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The Rules: Official Discussion & Debate


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Guest RadarJammer

How about an actual age-approved NSFW subforum called "The WATMM Ghetto", still with guidelines obviously - but more leeway.

kvraudio.com has a subforum like this called "Hyde Park Corner" that deletes all threads older than 7 days and you must have 50 posts to look or post in it. pretty clever

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Some important points for this very important thread:


  • I've been a member of this forum since it was called Joyrex.com back in the late 90's/early 00's.


  • I am probably responsible for a good portion of JR's reactionary methods. I coined the nickname Papa, after all.


  • Joyrex knows for sure, but I'm confident that no WATMM member has been banned more times than me.


  • In the days of yore, I would have created an entire army of dupes to bombard the site with NSFW images in response to Fred's banning. But now, I'm tired and I want jello for lunch.


  • Go outside. Sometimes there's candy out there.


  • Fred and I are passionate soul mates.


  • I just rode my horse into this thread to say:




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Do people get warnings via pm before they are banned, or is it an instant thing? Genuine question.


Not that I ever think I will say anything remotely likely to get me a ban you understand :w00t:


Waiting to be told to 'read the rules'

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That song is horrific. But their Songs for the Deaf album is one of my favourite albums of all time. I don't know why I felt the need to defend them, but there you go.

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i was into queens of stoneage back in the day. i enjoyed that music video with all the strangely sillhouted sexual imagery because i was 12 i hadnt really had access to porn

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Still don't get why some of you are crying about prohibition of NSFW material here. Just go to 4Chan or some porn site if you need a fix.

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Still don't get why some of you are crying about prohibition of NSFW material here. Just go to 4Chan or some porn site if you need a fix.


Then what have you been doing the last 10 pages of this thread? Because it's been explained a gorillion times. We don't want NSFW material for the sake of NSFW material, we want NSFW material in the context of watmm to be shared and produced within the watmm community

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Still don't get why some of you are crying about prohibition of NSFW material here. Just go to 4Chan or some porn site if you need a fix.

this argument gets repeated over and over and some people just never get it.

no one really needs a fix, people just want to post the stuff they like for their friends in a forum they belonged to for a while. no one posted actual porn here when it was allowed, just some absurd and ridiculous gifs and stuff for the amusement. you wouldn't want to get censored in any way when you're hanging out with your bros, same principle here.

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Thanks for the answers. To be honest though, I don't think your proposal is actually a solution to the current situation. But before I dive into that, I'd like to start with giving you every bit of praise and respect for building and managing this community for the 14+ years it has been running. The amount of years alone speaks volumes. About you and all the people who have been putting their effort into it. Even the biggest Joyrex-hater couldn't deny that.


The current situation is, imo, about the difference between your ideas what this place is - or should be - about (and where it should be going) and that of the community. And frankly speaking, this difference alone can bring this community down. I don't say this as a threat. People reading this thread (and following similar events in the past) will probably come to a similar conclusion. Perhaps you've already come to a similar conclusion yourself.


In my opinion, we should use this situation to collectively look towards the future and make some collective decision about what we want as a community. The underlying implication should be that the single-man "the place is not a democracy" management style should go. This is not some issue which could be solved with "to moderate my approach to things".


This issue is solved, imo, by thinking about what this community would look like if you're not in the lead anymore. As you've said, you'll be 40 this year. And it won't be long until you could be dad to a large part of the community. IMO, you should be able to think about this place past your own shadow. Because this place should be able to keep on existing well after you've gone (for whatever reason, at whatever point in time). If you're actually serious about this place, which I think you are, this should be one of the things on your mind. Perhaps you've already thought this out for yourself. Maybe Chaosmachine is the next Joyrex, or something. Who knows.


My only point is, this should be a discussion for the entire community. Yes, this place is a democracy, whether you like it or not. Regardless of that sentence in the rules, or the amount of personal investments you've made. Especially if you want this place to be around after you have left. IMO, only a more democratic model would help this place to keep on existing after you have left. And yes, this place should still be around after you leave. At least, I hope you're not the kind of manager who gives fuck-all about what happens to a company after he personally built it up over a period of 14+ years.


I'm not saying you should leave. Now, or in the coming year(s). That's obviously in no-ones interest. But I really urge you to think about this place and what it should look like after you have left. And maybe, just maybe, if you look deep down in your heart, you might be better off if you pass on the banhammer to one or more people and have a more background/consulting role for the people running this place for you. But that's my opinion though. And I'm seriously not into some kind of personal vendetta. I just think that, like a business, times change and management evolves. (And yes, I'm some kind of capitalistic business dork. That's actually my job.)


If this is not your cup of tea, I predict you'll have many more headaches because of this place in the future. And in the worst case, some kind of "Mubarak getting kicked of his throne of Egypt" kind of scenario. The last scenario would also be pretty disastrous for WATMM, btw.


So please, think this through. Perhaps only for yourself, or with a small group of people. But in the end, the entire community should be able to have some kind of saying in this.


