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AAA - Ask Autechre Anything - Sean and Rob on WATMM!


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Don't have any more questions to ask but thanks rob and sean for doing this, see ya if you come to new england

ok, thanks too. catch us next time if were local i guess…… :)

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Any thoughts on Drexciyan music?


yeah amazing

drexciya 2 was shocking



Oof, I hear you.. Gliding along the edges of the Aqua Wormhole

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Newbound should have been titled meowbound. Any way you could fix that huge mistake?

its pressed , shipped now, heheh, u want a fix - how could i sort that 4u. or meowbouwbouwbouwbouwbouw...

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Guest cult fiction

I have to go to work now, so I probably won't be able to catch up on the thread until after it's over. But you guys are absolute legends, thank you for doing this for 5 entire days. Catching up on this thread each morning has been awesome, really sad to see it over.


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Do you have any favourite albums or tracks in the Chris Douglas universe? I think my fav album is Seimlste. SDSS as a track is great, even though it differs a bit but hey.

HAHA bad name choice, he said O.S.T was eaten by the interwebbs


benacah drann deachd


Oh the Banach Drann is still on my listening queue. Don't know the newer stuff properly.


I've got one last question. Will you ever publish a


Kalpol Intrololo?

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no questions left, but endless gratitude for your music that had been following me for years, throught ups & down, days & nights. hugely impressed by what you achieve. thanks a lot for the questions answered, the time spent here & the ID tracking of that Beaumont Hannant tune !! :-)


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Any thoughts on Drexciyan music?

yeah out of the detroit lot, they were the first for me, to show how 'dizzy' they could get their funk, like mad mike had the funk but really fast and quite pneumatic sort of tight, and juan with his shaky proper dance club stuff, but drexciya, were super wet sounding with the ms20 type of sound they went for more often. rubbery, and yeah i really went for the overseeing nobility they played with as characters.



yeah they really created a line between what we knew about electro as kids and what was happening with techno at the time, but in a really different way to everyone else, like they had their own more correct version of history going on


in the early 90s not many techno producers were overtly referencing early electro (we def felt pretty alone in that regard when we first went to america) and drexciya seemed to be one of the only techno things at the time (other than UR and juan) who were doing it so explicitly. drexciya more than anyone really.

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Greetings again! you still keep up strong, are you glad it's almost done, or could you keep on a couple of days longer? I must say this is fan-service like I've never experienced before, just super cool of you guys to do this! :)


ok so just a a couple of follow ups from previous posts.


- so Sean, while we're at the topic of Lost and SW.... any opinons on JJ. Abrams taking the SW franchise further with epVII? On imdb the original cast (Hamill, Ford, Fisher) is even rumored to reappear in their original roles. Will you watch it when it's released? or just forget that this whole thing is even happening?


- and speaking of books/literature, were any of you guys into Roald Dahl as kids? He was my childhood favourite, Willy Wonka, The BFG, the Twits and so on... so many memorable characters! his adult fiction is pretty ace as well, read anything of that?





some more random bits (a few questions from a post way back I think they were left unanwered):


- Dali or Escher? (any thoughts why you'd prefer either)



- Did you know that "pule" actually means "to fuck" in Norwegian? was that a conscious choice when naming the track or coincidence? I think it's pretty cool anyhow, and the track is great as well. It follow that pattern from Amber and Tri Repetae were you had one more ambient track towards the end of the album. It's almost like these albums (amber, tri repetae, chiastic slide) creates some kind of a narrative in a way (but then again I guess your whole discography taken as a whole, does :)




- what do you guys think of xploding plastix? like tracks such as these:







- What kind of teas are you mostly into? had noteworthy lately you'd like to recommend?

really not feeling the kazoo in here or the washboard stuff - thats totally wack, but the carpenter esque stuff with mellotronage at the beginning is nice - overall comes over as knowingly bad goofy. some sounds in it are good - like deep acoustic percs, but its not really focussing on any in particular, like needlessly switching to the wrong instrument every time i notice a good bit. seems like they're not 100% sure what they like imo.




cheers Rob, interesting views on these tracks! (tbh i'm not into music making at all, and ehm.. know very little of the technical stuff behind the process. but I really appreciate your thoughts and opinions, very interesing). . oh.. and ehm.. feel free to consider providing something on the other q's to in my post, I'm really curious about the pule track for instance! :)



oh and one more thing, I'm sure many in here are curious about this:

*** drumroll please ***


who would win a match of arm wrestling between Rob and Sean?? and a match of pool (8-ball, etc)??




sorry for all the nagging, I'm just very eagerly excited about the fact that I'm even having an interaction with the mighty AE! it feels strange kinda... in a good way of course!


yeah ok, sorry if i was too nitpicky - hot/cold those trax. oops


but yeah re: norway 'pule' - its quite a slinky number too so could be deployed to good use?

funny someone posted that æ means 'I' in finnish was it? so yeah theres probably a few


i think seans lower arms more chunky so i'd put money there if i were u. i might win pool. we'll run that test next outing and report.



no prob man, I don't think it was too nitpicky. What do you think of Biosphere btw, while we're on the topic of electronic music from Norw?


hmm yes I suppose pule does have some seducing powers, I'll keep that in mind! while on the topic... any suggestions on how to have more luck with the ladies/dating scene? all kinds of tips is highly appreciated!



