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Two Thousand and Sixteen: The Thread


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- lose track of time and not even care/know if its 2016


- a will to live


- learn the wim hof method


- learn learn learn


- become self-employed


- make music and shit


- peace and happiness for my family and of course watmm and the world


- maybe start growing my own weed, seems the safest/hassle free method to obtain in a illegal state


- maybe stop eating foods with added sugar, i had 26 years of it i had enough probably

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Sex, drugs and drone ambient.


If 2016 can top 2015 it's going to be fucking awesome but so far there's not that much in the horizon. Still quietly optimistic.

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I'm gonna release a fucking album. Fucking finally. Even though it's far from what I was planning on doing.


I plan on getting a new job. Even if I don't I'll probably quit my job.


Also, I look forward to doing sound design and music on new and exciting projects. Also, if everything goes well I'll be doing the sound design for a video game. Can't wait!

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Guest unteleportedman

Way more music making/output. Should be a lot easier to do and want to do now that I will have my own music room very soon.


In short: was living with my gf and her mom together for months, maybe over a year. But her mom just recently moved out, and we signed lease/taking over apartment. So now one of the old bedrooms is going to become my studio room.



I'm also looking forwarding to hopefully finding a new Dr. soon, and seeing about switching to new anxiety medication that will actually affect my symptoms.

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Saving money

Expanding my job skills

Seeing my cousins and Aunt again


More movies

New games

getting healthier

Watching my nephew grow

bonding with my father

Renewed interest in writing

Hoping the world will get better

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I already posted this in the other 2016 thread :p


Ay'way, my 2016 plans/hopes


1. Go back on a veggie diet & lose weight and be healthier overall

2. New job/residence

3. New video games (especially Hyper Light Drifter and No Man's Sky...and hopefully Routine. Not sure yet about XCOM2, Doom 4, or Deus Ex: Mankind Divided)

4. Maybe travel again back to Japan...or visit New Orleans for the first time

5. Trump loses presidential bid. Bonus if Bernie Sanders wins


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Find a job (i hope programming or designing stuff or both)

Have money

Make moar muzak


Meet new people

Do stuff I haven't done

Make a peruvian cumbia music band

Play tunes live

Make animations

Write more

Sleep more

Study more

Not die (hardest shit)

Make more creative stuff

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New music releases. My BoC fandom is convincing me that there is a possibility of action on their part. The actual reasonably functioning part of my brain is saying otherwise lol. Tim Hecker is releasing a new album. Trying to think who else...

The sooooo damn many great games: Uncharted 4, No Man's Sky, WoW: Legion, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Final Fantasy XV, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, etc.

Moving into town again where everything is in walking distance, internet is better, etc.

Setting up a little studio in my new place and making tunes again.

Hopefully further improvements in my health.

Maybe find myself a nice girl again for the first time in years. Hopefully I can do this by September as I turn 30 then. Ugh.

Reading all the new Star Wars lore that comes out.

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