If you want this place to be a more civilised place, you have to treat it as such. From a business point of view; there's a considerate amount of stakeholders - and stockholders even - who should have something to say about the long term perspectives of this community.


tldr: this thread should be about what the Jr AND the community wants with watmm in the future


Also, to make this as crystal clear as possible: this is not some kind of veiled attempt towards some kind of take over. I am NOT interested in running this place whatsoever. If you don't believe me, you should read that last sentence again, but with more emphasis on "NOT".

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That song is horrific. But their Songs for the Deaf album is one of my favourite albums of all time. I don't know why I felt the need to defend them, but there you go.


It's all about their self-titled debut IMO.

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Guest Franklin

I just want to add that I wouldn't talk about funneling castor oil into a filipina tranny's pink sock in Starbucks, in my classroom, in the library, the DMV or the grocery store. But I would talk about it with my buddies at the bar, just for shits poops 'n' giggles. And that's the kind of public place I imagine WATMM to be -- just hanging out in a crowded, noisy place where people are drunk and boisterous and jovial and a bit loose-lipped. WATMMers are my bros, and I drink and talk shit with my bros, and it brings us closer as bros (don't ask how close). That's where I make connections, where I talk real and just be the piece of shit I am. Where I get away from work and all the niceties in day-to-day life to let my inner soul glow, nasty as it may be at times.


So the question it comes down to is, what kind of 'public place' is WATMM meant to be, anyway? Do I need to start thinking about this forum as more of a waiting room than a watering hole?


nice post encey;)

and just when fred came back too!!! It is worth it joyrex to keep losing 10+ year members over strict policies? guys like fred should get free passes...

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Thanks for the answers. To be honest though, I don't think your proposal is actually a solution to the current situation. But before I dive into that, I'd like to start with giving you every bit of praise and respect for building and managing this community for the 14+ years it has been running. The amount of years alone speaks volumes. About you and all the people who have been putting their effort into it. Even the biggest Joyrex-hater couldn't deny that.


The current situation is, imo, about the difference between your ideas what this place is - or should be - about (and where it should be going) and that of the community. And frankly speaking, this difference alone can bring this community down. I don't say this as a threat. People reading this thread (and following similar events in the past) will probably come to a similar conclusion. Perhaps you've already come to a similar conclusion yourself.


In my opinion, we should use this situation to collectively look towards the future and make some collective decision about what we want as a community. The underlying implication should be that the single-man "the place is not a democracy" management style should go. This is not some issue which could be solved with "to moderate my approach to things".


This issue is solved, imo, by thinking about what this community would look like if you're not in the lead anymore. As you've said, you'll be 40 this year. And it won't be long until you could be dad to a large part of the community. IMO, you should be able to think about this place past your own shadow. Because this place should be able to keep on existing well after you've gone (for whatever reason, at whatever point in time). If you're actually serious about this place, which I think you are, this should be one of the things on your mind. Perhaps you've already thought this out for yourself. Maybe Chaosmachine is the next Joyrex, or something. Who knows.


My only point is, this should be a discussion for the entire community. Yes, this place is a democracy, whether you like it or not. Regardless of that sentence in the rules, or the amount of personal investments you've made. Especially if you want this place to be around after you have left. IMO, only a more democratic model would help this place to keep on existing after you have left. And yes, this place should still be around after you leave. At least, I hope you're not the kind of manager who gives fuck-all about what happens to a company after he personally built it up over a period of 14+ years.


I'm not saying you should leave. Now, or in the coming year(s). That's obviously in no-ones interest. But I really urge you to think about this place and what it should look like after you have left. And maybe, just maybe, if you look deep down in your heart, you might be better off if you pass on the banhammer to one or more people and have a more background/consulting role for the people running this place for you. But that's my opinion though. And I'm seriously not into some kind of personal vendetta. I just think that, like a business, times change and management evolves. (And yes, I'm some kind of capitalistic business dork. That's actually my job.)


If this is not your cup of tea, I predict you'll have many more headaches because of this place in the future. And in the worst case, some kind of "Mubarak getting kicked of his throne of Egypt" kind of scenario. The last scenario would also be pretty disastrous for WATMM, btw.


So please, think this through. Perhaps only for yourself, or with a small group of people. But in the end, the entire community should be able to have some kind of saying in this.


If you want this place to be a more civilised place, you have to treat it as such. From a business point of view; there's a considerate amount of stakeholders - and stockholders even - who should have something to say about the long term perspectives of this community.


tldr: this thread should be about what the Jr AND the community wants with watmm in the future


Also, to make this as crystal clear as possible: this is not some kind of veiled attempt towards some kind of take over. I am NOT interested in running this place whatsoever. If you don't believe me, you should read that last sentence again, but with more emphasis on "NOT".

:standing ovation:

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im gonna make one last post in here,


joyrex, i really think you should keep up a ban on unpleasant NSFW images, but let text go free. let people discuss what they want, and wander off topic. thats what made this place for me.



and words on a screen dont get cached, dont get you fired, they are just words. please consider it, because i do actually like this place alot, ive been on here 3 years longer than ive known my closest friends, and it would just be great to be able to chat about stupid shit again. with no horrible images.

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