ah haha, æ is actually Norwegian again, and yes it's a dialect variation of Norwegian "jeg" which means "I" (æ is pronounced as a combination of a and e, as the form suggests). I happen to speak that dialect actually. Lot's of the vocabulary in our dialect consists of single vowels, like for instance the sentence " æ e fra Norge" means "I'm from Norway" Actually the æ vowel existed in Old English, as in words such as æsthetic and encyclopædia. Reminds me off.. .isn't the track name "dael" from tri repetae actually an old English word, "dæl", meaning "part" or "unit". In Norwegian the word for "part" is "del". (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dæl) pretty cool stuff this I think :)



Awesome! I'm eagerly awaiting that report! =)


Thanks alot man for ur time!


ah yeah re Dael. i mean it could be said as dial, or dale or whatever, so i'm glad we came upon autechre, and like that start and end of = ae, it works well in my local ancient surroundings in many ways that are cool. so yeah. thanks for the details there norway cru

It must have been asked, but didn't see an answer. Was the Japan bonus track on Exai, 18 (keyosc), a reference to the stupid WATMM misunderstanding of a supposedly new Autechre album called Kiosk?

hahah i don't think it was…. : -

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i'm off and just want to say a big cheers to you both for your inhuman displays of openness, patience and general coolness.


get your arses to glasgow soon!



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Do you have any favourite albums or tracks in the Chris Douglas universe? I think my fav album is Seimlste. SDSS as a track is great, even though it differs a bit but hey.

HAHA bad name choice, he said O.S.T was eaten by the interwebbs


benacah drann deachd


Oh the Banach Drann is still on my listening queue. Don't know the newer stuff properly.


I've got one last question. Will you ever publish a Trololo remix?

Kalpol Intrololo?



ah it's worth it for that name alone

bit late now tho eh

It must have been asked, but didn't see an answer. Was the Japan bonus track on Exai, 18 (keyosc), a reference to the stupid WATMM misunderstanding of a supposedly new Autechre album called Kiosk?


ah - :whistling: you'll never know

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what do you think about Terrence Dixon?

dunno, haven't been played any - detroit guy right? . sorry any good suggestions?



his classic releases on Tresor, Background recs



and recent are not bad too (as Population One)




he is kinda voodoo man

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This one is probably difficult so just whatever comes to the fore of your minds at first: What are some of your favourite pieces of euphoria inducing music (considering that different things are euphoric for different heads)?

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no questions left, but endless gratitude for your music that had been following me for years, throught ups & down, days & nights. hugely impressed by what you achieve. thanks a lot for the questions answered, the time spent here & the ID tracking of that Beaumont Hannant tune !! :-)


yeah np at all, massively happy u found Beau, get any stuff of his


basic data manipulation




mostly mind blowing - yet, too clean to be so, somehow.


yr welcome,

Just want to say you guys have made my whole week... really appreciate it.

Hope to see you in NYC soon.

ok - like new york a lot. hope so!

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what do you think about Terrence Dixon?

dunno, haven't been played any - detroit guy right? . sorry any good suggestions?



his classic releases on Tresor, Background recs



and recent are not bad too (as Population One)




he is kinda voodoo man



yeah i can tell i'm gonna like this, gonna do a bit of catchup here

thanks for this, good pick

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what do you think about Terrence Dixon?

dunno, haven't been played any - detroit guy right? . sorry any good suggestions?



his classic releases on Tresor, Background recs



and recent are not bad too (as Population One)




he is kinda voodoo man


yeah thanks , we like the magics

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wait, you named someone's left nut Hitler, but shied away from proposing baby names? Clearly you don't fully appreciate the solemn, terrible responsibility inherent in naming someone's balls. Next to that, naming a kid is a walk in the park...

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This one is probably difficult so just whatever comes to the fore of your minds at first: What are some of your favourite pieces of euphoria inducing music (considering that different things are euphoric for different heads)?


'now this is fun' by depeche mode always gets me in a really up state, but it's not really euphoric in the way most people mean (i.e. 'too many fizzy synths')

wait, you named someone's left nut Hitler, but shied away from proposing baby names? Clearly you don't fully appreciate the solemn, terrible responsibility inherent in naming someone's balls. Next to that, naming a kid is a walk in the park...


i know and hitler? how lazy


you could have called it bobby

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Don't have any more questions to ask but thanks rob and sean for doing this, see ya if you come to new england

ok, thanks too. catch us next time if were local i guess :)
Will do. Looking forward to Twelb lel Edited by YELLOW
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no questions left, but endless gratitude for your music that had been following me for years, throught ups & down, days & nights. hugely impressed by what you achieve. thanks a lot for the questions answered, the time spent here & the ID tracking of that Beaumont Hannant tune !! :-)


yeah np at all, massively happy u found Beau, get any stuff of his


basic data manipulation




mostly mind blowing - yet, too clean to be so, somehow.


yr welcome,

Just want to say you guys have made my whole week... really appreciate it.

Hope to see you in NYC soon.

ok - like new york a lot. hope so!



always really liked these



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Guest aht romain

Thanks for your answer about recury.

I finally dare to ask you some words about one track of mine:

Just because it may be my only opportunity in my life :)


Hi again, just in case you miss this post, i post again, i dont need compliments (i dont care), just words about your feelings by sharing sounds i made.To be very happy to know that my stuff went once to your ears :)

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