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Who wouldn't want ET's finger up one's ass.



the finger w/the light on the end? if that's the finger then sure.. but not an ordinary ET finger. i want my butthole to glow. 

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There’s gotta be a fetish outlet for that, somewhere:


“Honey, i’d like to experiment this evening with a bit of a change to our wonderfully diverse n varied role playing proclivities”


- “What’s that dear, Mengele’s clinic n yer fishing waders again?”


“Getting a bit repetitive that. Been watching this Bob Lazaaar documentary on’t interwebs &....&....alien abductee + light emitting anal probes?”


- “....———....———....”

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Have you ever thought it was odd that UFO simply refers to a flying object that isn't identified, and has nothing to do with aliens?


yes and no,


yes b/c I agree it's one of those things where the pop culture definition equating it to aliens is now so solid it makes even those interested in the subject forget it's original literal meaning


no because if you actually get into the history of it there's so much overlap with both other unusual and unexplained visual phenomenon (will of the wisp, auroras, sun dogs, swamp gas, st elmos fire) as well as post-WW2 technological developments - low orbit rockets and missiles, satellites, high speed jet aircraft, high altitude spy planes like U2s and SR-71s being spotted by civilian planes, etc. A plethora of completely unprecedented aerial objects filled the sky in a mere decade.


hell until I lived by an airport a few years ago and commuted by it regularly I had never seen planes take off and land during fog and mist at night: they literally looks like typical UFOs - no blinking lights, bright auras, hard to discern shape and size, and seemingly hovering


Foo fighters still fascinate me though - they really buck the whole post-WW2 / post-Roswell alien contact narrative. A lot of UFO/paranormal speculation surrounds late 19th century events - things like the Aurora TX incident, mystery airships, or the Tunguska event. Futher back and you get into really gray area like Ezekials Wheel in the bible and a variety of UFO-esque descriptions in various religious books and myths. Erich von Däniken milked that stuff for decades.

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Have you ever thought it was odd that UFO simply refers to a flying object that isn't identified, and has nothing to do with aliens?


yes and no,


yes b/c I agree it's one of those things where the pop culture definition equating it to aliens is now so solid it makes even those interested in the subject forget it's original literal meaning


no because if you actually get into the history of it there's so much overlap with both other unusual and unexplained visual phenomenon (will of the wisp, auroras, sun dogs, swamp gas, st elmos fire) as well as post-WW2 technological developments - low orbit rockets and missiles, satellites, high speed jet aircraft, high altitude spy planes like U2s and SR-71s being spotted by civilian planes, etc. A plethora of completely unprecedented aerial objects filled the sky in a mere decade.


hell until I lived by an airport a few years ago and commuted by it regularly I had never seen planes take off and land during fog and mist at night: they literally looks like typical UFOs - no blinking lights, bright auras, hard to discern shape and size, and seemingly hovering


Foo fighters still fascinate me though - they really buck the whole post-WW2 / post-Roswell alien contact narrative. A lot of UFO/paranormal speculation surrounds late 19th century events - things like the Aurora TX incident, mystery airships, or the Tunguska event. Futher back and you get into really gray area like Ezekials Wheel in the bible and a variety of UFO-esque descriptions in various religious books and myths. Erich von Däniken milked that stuff for decades.


Oh yes I agree that it now implies aliens. People probably don't even use the term outside of the context of aliens anymore. Just thinking of the original meaning compared to 'aliens' there was definitely a shark jump moment when the phrase was first used to mean aliens.


I was actually about to say before I looked up what foo fighters meant, that my 'favorite' ufo sighting are the ones by pilots where they will see objects zipping at incredible speeds while airbourne. I agree they are fascinating and there's always this idea of 'maybe' after hearing these stories.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

watched that bob lazar docu. was vaguely familiar with his claims from my younger days, but never really followed up on it until now. i don't know if i buy it. if you are investigating an alien power source to reverse engineer it, i am sure you would probably have more than two guys working on it, no matter how compartmentalized you want it to be. understanding how it works could have huge implications. or then by the time lazar was there it was near to be mothballed because they had tried for decades to figure it out and never gotten anywhere. or then ol' bob just spinning a tall tale for his own amusement.

