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and this sentence can kill any hope for 2016 and 2017:

"(...) AE_LIVE isn't being presented as a complement to their last album, or a replacement for a new album—it is the new album."



no it doesn't

1. it looks presented like a fact, but is it? it looks more like an excuse to put it on the list of live albums if you ask me

2. "because we want to get to a point where we can just spit an album out in real time. I'd say we are close to it, if not actually there already.” an actual quote from the same friggin text



Assuming that I am the first to hope that between us will be you to be right, unfortunately I have to bring evidence in favor of my fears:
1) the article in question was reported directly from the warp records: it has officially spread via fb, and considering that this is the first occasion on which Warpr goes public opinion on AE_LIVE, I think it is legitimate to trust the content of it.


2) We should check how far the statement is "actual": probably they were referring just to what later has been: AE_LIVE
Personally, I'm still waiting for the last three live, just to touch the symbolic number: twelb.
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There wasn't even a listing on normal Bleep for it just the AE store right? And no physical


I find it extremely unlikely that this is "the" new album as in a replacement for it. But if it is honestly I'm satisfied. At this point they are the only music I need in this world

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There wasn't even a listing on normal Bleep for it just the AE store right? And no physical


I find it extremely unlikely that this is "the" new album as in a replacement for it. But if it is honestly I'm satisfied. At this point they are the only music I need in this world


True, there is no normal listing and no physical: in my opinion just because the AE_LIVE project is not even closed: list and physical will come at the end... who know...

are the only music I need in this world

same here... same here, damn...

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There wasn't even a listing on normal Bleep for it just the AE store right? And no physical


I find it extremely unlikely that this is "the" new album as in a replacement for it. But if it is honestly I'm satisfied. At this point they are the only music I need in this world



The money that Warp makes from a new album from one of their labels staple acts which they can promote and sell physical copies of guarantees that a new album (EP/whatever) will be on its way at some point in the not-too-far future.

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There wasn't even a listing on normal Bleep for it just the AE store right? And no physical


I find it extremely unlikely that this is "the" new album as in a replacement for it. But if it is honestly I'm satisfied. At this point they are the only music I need in this world



The money that Warp makes from a new album from one of their labels staple acts which they can promote and sell physical copies of guarantees that a new album (EP/whatever) will be on its way at some point in the not-too-far future.



I hadn't actually thought of this. The fact that Warp's hardly mentioned AE_LIVE does suggest this isn't the album.


Either way i'm completely satisfied if it is. Still absolutely immersed in this stuff and only just scratching the surface of the newer five.

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there's some neat damage/destruction going in the latter halves of the 2015 sets... but it still feels like the same animal, the skeleton being picked clean. the transitions between parts, in the 2014 sets, seem better fleshed out, where they're kinda hasty/abrupt in the later sets. for example, in Dublin, the transition into the 'Bloc' section/farty bass gallop takes several minutes. it's gradual and organic, whereas at Nagano, it's as if they just cued it up, with no prior development.


i'm satisfied with this material, appetite is sated. they'll put something new out when they have something worthwhile.

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I don't think there's any way they'd release any of the ae_live stuff on a trad album format.


wtf would be the point?


warp might want to, for the cash-flow, but i can't imagine da boyz would artistically allow it.. "you got 9 versions of each track in pristine quality already man. "


Rather i could see them jamming out some other tracks with the same or enhanced patches. Kinda like the Oversteps tour, but in reverse chronologically. Ie tour first with live jams then album.


I see these sets as their 2015 full-length release. "album"? In a way, yes.. but in a way, no.


Not sure why warp haven't promoted it more. Maybe they don't know how cos of the format?

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im sure warp does, but it certainly seems like something different is going on.



any new ae comes with promo and special editions, etc. they know what a rabid fanbase they have with ae, which is why i highly doubt this is "the new album". there is no way they wouldn't capitalize on something like that.


maybe some vinyl reissues soon and then new material this year? i'd bet on that personally.

Edited by jules
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maybe they are trying to be more autonomous, less coordinating with warp, and trying to do without those things (promo, editions), and making up for it profit-wise with more product (9 hours so far) and less overhead (no manufacturing, advertising). they can put an article out when they feel the need to (this dickfork thing)


there was a comment about how much time they had to spend debugging their system to make it reliable in the live setting. i wonder if they have been dedicating their time over the last couple years to this stuff, and so don't really have a lot of "studio album" stuff on hand?

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I mean I wouldn't discount the real possibility that these online only releases could make just as much money as physical releases. Each physical release might make what a few dollars in profit? These online releases are pure profit minus minor bandwidth costs


Maybe this is the way they're going and AE have mentioned they like digital cuz it's green n stouf

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Not sure why warp haven't promoted it more. Maybe they don't know how cos of the format?


because we're speculating...


i think because they (warp, ae) are still experimenting and not ready to do a proper promotion. and another thing playing a role might be that them ae boys didn't want the good old warp promotion team doing their work, but wanted a more low key approach (mailinglist invitees and all).


if its the first, promotion might still come. if its the second, than ae themselves might not consider it as being a new album.


the reason the first option might be at play, is that i haven't seen any pieces on what warp is trying to do with their new strategy (apart from those livesets). if warp had some brilliant new concept of making music available (faster than with the usual release schedule), than there would be some pieces showcasing their new strategy to help artists out and all that nice stuff. i haven't seen or heard anything like that, so things might be still under wraps for a reason.

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OR maybe they are waiting until they upload the north american tour stuff, because it seems like it would be better to invest in the advertising when you have 30 hours there ready to buy!



pls :smile:


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I know plenty of artists get peeved off with the lead times between finishing an album and their label actually get it released.


Ae could in theory record a live session / jam / gig and upload it to their webshop straight after, And charge whatever they like for it.


And I would buy it.


All they need is to get designers republic to churn out a bunch of random triangular pictures to use as covers for whenever they decide to upload new content

Job done.

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I know plenty of artists get peeved off with the lead times between finishing an album and their label actually get it released.


Ae could in theory record a live session / jam / gig and upload it to their webshop straight after, And charge whatever they like for it.


And I would buy it.


All they need is to get designers republic to churn out a bunch of random triangular pictures to use as covers for whenever they decide to upload new content

Job done.

I like this action

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nagano is fucking insane


its like all these sets are made up of little balls of sound being played one after another. with the earlier sets the balls are closer together and smoothed together, but with nagano the balls are spread apart more and not smoothened at all they are more discrete


its so good. FUCKCC

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The money that Warp makes from a new album from one of their labels staple acts which they can promote and sell physical copies of guarantees that a new album (EP/whatever) will be on its way at some point in the not-too-far future.

I have the impression from reading AE's interviews that Warp gives them complete creative freedom, and they also said in Quaristice-era interviews that they had no attachment to physical formats and that as far as they were concerned the actual product was the FLACs1. So it wouldn't surprise me if they decided to abandon physical releases and Warp was OK with it. The lack of promotion for the soundboards is odd, though.


I mean I wouldn't discount the real possibility that these online only releases could make just as much money as physical releases.

In the Incoonaboola interview they said that apart from playing live, downloads were their main source of income.


Personally, if it should turn out Twelb is the live recordings, I'm OK with that. They're really bloody good and it's going to take me a long time to digest them all.


1 I realise that this was around the same time they released two different CD versions of the same album, one of which had an expensive-looking etched steel cover. I don't know whether that was their initiative or Warp's.

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