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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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sigh for any number of reasons.. he's right.. we could've had him as the candidate but that didn't happen.. or ya know.. interpret the sigh as anything.. general vibe of sadness and disappointment at the way things are. 


Clinton will be a better president than Bernie anyway, so it's cool. No guarantee he'd have done any better against Trump either.

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sigh for any number of reasons.. he's right.. we could've had him as the candidate but that didn't happen.. or ya know.. interpret the sigh as anything.. general vibe of sadness and disappointment at the way things are.

Clinton will be a better president than Bernie anyway, so it's cool. No guarantee he'd have done any better against Trump either.

Why do you think HC would be a better president than Bernie?

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total tangent, but...


I wasn't aware of all the "vote swap" / "vote pairing" websites out there this election. for example if you live in a swing state, someone from a state that will favor one candidate in a landslide can "trade" votes with you so that the swing state voter, who for instance would vote jill stein, will vote for hillary instead, in return for another voter in a separate state voting for stein. since no money or bribery is involved in this trade, it's been ruled legal in the case of porter v. bowen, years ago.


this seems incredibly shady to me and I really dislike this practice, even if it can help lessen "insincere voting" (picking the lesser of two evils) and give third party candidates a vote - somewhere - instead of someone voting out of fear for a "spoiler" candidate.


my problem is with the ethics of this practice. I truly believe we should all vote for who we want as individuals, not vote "strategically" and allow someone else to make our vote for us and casting our vote for someone we don't believe in. My stance, should it be made law eventually, could hurt third party candidates, but that's because plurality voting sucks in the first place. While it's not without flaws, if we could run national elections through instant runoff tallies instead of plurality counts, we would much more quickly (and ethically) lessen this problem and still allow third parties a voice. 


idk if anyone else even cares about this, but it bothers me. it is not a fair representation of people's individual choice - it introduces a level of insincerity that tops even the "fear voting" can't bring to these elections. 




(ps: vote swapping has only been a thing since 2000, when "nader traders" introduced it to help al gore in swing states and still encourage individuals more votes for nader, so he would get public funding at the next election)

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I wonder how long before Comey is fired/steps down. 



This guy Comey needs to get his ass fired.

Still, it's possible that Comey did successfully manage to forestall an even worse outcome for the bureau — that is, an adversarial leak from anti-Clinton elements within the FBI aimed at sinking her election chances in the final days.

Well, something seems to be going on with the FBI. Better to get to the bottom of that first, than to fire the director, imo.

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I wonder how long before Comey is fired/steps down. 


This guy Comey needs to get his ass fired.

Still, it's possible that Comey did successfully manage to forestall an even worse outcome for the bureau — that is, an adversarial leak from anti-Clinton elements within the FBI aimed at sinking her election chances in the final days.

Well, something seems to be going on with the FBI. Better to get to the bottom of that first, than to fire the director, imo.



i read some headline the other day but couldn't be bothered to read the article.. something like "FBI is similar make up to Trump's base". 

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for those not in the know: john podesta is the campaign manager of hillary clinton.


welcome to hell, kids








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for those not in the know: john podesta is the campaign manager of hillary clinton.


welcome to hell, kids









Are you fucking kidding me?

What in the hell is that to do with the current state of USA (sadly the world too) politics?


Plz guys help Hill Harry get elected just because the world needs more sensible persons in charge and not more bile-spouting war-mongering macho...

For me it bowls down to a few things:

-Repeal Obamacare?

-Tax cuts for the wealthy?

-Trade tariffs with China?

-Build a wall against Mexico?


If you answer 'no' you're on the right track

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Trump is so stupid, he doesn't even realize the limits of executive order, he would need the full support of Congress to pass sweeping initiatives like this bullshit, which would never happen.


nah man. he's a strong, no bullshit, real man, that speaks his mind. He can get anything done, because he was able to turn millions of dollars into billions of dollars which is like the hardest thing ever, because the expression "it takes money to make money" is not based in reality whatsoever, and democracy is easy to control if you're not a punk bitch.

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Trump is so stupid, he doesn't even realize the limits of executive order, he would need the full support of Congress to pass sweeping initiatives like this bullshit, which would never happen.


nah man. he's a strong, no bullshit, real man, that speaks his mind. He can get anything done, because he was able to turn millions of dollars into billions of dollars which is like the hardest thing ever, because the expression "it takes money to make money" is not based in reality whatsoever, and democracy is easy to control if you're not a punk bitch.


Because, like the USA isn't democracy...


I'm more affraid of Turkey for now; If 'we'(the west and NATO) let Erdogan do whatever he is doing it's going to be a real problem for the EU and the Middle-East down the road.

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I just can't believe he is going to be president, how can you take life seriously after that? i feel so depressed lol 


A win for him doesn't look likely, though. 

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this was posted on r/the_Donald with the headline "The only way this won't happen is if you don't vote!!"


so, i think that means they think this image is pleasing. 



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this was posted on r/the_Donald with the headline "The only way this won't happen is if you don't vote!!"


so, i think that means they think this image is pleasing. 



lol david dees, the same guy that brought us this beautiful work of art:




also the trump pic above seems to have left out a small detail http://ddees.com/

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