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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Trump wants to ban Cannabis again because "good people don't smoke Marihuana".


The USA are fucked. Not even a real democracy:




The people living there should do something about this.

This chart is a little misleading though, because total population of the US is not the same as the population eligible to vote.


Still, voter apathy is one of the big issues the US democratic system faces.

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'Approximately 58.1 percent of eligible voters cast ballots in last week’s presidential election, according to the latest estimates from Michael McDonald, associate professor at the University of Florida, who gathers data at the U.S. Elections Project. That’s down only slightly from 2012, when turnout was 58.6 percent, and well above 2000’s rate of 54.2 percent. Turnout may end up being higher than in any presidential election year between 1972 and 2000. (It’s already higher than in any midterm election since 1896, according to McDonald’s numbers, including the paltry 3.9 percent of voters who turned out two years ago.)'



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Trump wants to ban Cannabis again because "good people don't smoke Marihuana".


The USA are fucked. Not even a real democracy:






The people living there should do something about this.

This chart is a little misleading though, because total population of the US is not the same as the population eligible to vote.


Still, voter apathy is one of the big issues the US democratic system faces.


Hey, you can't just come and spoil populism with facts! It's 2017


edit: still not a real democracy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy_Index#Democracy_index_by_country_.282016.29 :P

Edited by darreichungsform
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Trump wants to ban Cannabis again because "good people don't smoke Marihuana".


The USA are fucked. Not even a real democracy:




The people living there should do something about this.

This chart is a little misleading though, because total population of the US is not the same as the population eligible to vote.


Still, voter apathy is one of the big issues the US democratic system faces.



That chart isn't just misleading, it's wrong. 62,985,106 people voted for Trump, 65,853,625 voted for Clinton.

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"I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy. We needed independent media to hold people like me to account," [George W.] Bush said. "Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse their power... It’s kind of hard to tell others to have an independent free press when we’re not willing to have one ourselves". 

:psyduck:  What, can the Devil speak true?
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:cattears: Pls, you can even do Iraq again


“It's very important for all of us to recognize one of our great strengths is for people to be able to worship the way they want to, or not worship at all. The bedrock of our freedom — a bedrock of our freedom — is the right to worship freely,” the former president said. “You see, I understood right off the bat, Matt, that this was an ideological conflict and people who murder the innocent are not religious people. They want to advance an ideology and we have faced those kind of ideologues in the past.” 


- George W. 'The Antichrist, or the devil, take your pick' Bush

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that generation isn't dying off fast enough. ironic given the state of healthcare for most people.


On a sidenote, I look forward to the day when all the Cold Warriors in the US and Russian governments are dead and buried too.



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Trump 'seeks $54bn increase' in military budget


'Donald Trump has reportedly proposed an increase in the 2018 US defence budget by $54bn while imposing funding cuts to other domestic programmes and foreign aid.


"This budget follows through on my promise on keeping Americans safe ... It will include a historic increase in budget spending," Trump said as he met state governors at the White House.'





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