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1 hour ago, azatoth said:

watched that bob lazar docu. was vaguely familiar with his claims from my younger days, but never really followed up on it until now. i don't know if i buy it. if you are investigating an alien power source to reverse engineer it, i am sure you would probably have more than two guys working on it, no matter how compartmentalized you want it to be. understanding how it works could have huge implications. or then by the time lazar was there it was near to be mothballed because they had tried for decades to figure it out and never gotten anywhere. or then ol' bob just spinning a tall tale for his own amusement.

He's roleplaying for attention

If anything he says is true there would be more substantive details here.  Why would they let some random dude walk around the craft unless there was a set plan of exact experiments to be ran?  Why isn't he describing scientific tests upon the materials for strength, thermal properties, scanning electron microscope analysis of cross sections of chunks of the UFO, etc.?  He's just using buzzwords and talking about gravity a lot in vague ways that suggest he doesn't understand what he's even talking about, but knows most of his listeners won't be able to figure out that fact.

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I think the appeal of these bullshit pushers is that they are often very eloquent and talk in a way that evokes very vivid imagery of the abstract things they are talking about, despite it being fabricated.  It makes theoretical sense that a UFO would look as if it's constructed from one mold rather than separate parts which are then assembled, because if some advanced civilization far away was sending out probes to scan the universe, they would not be hand-made and valuable but rather mass-produced throwaway technology.  It gives a sense of the scale of the scenario he's describing the government being involved in and humbles the listener.  Most likely he should have been a Sci-Fi writer but instead he wanted to become a cultural figure posing as someone telling the truth

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  • 2 months later...

why wouldn't they have stuff like this? the B2 Stealth bomber was developed in the 1970s... imagine what it has evolved into by now - something very similar to this TELOS craft I'd wager.

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On 6/23/2019 at 3:42 AM, plugexpert said:


The issue with this, is that it's a MAJOR logical stretch to assume that just because someone can convincingly tell a story, it means that story is true. There needs to be a higher threshold of belief that involves actual physical evidence when it comes to major claims like "aliens", and not whether or not someone is a convincing storyteller and you just feel his story is true.

On 6/23/2019 at 5:02 PM, Zeffolia said:

I think the appeal of these bullshit pushers is that they are often very eloquent and talk in a way that evokes very vivid imagery of the abstract things they are talking about, despite it being fabricated.  It makes theoretical sense that a UFO would look as if it's constructed from one mold rather than separate parts which are then assembled, because if some advanced civilization far away was sending out probes to scan the universe, they would not be hand-made and valuable but rather mass-produced throwaway technology.  It gives a sense of the scale of the scenario he's describing the government being involved in and humbles the listener.  Most likely he should have been a Sci-Fi writer but instead he wanted to become a cultural figure posing as someone telling the truth

yeah it's annoying when people try to sound smart by constantly referencing smart sounding things. There's a reason the popular science communicators like Neil deGrass Tyson dumb it down for us layfolk: they actually have something of substance they want to get across and aren't trying to impress you with smart sounding words.

And yeah the guy is a good storyteller, it's entertaining to listen to him. But 99.999% chance it's just a story.

Edited by Brisbot
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musk at an AI conference the other day said we have not found aliens yet. "trust me i would know." timestamp link. i guess, if sightings are real, then the us government doesn't know what they are, either. this is consistent with what other governments have said. they are aware of a phenomenon of sightings, but don't know what it is.

Edited by very honest
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why would you believe anything apartheid clyde says? even if musky has some sort of security clearance since he's involved with government contracts, i am sure it doesn't involve knowing this sort of stuff.

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