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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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can quite believe what i'm seeing on the news, night after night


no-one is taking any responsibility


where is the fuckin management of aid


seriously thinking of taking a sabbatical from work/studies and joining some kind of organization, have a passport ffs strong back, wtf

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so i just saw a clip of jeb bush on stephen colbert wtf man, this is so bizarre, they have turned politics into a weird reality show to hide the real politics.

Edited by Deer
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I saw mcafee on alex, he was ok on privacy, but then wouldn't commit on illegals, instead deflecting to moan about local people with no initiative living off welfare, wtf man, many people in the US are working but receive so little in hours or compensation that they receive the government assistance as a matter of course or they wouldn't survive, then many of the low pay jobs that are left over after the manufacturing base was offshored are being filled by illegal labour. So US citizens have to apply for welfare because easy of entry, low skill jobs you could traditionally rely on to be there have been taken by hoards of invaders willing to work for nothing. This has especially impacted the black communities. But shadow stats shows massive non participation in the workforce across the board.


John mcfaffee

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Didn't think I'd be posting in this thread again, yet here I am


So a 13-year-old boy got charged with second-degree assault by the Baltimore PD for kissing an unwilling 14-year-old girl in a dare. Which forces me to indulge in my ranting bluntness once again: Fuck you, you stupid-ass teachers for calling the cops, and fuck you pigs for pressing said charges. You bunch of fucking petty paranoid puritanical prude pussies.

'K I'm done.

Edited by ambermonk
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did you see that story of two 16 year olds that were charged with cp or something cause they were sexting one another. Apparently under state law they're allowed to fuck but god forbid you send a naked picky to your lover in that state that would be transmitting sexual imaginary of a minor. So the girl was charged for sending the pic and the boy for receiving it. The girl copped a plea and the boy is fighting it. fucking hell, the sooner they make it law that phone or computer communication is like mcafee put it, a whisper, so a private conversation and protected, the better. Apparently it was some overzealous moralizy grandstanding sheriff at fault. Quite happy to ruin those kid's lives, cause that shit follows them for the rest of their.

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Didn't think I'd be posting in this thread again, yet here I am




So a 13-year-old boy got charged with second-degree assault by the Baltimore PD for kissing an unwilling 14-year-old girl in a dare. Which forces me to indulge in my ranting bluntness once again: Fuck you, you stupid-ass teachers for calling the cops, and fuck you pigs for pressing said charges. You bunch of fucking petty paranoid puritanical prude pussies.


'K I'm done.


holy shit I can't believe that's for real

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Didn't think I'd be posting in this thread again, yet here I am




So a 13-year-old boy got charged with second-degree assault by the Baltimore PD for kissing an unwilling 14-year-old girl in a dare. Which forces me to indulge in my ranting bluntness once again: Fuck you, you stupid-ass teachers for calling the cops, and fuck you pigs for pressing said charges. You bunch of fucking petty paranoid puritanical prude pussies.


'K I'm done.


holy shit I can't believe that's for real
As real as dead babies floating on Greek beaches.
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Didn't think I'd be posting in this thread again, yet here I am




So a 13-year-old boy got charged with second-degree assault by the Baltimore PD for kissing an unwilling 14-year-old girl in a dare. Which forces me to indulge in my ranting bluntness once again: Fuck you, you stupid-ass teachers for calling the cops, and fuck you pigs for pressing said charges. You bunch of fucking petty paranoid puritanical prude pussies.


'K I'm done.


holy shit I can't believe that's for real
As real as dead babies floating on Greek beaches.


So, commonplace and only entering the news when it needs to create partisan political issues in foreign countries? =/


Plot twist: survivors of that boat are now saying the father (I'm presuming you're talking about the now famous 3 year old kid) was the captain who bailed ship after 4 minutes.


Also it's rumored he's an economic migrant only leaving because he needed free dental work (not kidding, he needed 14K worth of work done, allegedly).



BUT! This is the America thread, sorry for the tangent.

Edited by StephenG
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