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9th MOST IDM Tournament: Brainstorming


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i really hope the poll will literally say "my avatar"

haha geez... my bad :emotawesomepm9:



stepheng's avatar



just look at that guy... if that's not idm....


It's like sheatheman meets... I don't know. sheathe meets "age" and the 16th century or something

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Yelling "sean plz" during the breakdown in an autechre live set. You know when the breakdown will occur because you've downloaded all the rips from the previous gigs of the tour.


The unforgiving gravitational pull of The Walking Dead.


Having sexy time with a porno dwarf while high on LSD in a hotel in Birmingham.

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Being handed a new set of parameters


Handing out a new set of parameters


Inventing your own pseudo-scientific tonal scale as the basis for a series of releases in increasingly obscure media formats


Releasing music that is entirely composed, produced, and mastered in the digital domain as vinyl only


Digital vinyls

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New Sony cassette tape that can hold 148 gigabytes per square inch of tape.



“The tape uses a vacuum-forming technique called sputter deposition to create a layer of magnetic crystals by shooting argon ions at a polymer film substrate. The crystals, measuring just 7.7 nanometers on average, pack together more densely than any other previous method.”



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