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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Doesn't change the fact that the dingleberries off my arse are more qualified for these positions then most of em


Good on yer boss Josh.  Most of my generation (probably hers and yours too) were taught that it's impolite to discuss politics in certain venues, and I'm somewhat encouraged by how people are realizing that we can no longer afford this luxury, b/c if you leaving the issues to the media and comment board netizens blowing hot air leads to nothing but poo soup.

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Good on yer boss Josh.  Most of my generation (probably hers and yours too) were taught that it's impolite to discuss politics in certain venues, and I'm somewhat encouraged by how people are realizing that we can no longer afford this luxury, b/c if you leaving the issues to the media and comment board netizens blowing hot air leads to nothing but poo soup.


Knowing her it was really just a sign that she cares for our mental well-being / showing solidarity. 


She really doesn't wear politics on her sleeve, just encourages employees to participate in voting and participating / being aware of government. Most of us working here would normally fit under the apathetic working class / lower middle class block of Americans who usually tune this stuff out, which in that context makes a reality show celebrity becoming POTUS quite surreal. 

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In a country where 45+% of the people didn't vote, this is what you get. In a country where we cast aside reasonable candidates and promote the worst via media, this is what you get.


It's been said before me - but I feel like Heston at the end of Planet of the Apes. God damn us all to hell

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