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Started the new Devil May Cry. I love the combat, but I struggle using a mouse and keyboard to find the right key bindings to bring some sort of fluidity to the whole thing. I'm not very far but it's been fun, looking forward to the second half where it shines apparently.

Perhaps join the 21st century and use a controller?


Or you know, I could just spend some more time getting the muscle memory instilled while saving some money.

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Got Saint's Row the Third today. HOly shit, hahahahha!

"hahaha this game is so fun" or "hahaha this game is shit" ?
Ridiculous fun! I think I spent more time customizing my character than playing the game. Also randomly punching people in the dick is hilarious
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Guest Roksen Creek

Has anyone played Zero Escape on 3DS? Totally fucked up game but excellent.


Played it on Vita, but brilliant game yes. Hope you played 999 first.

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ok gamerz how about this one

does anyone remember the name of some free to play online game, about a few years 5+ ago. u play as a character who pilots a tank and u could buy clothes that give u stats for cash or ingame cash. its a bit like worms i guess and u have 2 diff attacks. think one of the tanks was called nak ? and one was like a slug that laid mines. i think it was korean :S

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I actually thought the Dead Space 3 demo was pretty entertaining. Even though I've never been a fan of the series. I could see myself buying it, when it gets cheaper. Not a day one buy though.


More open environments, more enemy variety, and a deep weapon crafting system.


And Dead Space has never been scary to begin with. So the co-op won't ruin anything.

Edited by Ceerial
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Hello gamers. I just saw an advert for Aliens: Colonial Marines and started dreaming about the idea of sticking an i5 CPU in my Dell Optiplex 745. I am consumed by the urge to buy one if i can get confirmation it will fit in the casing. I think it would be cool to have this dell as a gaming unit, its about the same size as an xBox and has a kinda ''whoa there, easy tiger'' factor about it. Probably a dumb idea. I searched it and it was all dumbasses arguing about whether it would work or not. Do you gamers think this is possible?

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made a decent way through Arkham City.... just beat up the Joker in the Steel Mill...then checked how many of riddler's trophies I had....150 out of 420 something...... :wacko:


trophy overkill if you ask me.


its also really annoying to try and remember all the quickfire combos and special moves.


but other than that a great game.

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Guest Mirezzi








You might be surprised to learn that a video game about a former Pinkerton agent rescuing a psychic woman from a city in the sky in a steampunk alternate vision of early 20th century America could prove to be one of the most politically controversial products of the gaming industry in years.

Slated for release on March 26th, BioShock Infinite sees players assuming the role of Booker DeWitt, a private investigator hired to infiltrate Columbia, an American-engineered flying city that has split from the U.S. government, and rescue a woman named Elizabeth. Her psychic abilities have made Elizabeth the key to a factional war in Columbia between the governing right-wing Founders and a leftist revolutionary group known as the Vox Populi.

Infinite is a spiritual sequel to Irrational Games’ 2007 hit BioShock. In the original, studio head Ken Levine and his team examined Ayn Rand’s Objectivism philosophy in a fictional underwater meritocracy gone mad called Rapture. This time, the developers are ostensibly tackling the concept of American exceptionalism through the isolated denizens of Columbia.

“The American Exceptionalism, theocracy-based power structure has been around the edges of American culture for a long time,” Levine says. “BioShock Infinite gives it its full day in court.”

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Started the new Devil May Cry. I love the combat, but I struggle using a mouse and keyboard to find the right key bindings to bring some sort of fluidity to the whole thing. I'm not very far but it's been fun, looking forward to the second half where it shines apparently.

Perhaps join the 21st century and use a controller?


Or you know, I could just spend some more time getting the muscle memory instilled while saving some money.

I just can't see how anyone could play a game created for a controller with a keyboard and mouse... and what's a PC controller these days? 15-30 bucks?

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Just got colonial marines. Will install later. I don't think it will be as good as I was hoping, but coop and MP might be fun.

