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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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1 hour ago, Nebraska said:

anita hill can attest to that

yeah. and that's par for the course of his entire professional career as well as his education.  other women have said that in his apartment he had a well organized stack of porn mags. somehow categorized by some system he created. one pile was a couple ft tall and like 4ft x 4ft in the middle of his living room like a coffee table. his walls had pin ups on them from various magazines. he used any and every situation at work in whatever jobs he was doing to make really weird sex 'jokes' or innuendos. 

the podcast series talks about his early life and all that.. and how he came from pretty much the poorest situation in the america at the time. literal dirt poor. there's all these experiences he had which would seemingly make for a different person than what he is now but he's somehow the opposite or something. it's a bizarre story

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43 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

now this is what i'm talking about. john kennedy clearly knows how to fix the state of louisiana, especially when the current senator has clearly been terrible for the last 5 years

saw that on my Louisiana based TV (or was it a YT ad?) this morning. he’s got some of his head in the right place tbh, but 85% of his shit is…shit. and the whole ‘crime sucks! me and my friends have been in power for decades here and the crime sucks, but only me and my friends can make it better!’ argument is just fucking laughable. only the dumbest fall for that shit, but here in LA (the real LA, not you west coast city of angels Hollywood elite libz :trollface:) we’ve got more than our fair share of idiots who keep eating it up.

Edited by auxien
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after musk finishes his twitter purchase he should rename twitter to "american's diary" then shut it down before other countries start making up problems just to compete with us



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54 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

his son came out guns blazing after that interview:

today there was a herschel walker prayer meeting to "rebuke the devil" because there's still a race to win you know

Herschel was on Fox today trying to defend himself (again), and as usual he stuttered his way thru half thought out sentences  repeatedly using “God” as his defense “I spoke to God and he has forgiven me” before claiming the get well card was a forgery, and “he doesn’t know who sent it” and “I’ve never met her before”. He kept trying to claim how devout and religious he is, except, oh yeah. He’s running against a Baptist minister. ?? 

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38 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

He’s running against a Baptist minister. ?? 

and not just any Baptist minister but the guy who is/was the minister of the church that MLK was a preacher at. it's a historic place. 



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3 hours ago, zero said:

in hindsight, it was all planned so perfectly when you think about it. install a con man as leader of the US. let him shout as loudly as possible as much BS as he could muster. the message of political lies drenched in arrogance seep into a large swath of the US populace, who feed off of the lies. they can relate to them wholeheartedly as they themselves are full of nonsensical beliefs, thanks to social media perpetuating bullshit. eventually this goes on long enough, so that anyone speaking the truth is looked at with disbelief, and viewed as an antagonist. the truth speakers hide now and the lying idiots are in full command. this is where we are now in this story.

now my question is who planned all this, i.e. who is pulling these strings? early on it was led to believe that perhaps Vlad had masterminded donald's rise to the top...that by installing a complete idiot as president, this house of cards would eventually crumble, and devolve into the shouting and madness we have today. but thanks to Vlad's idiotic war in Ukraine, it is looking more and more like he himself has lost the plot, and is more like the wizard of oz than the machiavellian schemer everyone thought he was...

with internet the world has become a village. so instead of something nice, the village idiots are the loudest, and some know to benefit from it in a big way. so let's say you have huge money because heritage, and you are groomed into a society that is a world of its own - separated from the rest, with more or less zero rules (no honor among thieves heh) that otherwise apply to "ordinary citizens". so, with a large monopoly assets (media, for instance) you can spin any fad or movement, or even start one of your own. you own the news networks, and tabloids, and social media moguls are your budies (because you gave them money for their startups), shit spreads like wildfire. then you (well not you, but your vassals) find people who would willingly work your bidding, and you make them a star by dragging them on every prime-time, hot social media format, putting words in their mouth, or just manipulate the narrative and suppress everything opposing.

i mean, how is biden a president? he is clearly a senile pedo, and they have him by the balls for it. so there you have your "man". you think a senile babbling pedo is able to figure out many complex strategic questions? he's just there to talk nice big words (if he can) and sign the laws and orders (so it's "legit"). they all are, all presidents. faces for hire: stars of the theatre. boris johnson? lol, seriously. macron? von der leyen? zelenskyy? fuck me, right?

