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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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It's so surreal that there has already been an assassination attempt on Trump

I honestly can't even tell anymore if "president Trump" is a real prospect or not


well there's already been that British guy who got arrested for (planning? attempted?) assassination

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Trump is probably getting the best assassination the world has seen, ever. Let me tell you, he works with some of the best assassins in the business and he's going to die better than any other president. Make a murder great again.

Edited by Gocab
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Trump keeps meeting with media moguls and billionaires. He's anti-establishment, remember guys?



probably because he wants to set up his own network based around his supporters.

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Trump keeps meeting with media moguls and billionaires. He's anti-establishment, remember guys?



probably because he wants to set up his own network based around his supporters.


That already exists, though


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It's so surreal that there has already been an assassination attempt on Trump

I honestly can't even tell anymore if "president Trump" is a real prospect or not


well there's already been that British guy who got arrested for (planning? attempted?) assassination


toplel, i bet he felt silly when he saw he'd come to Scotland. could have saved the airfare m9.

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I would tell him to find someone who understands who the boss will be, someone who is not running to, someone who he could serve with who he wouldn’t need a taste test, a food taste-tester around him, you know? You know what I mean? Someone who is going to be loyal to what the boss’s agenda is. That’s going to be real important, too. And someone who had experience, too, again, coming from the private sector, connected to the essential people in this country, and not part of the political establishment that has been part of the problem.



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Trump is probably getting the best assassination the world has seen, ever. Let me tell you, he works with some of the best assassins in the business and he's going to die better than any other president. Make a murder great again.



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ugh. I have nothing but scorn for Nahyan and "the people of the emirates". those oily greedy fuckers ought to be paying/providing for their toiling foreign labourers better instead of trying to suck up to the powers of the day. (while at the same time maintaining what is effectively religious and ethnic apartheid in their own country.)

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Poll Finds Grand Total of Donald Trump’s Support with Black Voters: 1%

Republican nominee Donald Trump has 1% (yes, out of 100%) of support from black voters, finds a new Quinnipiac poll.

By comparison, 91% of black voters backed presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The poll showed Clinton leading with 42 percentage points over Trump’s 40 overall, and qualified that these returns were too close to call.

Trump had support of 47% of white voters polled over Clinton’s 30%, while Clinton beat Trump with Hispanic voters by winning 50-33%. Republican nominees traditionally have not won the majority of support from African American voters, but they’ve done better than Trump is polling now: Mitt Romney won 6% of the black vote in 2012, John McCain won 4% in 2008, and George W. Bush won 11% in 2004.

“You’re not going to find a lot of black people who openly support Donald Trump,” Trump supporter Pastor Mark Burns, an African-American preacher from South Carolina, told the New York Daily News. “If they openly supported Donald Trump, they’d get viciously attacked within their own community.”

Edited by caze
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do you think Time is suppressing Trump's massive support amongst black americans, or are you just shit at jokes?

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