maybe it's more of a lo-res dream simulator.

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Pikmin 2 and Shadow of the Colossus. First time to play both & probably about halfway through both.

Both brilliant, beautiful, addicting games for me.

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