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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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So apparently the white supremacists devout patriots of this nation took it upon themselves to torch Nike shoes in protest of Kaepernick being their latest spokesman. I don't believe Nike is above questionable ethics in terms of employing cheap labor in overseas sweat shops, but this latest butthurt from the reactionaries is just lol.

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Speaking of Nike, I bought some Reebok socks recently and they are the most comfortable socks I've ever owned.  Probably the cheapest also.  I'm afraid to look into their production practices because I'm sure I'll find horrid sweatshop labor of the worst order.  Relevant, as this wilful ignorance of mine exemplifies how the world views the American way.  Plus technically Canada is part of America, even though that's not what anyone means when they refer to Americans... never quite understood that discrepancy.

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Saw this posted on FB. Food for thought.


Tomorrow, someone born after 9/11 can enlist to go to war in Afghanistan.

A 38 year old deployed to Afghanistan in 2002 could have a grandchild who would be old enough to deploy there now if each generation had a child at 18.


Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan in 2011. Back then, kids planked, LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem was on the radio, and the iPhone 4 was "the most powerful iPhone ever."


Today, major newspapers run headlines like "Seventeen years after Sept. 11, Al Qaeda may be stronger than ever."¹


In 2007, the U.S. took command of the NATO mission. Of the seven American generals in charge, one was fired, one forced to resign, one later became famous for sharing classified information to his mistress, and one replaced because of his suspected involvement in that scandal.


While we were sending eventually disgraced generals to command over the war there, tens of thousands of Afghan civilians were killed. This year, nearly 17 years into the war, the U.N. said civilian casualties had hit a record high.²


Obama called Afghanistan "the good war." It is not a good war. While Afghans die and Americans stay relatively safe in large airbases with most the amenities of home, the U.S. tests weapons to use in future conflicts. Afghanistan is treated as a war lab.³


Special Operations Forces mostly hunt ISIS-K, a small group formed over 13 years after the war began in remote parts of Afghanistan, while al-Qaida is ignored and the Taliban take over the country.⁴


Afghanistan today is not is a place where America is building a safer country for Afghans or even a place to fight a threat to the U.S. It is a place for foreign soldiers to practice their skills and shoot videos of themselves killing people.⁵


On this September 11th, I'm thinking about how much worse we as Americans have made the world in seventeen years. I'm thinking about what I can do to make even part of it a little better.


I hope you are too.








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the confederate White-House in Richmond was an unintentionally chilling & surreal museum


zero mention of slavery, emancipation or any reference to Lincoln, Sherman or Grant, but a whole LOAD of period photos of confederate dandies with sartorial elan crimes bursting out of the frames & a facial hair fetish that defies description, even today


proper weird as f&ck, think Stonewall J is still up while Arthur Ashe continues to be ignored too

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the confederate White-House in Richmond was an unintentionally chilling & surreal museum


zero mention of slavery, emancipation or any reference to Lincoln, Sherman or Grant, but a whole LOAD of period photos of confederate dandies with sartorial elan crimes bursting out of the frames & a facial hair fetish that defies description, even today


proper weird as f&ck, think Stonewall J is still up while Arthur Ashe continues to be ignored too



because it's on purpose. daughters of revolution.. 


How Southern socialites rewrote Civil War history






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no doubt the agenda of the museum's mangerial trustees/beneficiaries or whoever the fuck funds it, but nonetheless it was still proper wtf for the 21st century & only an hour from DC....Alexandria VA still has a Jefferson Davis highway so i get why these things are still so deeply embedded, still, you'd think if the political will was there (O'bama cough splutter) a revision of some kind would've already been sorted


to contrast & from a fading memory system, there was a really intriguing park center @ Harper's Ferry with a much more nuanced information guide, which seemed the pattern in certain states where balance shifts from site to site, but even the main battle sites in VA & even the Gettysburg site in PA seemed to manage being both respectful & educational


as for the statue debate, we still have Protestant/Unionist marches in the north of Ireland on July 12th, year in year out, celebrating bs from the 1600's while drumming up the hate & burning towered pyres of metaphorical fenians, so certain societal healing & cultural faultlines may never be fully transcended


edit: fuck all this anyway, time for Bill Monroe


Edited by cwmbrancity
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