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On 10/4/2022 at 8:15 AM, zero said:

my true belief is even more depressing than trying to lay this 'merican shit show all on some malicious actor(s). we are at this point due to a degradation in human morals that has been happening for quite some time now. degradation that has been launched into overdrive, thanks to modern technology. and then there's the whole laws of karma, cause and effect...all that jazz. humans do enough bad shit to each other, the planet, then you reap what you sow. I'm not trying to sound doom and gloom, it is what it is. only thing I can do is try and live life according to principles/values based off of truth, not lies and/or social media.


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18 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

i mean, how is biden a president? he is clearly a senile pedo, and they have him by the balls for it. so there you have your "man". you think a senile babbling pedo is able to figure out many complex strategic questions? he's just there to talk nice big words (if he can) and sign the laws and orders (so it's "legit"). they all are, all presidents. faces for hire: stars of the theatre. boris johnson? lol, seriously. macron? von der leyen? zelenskyy? fuck me, right?

I'm not the biggest Biden fan either, but senile "pedo?" wtf? remember the alternative to him was not even an option, therefore I had no choice but to vote for him.

I agree that the role of a president is largely symbolic, that "real" decisions are made by other individuals/groups, and the president is the messenger. a president is essentially the same as a CEO. a CEO in a well functioning organization is not making decisions solely, but utilizes others in the company to provide accurate information and consultancy, in hopes that the right decisions can be made. but as we know, there are a lot of shit companies out there (and governments), that don't follow a model such as this, and the CEO/president is actually a tyrant (e.g., trump, putin) hell bent on controlling everything due to a massively oversized ego.

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2 hours ago, zero said:

no choice but to vote for him.

voting in USA is all about Harm Reduction imo. almost 100% of the time.. it's about who will do the least harm or might push forward some kind of policy that might make life a little less shitty for some part of the US population. none of these people are going to go all in on making a society be what we want it to be. they're going to be disappointing.  so, when presented w/2 options in any election.. federal, state, local.. i vote for the one who is not a complete sociopath who might do one thing decent in 2 or 4 or 6 years or whatever. 

in the end they're all part of a pretty shitty system that is actively ruining people/places/things locally and all over the world. 


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2 hours ago, zero said:

I'm not the biggest Biden fan either, but senile "pedo?" wtf? remember the alternative to him was not even an option, therefore I had no choice but to vote for him.

they are all equally despicable. i get carried away.


I agree that the role of a president is largely symbolic, that "real" decisions are made by other individuals/groups, and the president is the messenger. a president is essentially the same as a CEO. a CEO in a well functioning organization is not making decisions solely, but utilizes others in the company to provide accurate information and consultancy, in hopes that the right decisions can be made. but as we know, there are a lot of shit companies out there (and governments), that don't follow a model such as this, and the CEO/president is actually a tyrant (e.g., trump, putin) hell bent on controlling everything due to a massively oversized ego.

of course the structure as you described is there, but the people who comprise this structure are both fallible and corruptible, and enjoy a certain immunity from prosecution, either by law, or by gatekeeping (done all the time). when you vote biden or trump, you don't vote biden or trump, but rather their sponsors (and ideology), so the choice you make it completely illusory; you get fucked either way, it just hurts differently. sometimes i think people don't really grasp what that entails. on top of that, the power centers will protect this status quo with all means, because it's their power base. no alternatives ever come close to competing. things are being perpetuated that are exactly opposing the concepts of "serving the people".

putin is a gangster and definitely certifiable.

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10 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

no alternatives ever come close to competing.

which is too bad. instead of voting for 1 team or the other, can't we vote for an entire new way of doing this? the answer of course is no, because change is not possible due to the locked in nature of this system. dem, R, either way it's the same shit. like @ignatiussaid, best to vote for the lesser of the 2 evils. right now it appears the dem party is that, since the R's have gone morally awol, thanks to don the con man.

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