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the world isn't ready for your post-dank material


tbh i'm surprised you people don't find it funny that someone would draw such a nonsensical and stupid strip that ends in such an abrupt and awful way, plus that kind of tablet-drawn shitty linework is so awful and generic it makes me laugh. it's as if they were catering to some otaku quasi-fetish that just makes no sense, and to me that's where the potential dankness lies


eh, horses for courses i guess

Edited by poblequadrat
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well, i'll try harder next time


just to clarify, the joke is this is like brony material but the ponies themselves are absent if that makes any sense? like otaku fetishism but the fetish itself isn't there and the result barely makes any sense but is still recognisable. dialectical memes


anyway i'll shut up for now because this page deserves better

Edited by poblequadrat
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I wasn't dissing your posts I just seriously don't get it, just like many people don't get the stuff from the previous 59 pages. Seems like deconstructional dank, also known as dankconstructional or post-dank [citation needed]. You could be on to something here

Edited by ThatSpanishGuy
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I'm currently reading As I Lay Danking by William Dankner, purchased from Mrs alco's fine establishment. it's not as dank as this thread, but it's p dank.

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