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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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34 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

i can only hope that "dehumanized muzzle fuckface" of a valet was fired immediately and that 5 star beverly hills hotel does a better job ensuring all their "valued" guests receive the upmost care and assistance while using their amenities

odd. her calling someone else dehumanized (not sure she knows what that word even means) with that filter on her face that makes her looks less human than a barbie doll.

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On 12/21/2021 at 11:54 AM, cichlisuite said:

We therefore conclude that perunamuusi knows best.

This session is now adjourned. All comments are henceforth invalid.

Thank you for your contributions, gentlemen.

Let's not forget to thank Wisp for the soundtrack.

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

starting to see Trump/DeSantis 2024 bumper stickers around town 

i'd be surprised if they ran together. i remember not too long ago trump sent desantis a warning shot about running for office


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14 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

starting to see Trump/DeSantis 2024 bumper stickers around town 

years ago in north carolina i saw many "Hannity/Coulter" bumper stickers around

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On 12/19/2021 at 1:09 PM, thefxbip said:

And this is exactly why i think communism is not radical enough for me, existentially and politically.

It does not question the concept of power itself. It still goes along everything that is rotten in politics. It does not go deep enough. It's a superficial philosophy that is not willing to go into the real depth of the preconceptions and assumptions we may have about the world, ourselves and human relationships.

It is in some way very conventional and weak in it's critical analysis of what power is and the extent of its necessity.

It's still just a basic political manifesto not looking at the full picture of the human experience. It does not include psychology, philosophy at a deeper level, secret instincts and subconscious motivations of human beings, will to power and egoism.

It just falls short for me sorry.

You can all the good intentions of the world, when power hits you, the egoistic traits of human nature are underlined. Every.Single.Time.

Communism might look ok on paper but in practice its a superficial sham and a disconnected ideology not taking in consideration the human nature that corrupts in contact with power, the tendency to seek destruction of the other when you enter antagonistic views.

''we'll take power and then abolish power''

It's absurd. It's like saying we'll cure the poison with more poison.

Abolish power straight away.

I think the critique of the commodity form alone is enough to be considered a radical transformation.  I think you're venturing into religion here and into a place, with mentioning psychology and philosophy, that is moving away from what is appropriate for a revolutionary to hope for.  How exactly is what you say achieved without extreme power?  The ultimate contradiction.  As Engels said:


`Why do the anti-authoritarians not confine themselves to crying out against political authority, the state? All Socialists are agreed that the political state, and with it political authority, will disappear as a result of the coming social revolution, that is, that public functions will lose their political character and will be transformed into the simple administrative functions of watching over the true interests of society. But the anti-authoritarians demand that the political state be abolished at one stroke, even before the social conditions that gave birth to it have been destroyed. They demand that the first act of the social revolution shall be the abolition of authority. Have these gentlemen ever seen a revolution? A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon — authoritarian means, if such there be at all; and if the victorious party does not want to have fought in vain, it must maintain this rule by means of the terror which its arms inspire in the reactionists. Would the Paris Commune have lasted a single day if it had not made use of this authority of the armed people against the bourgeois? Should we not, on the contrary, reproach it for not having used it freely enough?`

Your post to me sounds like bikeshedding, complaining that what is a truly liberatory revolution for so many billions on Earth is just not enough, not spiritually pure.  You can be a post-communist psychologist or philosopher and move on from there.  But to oppose communism, as so many anarchists end up doing, on these grounds you put forward, is naive.  How exactly do you think your revolution you dream of can happen without communism first or in parallel?  Or in other words, with capitalism in-tact?  It can't.  Thus communism is essential and being a communist is essential.

I'm an anarchist at heart and for this reason I'm acutely aware of the importance of continued revolution after communism.  Communism is not the final step, not by a long shot.  I empathize completely with the deeper yearning for more radical transformation

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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17 hours ago, Nebraska said:


this fucking guy has billboards on highways and shit around here with all sorts of douchebaggy catchphrases like "deport all illegals" "shut down the border" and other such thinly veiled racist crap, that makes any sane thinking person want to hurl. and his smug fucking squashed glaring midget face is posted up there high in the sky, just waiting for a bird to fly by and shit all over it. if any billboard deserves to be shotgun blasted, its his.

I hate that reality has come to this. there is no more healthy balance in the US political system. being a republican now is essentially synonymous with being a closed minded, racist, arrogant twat. the dems are far from perfect, but at least they don't openly flaunt their racist BS like good ol' donny boy up there does. no one deserves to die a more painful humiliating death than these smug republican cunts. and watch, he'll probably get a ton of votes, come close to getting elected, or some other stupidness.

are there any islands left on this planet one can move to to get away from all this??

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29 minutes ago, zero said:

this fucking guy has billboards on highways and shit around here with all sorts of douchebaggy catchphrases like "deport all illegals" "shut down the border" and other such thinly veiled racist crap, that makes any sane thinking person want to hurl. and his smug fucking squashed glaring midget face is posted up there high in the sky, just waiting for a bird to fly by and shit all over it. if any billboard deserves to be shotgun blasted, its his.

I hate that reality has come to this. there is no more healthy balance in the US political system. being a republican now is essentially synonymous with being a closed minded, racist, arrogant twat. the dems are far from perfect, but at least they don't openly flaunt their racist BS like good ol' donny boy up there does. no one deserves to die a more painful humiliating death than these smug republican cunts. and watch, he'll probably get a ton of votes, come close to getting elected, or some other stupidness.

are there any islands left on this planet one can move to to get away from all this??

Yes - those billboards are puke-worthy. I’m sure Y’all-Qaeda is lapping them up though. Sad times.


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26 minutes ago, ignatius said:

jfc that guy is so cringe. 

it's so embarrassing. guys like that further perpetuate the stereotype that Texans are yee-ha stupid redneck racist cowboys. I know most intelligent individuals realize this isn't the case, and far from applicable to everyone here. Texas has one of, if not, the most diverse cities in the country (Houston). DFW where I am is a megalopolis packed with folks from everywhere. we're not all wearing cowboy hats, boots, and starched collared shirts, but guys like this want to keep that imagery alive, and all the other supremely out-of-date attitudes that come along with that. "the illegals are coming" oooh scary shit y'all!!! I'm more worried about what those Q fuck nuts are planning on doing once JFK fails to make a grand re-entry...

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18 hours ago, zero said:

it's so embarrassing. guys like that further perpetuate the stereotype that Texans are yee-ha stupid redneck racist cowboys. I know most intelligent individuals realize this isn't the case, and far from applicable to everyone here. Texas has one of, if not, the most diverse cities in the country (Houston). DFW where I am is a megalopolis packed with folks from everywhere. we're not all wearing cowboy hats, boots, and starched collared shirts, but guys like this want to keep that imagery alive, and all the other supremely out-of-date attitudes that come along with that. "the illegals are coming" oooh scary shit y'all!!! I'm more worried about what those Q fuck nuts are planning on doing once JFK fails to make a grand re-entry...

The macho man Wild West tropes have become a central tenet of conservatism in the US, they have romanticized lawlessness and that makes firearms even more central to their self image. Your gun is your dick, if you have no gun you’re not a real man. A lot of Texans still have their head up their ass believing Texas is still an independent republic (semantics) and will be returned to its previous “glory days”. Which none of them were alive to see in the first place.

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