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^ flol mesh !                                                                                                           syd swans r crap tho




1 year ago (edited)

From the moment we all rolled off the production line we had Elitism, Religion, Government, War, Disease, Death. Leaving them at the front door. Let's shake off the idea that they can't be amongst us and imagine for a moment that they have always been amongst us, looking exactly like us and in fact being indistinguishable from us. Add to the scenario the fact that they are so way ahead of us technology wise that we are as controllable to them as a giant hand in space could be, spinning this planet on the end of its first digit or throwing the earth itself across the solar system.

If they can themselves design life, species, environments, then are they not capable of designing themselves into organic robot form? They say we only use a small proportion of our brains. Is this designed in by our makers. Perhaps they want all the features of themselves but none of the brain power and intelligence. Isn't this how we perceive the perfect robot would be, no trouble to us and under our control at all times.

Isn't it almost 100% believable that we are all manipulated? Even without the above our lives in many respect appear to be controlled by outside influences and throughout our lives, a cradle to grave model.

So if they are here and if they have been here for thousands of years they would have had to of built a social structure to keep out the robots they have made for themselves, wouldn't they? Wouldn't there be within that social structure, robot society controlling morals, and principles. I'm pretty sure we train animals with some intelligence, in fact isn't this trait to train things around us, in us, as it's in our very own makers. So then isn't this manipulation proof of the controlling pudding? 

Our make up is their make up because we are them but a controlled/trained version of them.

Now go back to the front door for a second, open it and look at what lies there on your door step.


Indeed not the four horsemen but 6, (There's that number again).  Elitism, Religion, Government, War, Disease, Death.


Is it not so so easy to accept the above when you remember the constraining walls built to hold us in our place? The system that has held us as robots since our conception remains intact and after all the thinkers we have had. Isn't that proof of a far superior intelligence. Let's face it we have still not worked out how to escape these walls. We simply can't work out the puzzle.


If someone told me this is what you are, this is the truth. I may not like it, but in many ways it would explain many things, and I mean most things about how my life occasionally feels. Don't you know too? That sort of stuck in someone else's game feeling. Freedom without complete freedom. An almost perfect case of perfect societal control, if you're a robot.


Science fiction or science fact, am I that far off the mark? The truth will set us free.

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