Let me know how that plays out. I love hunting Aliens.

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Guest Frankie5fingers




Started the new Devil May Cry. I love the combat, but I struggle using a mouse and keyboard to find the right key bindings to bring some sort of fluidity to the whole thing. I'm not very far but it's been fun, looking forward to the second half where it shines apparently.

Perhaps join the 21st century and use a controller?


Or you know, I could just spend some more time getting the muscle memory instilled while saving some money.

I just can't see how anyone could play a game created for a controller with a keyboard and mouse... and what's a PC controller these days? 15-30 bucks?

i do it all the time actully. ill play a game on a keyboard and mouse then play the same game at a friends house on a controller. its not as crazy as you might think. however, imo i find that the keyboard and mouse setup is so much better for any game than a controller could ever be. at least, i find it much easier. i never played a game on the computer and said "you know, this would be so much better with a controller."

Edited by Frankie5fingers
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In other news, Ni No Kuni is amazing - beat the game (about 60 hours), and now going for the final trophies. Finding all the familiars is fun, like Pokemon but with graphics that don't make your eyes bleed.

I was about to grab it the other day. Looks awesome. Is the 60 hour time including most or all optional things to do in the game?

I beat the game around the 55 hour mark, and I didn't spend too much time grinding or doing side quests - I just beat the Colosseum last night, and all my main characters are nearing level 99. I'd say 45-55 hours is a good average for the entire story. I could see this easily taking 100+ finding all the familiars, etc.


Nice. It sounds like there's a lot to do. I'm hoping the story reaches the same heights as the films.

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Started the new Devil May Cry. I love the combat, but I struggle using a mouse and keyboard to find the right key bindings to bring some sort of fluidity to the whole thing. I'm not very far but it's been fun, looking forward to the second half where it shines apparently.

Perhaps join the 21st century and use a controller?


Or you know, I could just spend some more time getting the muscle memory instilled while saving some money.

I just can't see how anyone could play a game created for a controller with a keyboard and mouse... and what's a PC controller these days? 15-30 bucks?

i do it all the time actully. ill play a game on a keyboard and mouse then play the same game at a friends house on a controller. its not as crazy as you might think. however, imo i find that the keyboard and mouse setup is so much better for any game than a controller could ever be. at least, i find it much easier. i never played a game on the computer and said "you know, this would be so much better with a controller."

then you've never played dark souls

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no i have not. but i highly doubt that that will be the one exception.


I prefer a mouse and keyboard any day of the week for 99% of games, really.... I'd be willing to bet that you'd make DaS your exception.

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Guest Frankie5fingers


no i have not. but i highly doubt that that will be the one exception.


I prefer a mouse and keyboard any day of the week for 99% of games, really.... I'd be willing to bet that you'd make DaS your exception.


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Part of the reason I say this is because it was a thrown together port, and it seems they spent zero time optimizing the controls for pc use. I believe there is a kb+mouse fix that makes it better, but still, no.

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I know there's people on here who seem to hate the series, but honestly Dead Space 3 is pretty badass, the demo isn't totally reflective of actual gameplay so much as they just combined a bunch of stuff to show some of the new elements of the game...


As for the full game, they've improved upon a lot of things both in terms of gameplay and graphics. For those worried about the new outdoor environments, fear not, the game still delivers in the more open maps, and you don't reach Tau Volantis until about 33% into the game (I've just gotten there not long ago myself), it still has that "Dead Space" feel and creepyness, very much so and it feels better than ever. Also, the new weapon creation system is pretty sweet and I've barely scratched the surface of it myself. I'm going through solo campaign first then plan to tackle some co-op online. (If anyone with a PS3 wants to join up shoot me a PM)

Edited by ghOsty
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Guest Roksen Creek

no i have not. but i highly doubt that that will be the one exception.


If you want more exceptions try Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys: Origin (available on Steam). If you can beat the bosses in those games with mouse and keyboard then you are seriously some kind of keyboard-mouse god.

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