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I have to finish Assassin's Creed 3, as I never ended up doing so, in order to play Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, which is coming out soon. I'll be ordering the PS4 edition as I have my PS4 pre-ordered and am itching to play a game on it once it comes. The videos for Black Flag are doing a good job convincing me that it will be amazing.


Less than a month to go!

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Holy shit...Reelism for GZDoom is off the chain. The latest version was just released last March, too. It's basically a sandbox arena mod with randomized pickups and monsters, but with way more variety than vanilla Doom.
I don't know why this isn't getting more publicity in the gaming community, unless I just wasn't paying attention.

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EU IV, Crusader Kings II, Dwarf Fortress, Xenonauts, ArmA 2 and 3, Pinball FX2.

Actually I bought like 100 games from Gog and Steam, and played 10% of them. DAT FUICKN STAEM SALS

And I always play Westwood games, Lands of Lore, again and again. Because those are bringing youth back... That midi music and sounds. I love it.

And I will play the shit out of X:Rebirth

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And I will play the shit out of X:Rebirth

kinda worried about, just one ship and the typical "we're streamlining it but not dumbing it down" which pretty much always means dumbing it down.

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Guest disparaissant

started a new game in ck2 as an irish duke, and managed to unite ireland and declare myself king within 30 years

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I've been replaying Metroid Prime on Dolphin. The emulation is a little sketchy, with slowdowns on bigger rooms and occasional crashes, but the game is brilliant enough for me to keep at it. It doesn't quite capture the magic of playing through it on Gamecube back in the day, but still.. greatness.

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Guest disparaissant

get ready to get raped by scotland/england (are they actually strong ?).

i'm actually related to the king of scotland, and he keeps having me help him fend off norway. so i'm not too worried about that.
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Guest Shit Attack

I've been replaying Metroid Prime on Dolphin. The emulation is a little sketchy, with slowdowns on bigger rooms and occasional crashes, but the game is brilliant enough for me to keep at it. It doesn't quite capture the magic of playing through it on Gamecube back in the day, but still.. greatness.


started this exact thing a while ago agree 100%.........altho actually like it better now despite the glitches so maybe only 95%

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Guest Pennywise

The Stanley parable. Cool idea but it wasn't a lot of fun. Playing a game again and again to get different mildly amusing endings isn't that enjoyable for me.

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BEHOLD, my Austro-Hungarian Empire:






Created the Union about 250 years before it actually happened with a series of incredibly lucky inheritances. Managed to inherit Hungary, Holland, Bohemia, and Milan all within about a century. I finally managed to take a few Dutch provinces from Burgundy in some nasty wars with their gigantor Iberian Empire ally. Slowly focusing on building up my economy to afford a few more ships and troops for the inevitable series of showdowns with Iberia down the road. Conversely, doing really, really well with Holy Roman Empire reforms...might even be able to form that if I make it through the Reformation unscathed?

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Guest disparaissant

I, too, had a series of lucky inheritances. And a few really fortunate fabricated claims happening within a few years. And really good relations with most of the other petty kings of Ireland, so that when I declared myself King, they were like "cool, can I be yr vassal?" Then I took over Cornwall.




Also, my King's name is Brian mac Brian Ua Brian. Which is hilarious. And his heir's name is Brian, as well.


Also also, France is currently getting their asses handed to them by the Castilians, which is hilarious to watch.

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working through my list of unplayed games, I started FEAR 2 today. it's gotten boring quite quickly. they've dumbed down some of the stuff that made the first game good. for example they took leaning away for some reason, I have no idea why. it added to the physicality of the player character and his sense of movement/action. overall the devs seem to have lost sight of that cool John Woo-style gameplay that was so much fun in the first one. plus it's just not as scary.


edit: also holy the fuck the BLOOM! there's bloom on EVERYTHING, it's insane. fire: bloom. bloodshot sky: bloom. flashlight on tiles: CRAZY bloom, to the point where you're blinded if you shine it inside a small tiled room.


edit edit: like this






I've also been replaying Mirror's Edge. I forgot how short the main story playthrough is! got through it in about 5 hours (of course I did know remember all the routes and puzzle solutions so that probably cut down a lot of time). I'm excited to see what they'll improve on with the upcoming sequel.

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Played 5 hours of Beyond - Two Souls


It's definitely the best looking video game I've ever seen. Some of it looks like actual camera footage, especially the faces.

The problem is how unfocused it is, it wants to be so many different genres and draws inspiration from so many different films, it becomes a bit unbelievable after a while. Also the controls kind of suck. Animation is beautifully done, again, the best I've ever seen in a game, the characters react to their surroundings, you can read their body language, which is fantastic. But the action event controls are pretty rubbish. They should have stuck with the quick-time-event-esque controls of Heavy Rain and ditch this new "Push the right stick in the direction her arms are moving" thing. A lot of times, you just don't know where the game wants you to move the stick cause the camera angle keeps changing, so we ended up failing a lot at these action scenes, which in the end didn't matter at all, we never died once. I don't know if it's even possible to die in this game. You don't really have many choices either. You get to pick maybe one line for her to say every hour or so.


