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Guest Mirezzi

i stand by my opinion of pineapple express. danny mcbride is hilarious in it. the rest of the film is acceptable. alfrocribass and mirezzi are fools. i think we can all agree that james franco is like a wealthy woman who attempts to enter society, have opinions and be a person but is burdened by the knowledge that, whatever she accomplishes, she'll always just be a talking vagina, nothing more.


You know what? Fine.


Land of the Lost was funny as hell.


Yes, that Land of the Lost. I lol'd hard and I still lol when it's on cable in some random hotel room at 3 in the morning post-wank.


Too far? No no no, not far enough.

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Guest Eggylips
A Man With A Movie Camera (Человек с киноаппаратом) (1929)






"Vertov's feature film, produced by the Ukrainian film studio VUFKU, presents urban life in Odessa and other Soviet cities. From dawn to dusk Soviet citizens are shown at work and at play, and interacting with the machinery of modern life. To the extent that it can be said to have "characters," they are the cameramen of the title, the film editor, and the modern Soviet Union they discover and present in the film.


This film is famous for the range of cinematic techniques Vertov invents, deploys or develops, such as double exposure, fast motion,slow motion, freeze frames, jump cuts, split screens, Dutch angles, extreme close-ups, tracking shots, footage played backwards,stop motion animations and a self-reflexive style (at one point it features a split screen tracking shot; the sides have opposite Dutch angles).

In the 2012 Sight and Sound poll, film critics voted Man with a Movie Camera the 8th best film ever made!"

New to me anyway......


There are a few different versions on youtube, I hope this is the original music in the link shown. It's Koyaanisqatsi through and through, from the shots to the score, honestly think there is some kind of law suit in there, especially the score in parts.





Men In Black 3




Have to say I really enjoyed it, sci-fi popcorn flick perfected, liked the time travel aspect which was done pretty well and was probably better than the first which is strange for a third film.



A Serious Man




Watched it straight after Men In Black 3 so a bit different, think I got it, liked it's take on faith and all that, put off watching it for a while but glad I got around to it.

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jack reacher - I can see why they needed to cast a big guy as a lot of the action and funny lines seem to centre around the main protagonist being pretty intimidating, but still they cast an imp. Beyond even that the film could have been ok if it was cut better or something/10

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Life of Pi - skimmed through it, didn't even bother with the intro as i got the message in the trailer. It's the sort of shit i'd imagine people that read deepak chopra books and regularly sip chai tea in their crystal gardens would be into. Sure it had some ok visuals, but being neither an hippy nor a stoner, i found the whole experience rather skimmable/10

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Room 237 - I don't even know where to begin with this film. Some of it is fascinating, some of it is completely fucked up. Sure says something about the power of films.

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Guest Eggylips

Well fucking cheers for the handy discussion about Man With A Video Camera, MIB 3 and A Serious man, good bit of gif action always gets the ladies flowing/// did anyone even watch "skeletons" that i posted fourty seven pages ago? or was i not enough rephlex/russian wanky rambo>? you know what, fuck this forum I've tried for ten years now and it's like shoving your cock into the usb slot when all you want to do is shake wi-fi hands with mates, you get a Mgriff making the place alive, getting the boot because he calls out joyrex for the self perpetuating parody that he is, denying his own creation and that's a few people having fun, so up there with himself denying that watmm is anything but silly humour, sci-fi propaganda and sexist rants with some de-funct human beings making some noises that a few people want to hear while dribbling like themselves, like god trying to say no to masturbation and wanking off while watching children burn on his own oven...........



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Guest Eggylips

"A toast to the good drugs always fuck gif so that video cameras and serious people, and discuss, taps a person gets the ladies skeleton 3 MIB//even to see you posting a 47 page? Or don't have the Rephlex RUS wanky> Rambo right? You know what, fucking I more to 10 years within tries to to and like push you to a USB slot, dang you wants do of is Wi-Fi of cock will and friends were holding has shook hands, this forum you can Mgriff let website life, boot, because joyrex screaming prepared permanent of is refused to has he themselves of created, this is some people funso has and you suspected just crap watmm science fiction humor is one farce and some people of sound, some people wanted to listen listen in same time, Because they don't want to tell you that God ether masturbating watching a child enrolled in your own oven's advocacy and gender discrimination, and King said."


Bad Translate before I'm banned for freedom of speech

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Guest Eggylips

fuck it, while drunk to someone who hasn't even read life of pi? nevermind wouldn't watch the film but "skim" if he hadn't had a joint..... poooof, anything you say is just meaningless after that proof of your sense,

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Guest Eggylips

and to me the naked crystal hippies are no different from the clothed digital moderators.... "Humbbbbbbbb"


they both lay weird objects on you for kicks? QPOW


honestly, life of pi is a good film, better book, you don't need to tie dye your pants while chewing incense sticks dipped into lesbian acid minges and that kind of sick misogynist material apart with your endorphined shiney chomp bars to enjoy it.........


what's the point of "skimming" any film? ???


is this not a film discussion or should we just say whatever, I skimimmed Goodefelleas, hate that skim of a car?

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Guest zaphod

iron man 3 was good fun. can't remember a single fucking thing about it. i like rdj in these movies and thank god they went down the route i hoped they would with the mandarin. could have been a dismal film if they hadn't. overall, like every comic book film i've ever seen, it was forgettable but entertaining. i think there may be some diminishing returns to these things and i'm not sure how many more i can watch. also the trailer for the next fast and the furious movie is amazing. half of it consists of people on top of things hitting other things then flying into the air. i think the next film might consist of vin diesel flying around fighting the rock in the stratosphere while paul walker looks confused. can't wait.

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Guest RadarJammer

and to me the naked crystal hippies are no different from the clothed digital moderators.... "Humbbbbbbbb"


they both lay weird objects on you for kicks? QPOW


honestly, life of pi is a good film, better book, you don't need to tie dye your pants while chewing incense sticks dipped into lesbian acid minges and that kind of sick misogynist material apart with your endorphined shiney chomp bars to enjoy it.........


what's the point of "skimming" any film? ???


is this not a film discussion or should we just say whatever, I skimimmed Goodefelleas, hate that skim of a car?

I skimmed it too once I realized it was gonna be one of those emotionally pushy art films. It's a smug film that smells its own farts.

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what's the point of "skimming" any film? ???


is this not a film discussion or should we just say whatever, I skimimmed Goodefelleas, hate that skim of a car?


I skimmed the film so that i could see the cool digital art that went into the thing. I wasn't interested in the film (nor before it, the book) because of this .....



I realized it was gonna be one of those emotionally pushy art films. It's a smug film that smells its own farts.


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iron man 3, didn't like it that much, iron man as a main character just get tiring & boring, the action wasn't very well done so it got very boring. its shame peper didn't stay a super hero and have more scenes as one as that bit was wicked. there were some really nice bits, like when he meets the little boy, I thought that whole section was great and actually engaging & funny. also when the iron man costume grabs peper in the middle of the night was freaky, i thought it would be great if the plot of the film had that through out of his iron man suit acting out of order due to his anxiety. overall 6/10 or 4/10, can't decide.

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i also watched this by Nicholas Ray (Rebel Without a Cause):


Beautifully shot with amazing colours, great story lane and so melodramatic and staged. james mason is excellent in it (bad guy in North By North West).

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Guest isaki

burn after reading - lolsy and I liked the cast 8/10

no country for old men - first time seeing this, so glad I bought the bluray because this movie looks fantastic. 10/10

true grit - brilliant 9/10

Edited by isaki
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