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Guest bigloob

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It's all very simple guys, I can't believe I did not see it sooner. Quite frankly, I'm flabbergasted.

You see, if A,B,C are the points z1,z2,z3 and the angles B and C are each pie- alpha/2, then (z2-z3)^2 = 4(z3-z1)(z1-z2) sin^2 alpha/2. Now this is where shit gets real, because




Feel free to be as excited as I am right now.



You win some, you lose some. Come on, Creg!

Surely to christ there's a cryptography forum out there we can blast with the puzzle? Let them deal with it..


You don't got to a carpet shop when your looking to buy a pogo stick....


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Guest halluciphile

so its 5:40 AM here in the midwest, just got up to take the wife to work...
last night i stayed up digging in the boardsofcanada.com website. got down to trying to tease out the cover, using the info on /discography_data.xml

guessing at names for boc12_(chosecha).jpg


this one seems to be the only image name with a 7, all the others have a 12... even the blank one
and as i was diggin into their server shit started to change... the file /images/boc12_.png was no longer there, but boc12_.gif is///
i have them both... i took them, and several other images from youtube and the site background. opened them all in a hex editor, there was much information in the hex read of the bg of their site. camera information, date and time in 1998... tried the pics at the following websites:


idunno much about steganography, but the background image called "transmission9.jpg" did reveal my earlier post


I also tried the snowy pic from twitter, but that was worse.
looking at all the releases, the blank one would be the ninth 12. this next album will be (transmission 9)
there are a few other things id like to do, but most of my efforts seem to be getting nowhere.

OH and shame on all you neigh sayers!
someone is going to crack this egg, and the yolk is gonna sew some gems. -bet

yeah, and so last night i dreamt of a turquoise colored (or toned) release, with the name and the image being one in the same digital and analog.

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Guest halluciphile


this has been the BEST page on this thread, and uh// thnx everyone

ppss/ dont click on that broken image above, its a trap!
i tried to edit it back, :P

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Apparently it's been confirmed on Twoism that there are 6 of the vinyl, so 4 yet to be found (all have the same code).


confirmed by whom?


by a moderator who's 'in' on things.

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Apparently it's been confirmed on Twoism that there are 6 of the vinyl, so 4 yet to be found (all have the same code).


confirmed by whom?


by a moderator who's 'in' on things.




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You mean I have to try and remember where the record shop is, what it looks like an how to flick through those cardboard square thingys before "talking"




Apparently it's been confirmed on Twoism that there are 6 of the vinyl, so 4 yet to be found (all have the same code).


confirmed by whom?


by a moderator who's 'in' on things.




How does I downloads it?


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last band ARG i followed a mate and i ended up inserting some cryptic 'clues' ourselves for the lols, and after dozens of pages of people trying to decode audio clips we had half of the internet raging at us when they figured out it was a troll


so imma best sit this one out i think... ;)


hurry up and release the album already ffs boc

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hey jules, you know in stand by me when the kid gets a leech on his balls and breaks down and the others pick him up and strengthen his resolve to finish the expedition?


well you've just got a leech on your balls... stay strong, we can get through this.


*pulls leech off jules' balls*

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Guest Capt Kittinger

So tired of Europeans and their "maths". It's math you panty wasted crumpet munchers.


I've only ever heard Americans say "math".

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So tired of Europeans and their "maths". It's math you panty wasted crumpet munchers.


you've no idea how tired we are hearing the yanks during this entire show.

"we'd really love a live show man" "be great if we can meet them, get our photos and stuff man" "can we touch them guys"

"you know my great great grandfather was Scottish and my mum is from Yermo"


oh dear


mathematics you ball cap head



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