It's still a pretty great game and also delivers the most (or perhaps the only) believable female lead I've seen in a game, except for Heather from Silent Hill 3. It's just a bit sad that they made some bad decisions and wasted a lot of potential. This could have been a milestone, now it's only very atmospheric eyecandy. But I'll finish it.

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I, too, had a series of lucky inheritances. And a few really fortunate fabricated claims happening within a few years. And really good relations with most of the other petty kings of Ireland, so that when I declared myself King, they were like "cool, can I be yr vassal?" Then I took over Cornwall.




Also, my King's name is Brian mac Brian Ua Brian. Which is hilarious. And his heir's name is Brian, as well.


Also also, France is currently getting their asses handed to them by the Castilians, which is hilarious to watch.



Seems like Spain is steamrolling everyone in these games. I was really looking forward to clashing with a massive French Empire in this game too :(

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quick question


i'm thinking of buying a 3ds and it seems to me that save data and other stuff is saved to a small sdcard included (?)


does it include one, i think i should buy a larger sd card, can't hurt


is it easy to transfer stuff from the original card to a newer card?


link me up?

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Since i have not yet transferred all my Steam stuff over to my new computer, I've been playing a bunch of little standalone indie games and in-browser stuff.

Right now I'm playing Clicking Bad, which is essentially Cookie Clicker but with meth.

I am a multi-millionaire atm and have negotiated every dea raid so far.


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quick question


i'm thinking of buying a 3ds and it seems to me that save data and other stuff is saved to a small sdcard included (?)


does it include one, i think i should buy a larger sd card, can't hurt


is it easy to transfer stuff from the original card to a newer card?


link me up?

definitely get the 3DS XL, so much better quality, better screens, bigger stylus and sturdier hinge (plus some cool limited editions, like the upcoming Zelda version). it comes with a 4gb card, I upped to a 16gb and I'll probably never fill that up, unless you plan on solely purchasing digital titles from the eShop, but I would recommend against that, as they aways charge full price, and you can find most 3DS games for a decent discount on amazon, etc. DS transfers are as easy as putting your SD into a pc, copying the folder, then pasting. The unit does form a link between the game cartridge and the unit, so if you let a friend play your game on their system, or you lose, or buy a new system it will ask you to transfer that link to the new system, and all previous system info is lost.

it's a great portable system, and I welcome another 3DS owner.

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quick question


i'm thinking of buying a 3ds and it seems to me that save data and other stuff is saved to a small sdcard included (?)


does it include one, i think i should buy a larger sd card, can't hurt


is it easy to transfer stuff from the original card to a newer card?


link me up?

definitely get the 3DS XL, so much better quality, better screens, bigger stylus and sturdier hinge (plus some cool limited editions, like the upcoming Zelda version). it comes with a 4gb card, I upped to a 16gb and I'll probably never fill that up, unless you plan on solely purchasing digital titles from the eShop, but I would recommend against that, as they aways charge full price, and you can find most 3DS games for a decent discount on amazon, etc. DS transfers are as easy as putting your SD into a pc, copying the folder, then pasting. The unit does form a link between the game cartridge and the unit, so if you let a friend play your game on their system, or you lose, or buy a new system it will ask you to transfer that link to the new system, and all previous system info is lost.

it's a great portable system, and I welcome another 3DS owner.


awesome thanks for the help 8)


i'm not sure what you mean by

The unit does form a link between the game cartridge and the unit, so if you let a friend play your game on their system, or you lose, or buy a new system it will ask you to transfer that link to the new system, and all previous system info is lost.


but it probably doesn't concern me.

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I don't usually post trailers on here, but wow this one is good. At first it's pretty raw and kinda makes you all pumped and stuff! You know it's a badass a game when a trailer less than two minutes long makes you feel cool and tough! Then we're introduced to some characters that seems deeper and more complex than anything we've seen before in a shooter, and they even have a super strong female character in there! That's really sweet in my opinion. After that there's a surprisingly emotional speech that really makes you think about what it means to be a soldier. You may lose friends, but the storm will carry us on, you know? Then after all the tears it gets all badass again, and it's just so cool and awesome and badass. I really need to get this game. So good looking.


Edit: oh wow, just watched it again (because it's so good) and there's actually a dog getting punched in there! That's so funny, considering that the new Call of Duty has a dog in it! Clever and smart! Video games!

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Guest disparaissant

Got the Old Gods expansion for CK2. It's cool being a heretic and having the ability to declare wars of conquest is awesome but holy shit having Catholic subjects makes it a huge pain. CONVERT TO NORSE PAGANISM WITH ME GODDAMMIT!

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