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stupid first world achievements and successes


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I spent 10 days once in an all-male university dorm in Japan, but not by choice. It was some kind of measles quarantine bullshit.

The one good thing that came of it is that I found out after the blood tests that I have a shit-load of antibodies. (I was immediately granted permission to go outside again as soon as I got the results lol)

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I got a big-ass tv for cheap. Just breaking it in now with Basket Case 3 on bluray. Only the best.



Holy crap, that stereo you have on your shelf... my best friend got the exact same one back in 1999.

And I also bought a new tv a couple of weeks ago. A 55” inch 4K Sony tv with HDR. Everything on it looks fucking stunning! Them colors!

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Actually cleaned up and organized my garage last night.


Got all my garden stuff and tools neatly categorized and put away. Probably opened up 30% of the floor space in there (not including the spot the car takes up). I can actually walk around and work on stuff in there now instead of sighing every time I walk in to find something.

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Got caught speeding - doing 150 (km/hr) in a 100 zone, thought I was fucking done for.

Cop dropped it down to 110 on the ticket which means I only have a $40 fine and no points off the license.

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Got caught speeding - doing 150 (km/hr) in a 100 zone, thought I was fucking done for.

Cop dropped it down to 110 on the ticket which means I only have a $40 fine and no points off the license.


damn, that was a nice break. So basically a 90+ in a 60 mph zone? 


I actually got a warning last time I was pulled over, and from a state trooper no less. They are usually an immediate ticket. I can only guess it was a weird quasi-courtesy pull over - the road I was on was 90% oil and gas trucks, ranging from really slow to really fast ones passing people recklessly, probably a lot of drivers on uppers too: it was quite nerve-racking to travel on. 

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The change of seasons means different jackets and tops come out the cupboard and like most years I find a few bank notes. So far I'm £15 richer.


Also remembered I left 2 bottles of beer in my Camelback rucksack from a few weekends ago.


All in all I would say though this is pretty good turn of events, no doubt something terrible is going to happen asap just to even the score...

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Got caught speeding - doing 150 (km/hr) in a 100 zone, thought I was fucking done for.

Cop dropped it down to 110 on the ticket which means I only have a $40 fine and no points off the license.

damn, that was a nice break. So basically a 90+ in a 60 mph zone?


I actually got a warning last time I was pulled over, and from a state trooper no less. They are usually an immediate ticket. I can only guess it was a weird quasi-courtesy pull over - the road I was on was 90% oil and gas trucks, ranging from really slow to really fast ones passing people recklessly, probably a lot of drivers on uppers too: it was quite nerve-racking to travel on.

Yeah 93 in a 60 zone. He was just sitting in the median, I was in the passing lane. He just pointed his finger for me to pull over and I did it immediately fully expecting the worst.


Truckers are fucking terrible. When they pass another semi doing like 1mph more than the one they're passing it's just like "fuuuuuui".

Also, do you guys actually care about speed limits on the interstate? When I drove across the country last year, I was going pretty damn fast and never even got so much as looked at.

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Truckers are fucking terrible. When they pass another semi doing like 1mph more than the one they're passing it's just like "fuuuuuui".

Also, do you guys actually care about speed limits on the interstate? When I drove across the country last year, I was going pretty damn fast and never even got so much as looked at.

Depends. I've been pulled over on the interstate, and so did a previous boss when we had an afternoon road trip to meet a client. Basically I keep an eye out. I don't have a radar detector or anything (are those still a thing?)

Edited by sweepstakes
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Truckers are fucking terrible. When they pass another semi doing like 1mph more than the one they're passing it's just like "fuuuuuui".

Also, do you guys actually care about speed limits on the interstate? When I drove across the country last year, I was going pretty damn fast and never even got so much as looked at.

Depends. I've been pulled over on the interstate, and so did a previous boss when we had an afternoon road trip to meet a client. Basically I keep an eye out. I don't have a radar detector or anything (are those still a thing?)



They've gone up to 80 mph in West Texas on I-10 and on the tollways like TX-130 and TX-45. 70 to 75 is pretty typical with 65 being within the cities on interstates. I think it's killed a lot of the need to go faster: back in the 90s I don't recall seeing anything over 65 mph. So TBH there's really no excuse to go beyond that. I don't trust American drivers to handle an autobahn-esque system. Somehow I still get passed by muscle cars and trucks going 90-100 and weaving around without signals though.


Ironically slow drivers in the passing lanes seem to fuck things up the most, going 60 or 65, cutting off semi trucks which need a lot of space, etc. - almost all of the time they are texting. Texting by far scares me more than any meathead speeding around. There was a bipartisan effort to ban it statewide but tea party republicans keep killing it or try to scale it back (it's popular in many local and city ordinances).


I often speed a bit when I'm driving really early or really late because no on is around on boulevards without problem. APD often is quite lax unless you are being reckless. Williamson County north of Austin on the other hand will pull you over for anything. I drive a Scion xB and I must say, I have not been fined the entire time I owned it. When I had a red VW Jetta it was a yearly thing.

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Slow drivers in the passing lanes can lick sac.


People who text and drive should lick sac and then jump in a fire.


People who don't signal can just go back to licking sac.


I must have gotten lucky then, cause I was regularly cruising at 160(km/h).

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Slow drivers in the passing lanes can lick sac.


People who text and drive should lick sac and then jump in a fire.


People who don't signal can just go back to licking sac.


I must have gotten lucky then, cause I was regularly cruising at 160(km/h).



The entire state of California should lick sac. People drive like fucking idiots here.

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Slow drivers in the passing lanes can lick sac.


People who text and drive should lick sac and then jump in a fire.


People who don't signal can just go back to licking sac.


I must have gotten lucky then, cause I was regularly cruising at 160(km/h).



The entire state of California should lick sac. People drive like fucking idiots here.



It's America in general.


Though I have to say, to my shock I actually found the drivers in LA to be generally more 'with it' than in Texas. I guess you have to be, some of the on ramps were pretty short. A lot of Texas roads in the metroplexes are so forgiving design wise it makes people more complacent.

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Slow drivers in the passing lanes can lick sac.


People who text and drive should lick sac and then jump in a fire.

These two fill me with homicidal rage. If you're that oblivious to your surroundings gtfo the road, period.
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Slow drivers in the passing lanes can lick sac.


People who text and drive should lick sac and then jump in a fire.


People who don't signal can just go back to licking sac.


I must have gotten lucky then, cause I was regularly cruising at 160(km/h).


The entire state of California should lick sac. People drive like fucking idiots here.

It's America in general.


Though I have to say, to my shock I actually found the drivers in LA to be generally more 'with it' than in Texas. I guess you have to be, some of the on ramps were pretty short. A lot of Texas roads in the metroplexes are so forgiving design wise it makes people more complacent.

I actually found the LA drivers to be not terrible. I agree about the on ramps. The freeways were not great, but better than outside Toronto.

What about people who lick sac while driving? What should their punishment be?

Drawn and quartered.

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Drivers in the SF Bay Area are fucking retarded. LA drivers tend to be a little better, but there are still people that go 65 in the passing lane on pretty much any highway you use.

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